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by GSDfan on 11 April 2008 - 15:04

A friend of mine had greatly admired the sport for sometime, especially since she started cheering for Andy and I from the sidelines. She felt the sport was just out of her league and was not confident in her handling ability.

I encouraged her to take her young import and give it a shot, just have fun and enjoy learning I said. So she did just that in August of last year. I prepared her for attitudes and comments she might face with her showline, but was pleasantly surprised how well she was received at the semi-private trainer I sent her to.
Her dog might not be the highest flyer or the hardest hitter but she’s doing very well and both have made great progress in just 8 months (and bravo to the trainer Jim Hill for getting them there).  I want to congratulate Renofan and “Molly” on a job well done, keep up the good work! I hope this may inspire others to get out there and work their dogs, have FUN and try new things no matter how “out of your league” you THINK they might be.
Please NO negative comments, PM me if you feel the need.

by eichenluft on 11 April 2008 - 15:04

Looks AWESOME to me!!!  This is, IMO, what the sport is all about.  Or one of the things it's all about.  People getting together, working dogs and enjoying it - the sport, the club members, and the dogs.  The owner and the dog should be having fun.  It can be as serious or goal-oriented as the individual chooses for themselves, but it should ALWAYS be fun and rewarding for owner and dog, no matter their level (or bloodline).  Great job Renofan.  Looks like your dog is doing super.



Eichenluft Working German Shepherds


by AandA on 11 April 2008 - 15:04

Being a self confessed show line fan it's just great to see such a well bred dog (3-3 on Esko!) being worked. The first thing I noticed was her splendid side gait, movement & balance but her eagerness to work was also a delight.

OK I'm no judge of working ability & some would probably say she's not a top prospect... but then how many dogs are? As Molly said though, isn't just as much about people & dogs working and enjoying themselves.

I reckon she's probably the luckiest dog in the world... apart from mine of course!


by TRUEVIEW on 11 April 2008 - 16:04

Great video !!!!.  The dog is obviously enjoying every minute , nice training methods too and what nice flowing movement .  Its so nice to see the show bred dogs also working.


by steve1 on 11 April 2008 - 16:04

Good Video

The Dog and its owner were enjoying them selves, that what its all about, Hope they go on to do good things in the Sport. Time and Practise and a lot of Patience


Q Man

by Q Man on 11 April 2008 - 17:04

Absolutely...I think we need to encourage more people to have fun with their dogs...and just enjoy whatever level they can be at...



by Renofan2 on 11 April 2008 - 18:04

Thank you Melanie.  There should be more like you in the sport.  Someone who takes the time to share their knowledge and encourage people to try new things.  You are a true asset to the sport.  A person who basically learned things on your own, then knew when and where to go for help.  You make things look so easy.  I know how much work you did and to accomplish so much in akc, then schutzhund and now trying psa.  You are truly a role model for newbies.  Not only did you help me pick Molly, but you showed me how to do prey work with her as a puppy and have spent countless hours helping train her (and me), taking pictures, videos, documenting her progress etc.  You helped me find the right trainer which allowed me to learn the correct way to train and have given me hope that we just might be able to shoot for a schI someday.

Everyone else, thanks for your nice comments.  Molly is a dream to work with.  She is always happy and wants to please.  What she lacks in intensity she gives back in desire and willingness to try anything.  The bond that I have with this dog is truly something special and I would not trade her for the world.



by Rezkat5 on 11 April 2008 - 22:04

She looks great Cheryl!

Maybe someday I'll be able to get back out to Jim's and see her in person. 

Until then, I'll see you next week!




by GSDfan on 11 April 2008 - 23:04

Thanks Cheryl, very nice of you to say.

Thanks to everyone for sharing such wonderful comments.



by GSD2727 on 12 April 2008 - 00:04

I agree with everyone else.  Congrats to you Cheryl and Molly!  Molly looks great, you should be proud!  I am glad to hear you are having fun with her.  That is what it is supposed to be all about.  I cannot imagine anyone having a negative comment, I thought the dog looked very nice and like she was doing very well!!! 

Thanks for sharing the video!




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