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by Sam1427 on 04 July 2008 - 05:07

You got that right, Agar. Both major party presidential candidates have no clue about basic economics and it's not that hard. I do believe that Obama the socialist is more likely to wreak economic havoc than McCain the clueless. Let's discount the minor party candidates since they don't have a snowball's chance in H. of winning. I have no patience with bleeding hearts who want the U.S. to continue pouring money down every third world rat hole when that money only ends up in tyrannical dictators' bank accounts.

Preston, blame the public schools for the lack of civic knowledge, like whether the U.S. is a democracy (God forbid!) or a republic.

Okay, enough politics for me tonight.

by Do right and fear no one on 04 July 2008 - 06:07

Two Moons:  SSDD

Preston:   I have to admit that you are correct about your "Republic vs Democracy" statements.  That is what the founding fathers intended.  Only property owners who were not female, yellow, red or black, were allowed to vote.  However, we have grown.



by KYLE on 04 July 2008 - 06:07

Preston Rocks!  Everyone else is sheep.  Stay asleep.  Believe everything your Gov. tells you. Don't worry about a thing.  Of course they have your best interest at heart.  Why would your leaders ever lie to you?  How could anyone have ever seen 4 bucks a gallon for gas? 

Now this is power.  Go shoot someone in the face, report it 12 hours later, don't give the police access to the crime scene (private property your know), then get the person you shot to apoligize to you.  Now thats Big Pimpin Cheney style.


by BabyEagle4U on 04 July 2008 - 07:07

Preston is right with most the stuff he posts. I'm very glad to read it and not be the one to post it. I do though on the ******* forums.    It's a sheep oops shame people don't believe it. Ohh well. Stupid is as Stupid does. This would be a perfect example to fix yalls stupid.

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. - Abraham Lincoln



by Preston on 04 July 2008 - 09:07

betree, osama bin laden has had a "trade name" >  tim osman and worked for one of the intel agencies.  He had a number of doubles and was shaped, trained and mind kontrolled (MK ultra style) during the russian invasion of afghanistan and was the liason between the "company" and the mujahedan in afghanistan.   The so called confession tapes were made by actors (doubles) who wore rings and watches in the basement of l*ngely video morphing lab.  Muslim fundamentalist mind kontrolled blood lusting killers (and they are a small minority but exist from the gladio training from "the city"), do not wear watches or rings.  It is a serious "no-no" in their faith.  Tim was the "cutout" used for the patsy, like oswald.  When our special forces had him surrounded and wanted to finish him off in Afghan., permission from the top had to be given first and was continually refused.  This is well and reliably documented in the very fine book "Jawbreaker".   

It is very difficult for a person untrained in deep cover black ops, and/or sources and methods of intelligence gathering and covert operations to fathom the concept of machiavellian, gladio style, agent provacateur or inside job terror ops like the 9-11 twin tower murders (approx 3,000 immediate victims with a potential for 30-50,000 later deaths or more from the toxically contaminated dusty air afterwards (many have died already and a good number are being refused adequate treatment).  Remember Christy Todd Whitman  who was head of the EPA at the time certified ground zero and surrrounding community free of toxic contamination immediately after the murderous attack when she had no scientific reason to do so.  Like professor Marshall McLuhan stated so many times, secrecy laws are only necessary for the small secrets, since the big ones are just incredulous to the masses. (Ignorance = refusal to look at all the science & evidence). Many  folks could have a nervous breakdown if they saw the truth all at once. It needs to be gained a little at a time.  I tell you earnestly that anyone who examines all available evidence about the 9-11 twin tower murders with an open scientific mind will come to believe that the 9-11 murders were a gladio style inside job, similar to what was proposed in Operation Northwoods by the joint chiefs (but denied by JFK).  Google it and gladio terror groups in italy where they got caught and exposed like P2 and permindex when they tried to assassinate French  Pres. Degaul (sp?) for which a movie "day of the jackal" was made about.  Watch the free movies on the web such as "9-11 the Ripple Effect" or "Loose Change Final Cut", or "End Game".  Or study all available info on these websites:  , with the last one perhaps the most shocking.

by Preston on 04 July 2008 - 10:07

Okay, here is the end game of the elites who run our shadow govt and have taken control over our republic criminally.  Not for the weak of heart.  Most cannot fathom it and willnot be able to believe it.  These elite shadow govt  groups are addicted to power, crime, perversion and yes, mass murder.  They want continual wars (for business, and other reasons to further their own long term geopolitical goals).

They have all the money they want since they control its issuance and printing.  They are addicted to war, murder and evil.  These same groups assassinated JFK, MLK, RFK, Malcom X and many other high givt officials that crossed them in any way.  They got away with murdering JFK, MLK, RFK and then they murdered approx 3,000 at the twin towers and thousand more died later. (of course they di the same at the murrah building, ask Rep. Charles Key). They murdered many more in useless unecessary staged wars of recent years, and now they want to murder our Constitution, Bill of Rights, economy and the whole country we live in.  They believe that the usa must be destroyed in order to bring in their north american union and one world global govt.  They are committed to reducing the population of the us by a very large factor, and converting much of the areas into massive "nature beltways". 

What very few here will know about are the extension nazi style rendition flights where "so-called prisoners" are snatched off of the street and taken to secret prison camps and many specially outfitted "secret prison ships" in int'l waters.  Many of these prisoners are tortured on these ships, some murdered and dumped overboard after being weighted down.  We all heard about the abuses at abu graib in Irag.  What you didn't hear is that approx 45-50% of the muslims snatched off the streets and sent to abu graib and these secet prisons and ships were innocent of any terror acts, and were just kidnapped and sold to the americans for bounties paid per person by neighboring war lords that didn't like their tribe or klan and wanted to eliminate them.  Unless things change at some point american citizens who are deemed potential domestic terrorists will be snatched and taken to fema prison camps that are either already built or now being built.  Reno identified these as any fundamental religious person, christian, jew or muslim, and especially christians who carry their bible with them and go to church 2 or more times/week.  I wish that I was wrong on all this and am always willing to examine any new evidence and science related to these issues.

by Preston on 04 July 2008 - 10:07

It is really amazing to me that almost any average person I meet and talk to and get to know, whether they are from the far right, far left, democrat or republican, when it all settles out really want the same things as I do, namely a country with the rule of law for everyone, and a country patterned after the Constitution and Bill or Rights as the founding fathers desired.  Liberty which is the freedom to pursue happiness without bondage placed on us by rulers above, and is a wonderful thing we all want.  The founding fathers wanted the message of this LIBERTY proclaimed from every church bell tower and every rooftop.  I have found that this forms the common ground even with folks I differ politically with.  We need to keep the Constitution and Bill of Rights alive and viable and route out all the corruption of the elites in shadow govt that have criminally taken over our govt by stealth, deception and duplicity.  These folks are the enemies within that our founding fathers warned about. We need to use the system and route them out with a groundswell of populism from very street corner, every home, and every neighborhood and every city.  We need to expose their lies, duplicity and deceit to all the citizens and vote em all out.

I suggest everyone go back read and study the Constitution and Bill of Rights and the famous quotes and letters of our founding fathers Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Franklin and many others. 

May freedom and liberty reign in the USA, the greatest country in the world, today on this fourth of July, 2008. May God bless each and every one of you. 

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 04 July 2008 - 10:07

I saw a man on the news flying the flag upside down and his nieghbor's are appauled saying he doesn't have the right.

He's anti american they say.  

He's a american and a patriot, and he's saying we're in trouble.   He has that right.

Someone didn't quite understand the burn it down thing so I will explain that I meant we can't fix this mess without some serious change's,  and I don't see that happening the way things are now.  

Sometimes a good burn is needed to clear out the weed's and insect's to make room for new life.  Get rid of the parasite's and invasive species.  

Happy fourth.



by BabyEagle4U on 04 July 2008 - 16:07

I tend to have a more extreme view of the correction process, useing the 2nd as intended to reclaim what is ours. Useing our collective intelligence and military resources to eliminate the cancer that slaves all people around this globe, a new foreign policy courtesy of the Founders of the US Constitution as signed. I'm dreaming I know, but .... it could happen. The bastards know it can happen.

It is evident we cannot vote them out. We can't even honestly vote peope in. 2008 election coverage and Media proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Our modern day students are insulted and infronted ... deliberately lied to when FACTS are proven, documented then delivered. The corruption thrive on our higher education, take our notes, then publicly lie to yall while concealing the FACTS for corporate gain and living power over the "sheep". Believe it. Depopulation is a profitable decline for these people, especially in the Medical Field. Be prepared now, because they know the American sheep won't round up quietly.

Ya, Happy 4th of July .... wonder what the bastards are doing today ..... laughing at the comedy show in America I'm sure.

I raised my Betsy Flag this morning in distress @ 4:30am on the north peak .... by 10:00am people are on there knees crying near the flag pole. The interesting thing is ... you can only see my flag from the interstate.

Have a great day.


by Do right and fear no one on 04 July 2008 - 16:07

Well, I guess most of us agree on God Bless the USA and Happy Fourth.

Of course there are those that say G.D. the USA.  There is a bad apple or two in every bushel.  Such is life.  You just have to pick out the bad ones and dispose of them.  Me, I give them to the goats and chickens.

Yes, two moons, he has that right.  I have the right to not like it and call him an a-hole.   Don't I?


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