Shelley and the GSD Underground Railway - Page 11

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by steve1 on 19 August 2009 - 17:08

There is no need to leave the Forum over this, you talk a lot of sense on the Dog side, We are not all the same, thank goodness
 Take me for instance i am renowned  in the real world people who know me as not being a forgiving person if wronged i never forget and i never forgive, not a good thing to be branded with but it is a fact and that is me although i say it of myself nothing to be proud off but people take me as i am,  i cannot and do not want to change
However things get a little twisted sometimes on a Forum, it has happened to me once or twice
 I think you meant well but the greatest attibute a person can have is to trust another, and in this case we all believe Shelley needs some help, others who know her are helping and organising things so if we mistrust Shelley, then we mistrust several others on this Forum and that is unfair for there are some kind and generous people on here plus some who would like to help but cannot, just let this slide away hope things pick up soon for Shelley

by mobjack on 19 August 2009 - 18:08

Sam Spade,
I was not kidding. I will be more than happy to send you a copy of my files. Maybe you'll learn something. Misfortunes? No not hardly. I made my choices and lived with them until that was no longer an option. I blame no one but myself for that. The aftermath of my leaving and the living hell of that was worse than actually staying would have been. In the short term.

Your questions are legitimate and even I don't blame you for asking. But, Shelley has the right to refuse to answer. And she has refused. End of story. Your continuing to ask and insisting on answers to personal questions that are none of your business, calling her out, a liar, fraud, etc. isn't helping her and it isn't convincing anyone. Your questions would have better been asked privately. Or a simple posting of "I'd like to help, but I'd like to verify this is real and legit first. Can someone who knows the deal please PM me privately." would have gone a lot farther. She doesn't want the intimate details of her life and circumstances posted all over a public forum and I'm quite sure you wouldn't either. There is a compelling reason she won't do it and if you can't figure that one out then I suggest you go volunteer for a week in a women's shelter or interview a DV advocate or two. I'll be happy to put you in touch with mine. 
The only Sam Spade I can recall was the private eye protagonist in the Maltese Falcon. Suspicious enough in itself. You joined here on June 8th this year. Right after all this started. More suspicion. Now your posts on this thread. More suspicion. So, I suggest that if you want to know anything, that YOU tell US who YOU are. Verify yourself and your credentials. Maybe then Shelley will decide to give you the answers you want. Maybe not. Her choice.

Rest assured, the only answer you'll get from me is that right now she and her dogs are on my private Leerjet with a few choice friends heading to vacation in the south of France. All expenses paid by the lovely Nigerians.


by 4pack on 19 August 2009 - 18:08

I wanna know where Shelley is too but I have to accept it's none of my damn business. I can either help or not. I wont put stipulations on my help. She has good reason, not to have it out there.

by Sam Spade on 19 August 2009 - 18:08

Mobjack, (or is it Ms. Mobjack?)

Funny how you can be anonymous and others cannot.
I never called Shelley anything. go back and read my posts again.  I also told you that the abuse was not my interest.  i am not here to discredit the fact that people are abused.  Get over that, already.  I fell for you, honestly I do.

I don't want to know where Shelley is.  I understand why she is keeping that a secret.  the fact of the matter is that I do know where she is and i don't care.  I don't see why privately telling me which department wrote the report or her lawyer is.  I will gladly send my money to them C/O Shelley.  You guys crack me up. If there actually IS a report, her husband would definitely know which department. 

What bothers me is the fact that this has been going on for years.  How does it take that long to build up enough money to get to texas or montana?  AND the whole time she is driving long distances to trial dogs?  That's what doesn't click.  You ask for money, yet you are out spending money and able to travel to leisure events


by Mystere on 19 August 2009 - 18:08


I cannot believe  the paranoia that is coming out here-- this thread has become about throwing around accusations of criminal activity and skulduggery.  I understand the concern for security--hell, we ALL share that concern.  But, really...

Now, it's what "handle" is used and suspicions about that?  "Mobjack" means what, exactly?  A hitman for the Mafia?   Don't answer, because I really don't want to know or the reason for using it.   Rhetorical question, but I hope it makes the point. It does not matter, any more than the use of "Sam Spade,"  4pack , Yellowrose (which was the name of a famous prostitute, should we make something of
that?), Autobahn--what the heck does that mean?  Is that person German, a Mercedes?beemer driver, or a wannabe?  What does it matter.

LOTS of people have been on this board for years, either lurking, or under another name. Shelley herself has been on far longer than the date indicated now, too.   Some of us ended up with different dates on the German Shepherd "half", as well.

I swear, I know my mother had a nasty, suspicious mind and that it was hereditary.  But, you folks are starting to make me look like Bo Peep and I always thought I was the most suspicious bitch in the room (it being genetic in my case and all....).

Krazy Bout K9s

by Krazy Bout K9s on 19 August 2009 - 19:08

WOW, I disappear for a day and all hell breaks loose....Gee Whiz guys,  Get a grip on...This thread was called the underground railway for a reason....Sam Spade...and if you are really reading these posts like you say you have for years, then you know why, Shelley won't give out her personal attorney info, and if you say her husband knows which police department, then go ask him... funny you just joined up shortly after this happened on here though...seems fishy to me...

Since you have been on here for years, you know all she has been going through and finally had the gumption to get out...It took me a little less time, but I was not going to be a punching bag for a guy...these things take time.

And yes she went to WI to a dog trial, on vacation, because that was the only way she could get out of the house without being caught and prevented from going. Sometimes one needs to get away to see the real predicament they are in.
You know where she is now, so why do you need her attorney's information?

When I first read your post, I figured you were sent by her hopefully soon to be ex, looking for information. Why would anyone want someones attorney's name, my first thought was so you could go to that attorney and keep Shelley from getting that attorney. My mind is very suspicious also. My Dad taught me that, being an investigative reporter and all...LOL

If you want to send money do so, you can send it to my dog rescue business and I will be sure it gets to Shelley's attorney..I have given the website on here before but in case you don't remember, here it is again.  If you don't want to donate that is fine too...just please quit bashing everyone on here.

Just some of your quotes... very contradictory to say the least!!!
I have been reading your posts for the last 2 years and i would have thought a grown woman would have had an exit strategy over a year ago.
I think when I first started lurking on here you were being offered a place to stay. AND that was years ago.
but I'm really curious why this route has been taken
I don't know the whole story or shelley all to well,
If there actually IS a report, her husband would definitely know which department.
What bothers me is the fact that this has been going on for years.
AND the whole time she is driving long distances to trial dogs
? That's what doesn't click. You ask for money, yet you are out spending money and able to travel to leisure events

Montana GSD Rescue

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 19 August 2009 - 19:08

MYSTERE:   fUNNIEST PART OF ALL THIS IS:  Shelley's real name is Shelley...

Out of the names you mentioned above...Shelley is Shelley   she is not  Maidenform or Pink Panther, or even yellowrose( Which is also a beautiful rose and the color Yellow is friendship)   the reason that name was chosen..

Yes, I know all about  the other...) we had that discussion one day on here two years ago...LOL

SHe had a big part in the BATTLE OF THE ALAMO....


by ShelleyR on 19 August 2009 - 20:08

OK, Sammy.
Now I know you are talking to him, doubtless the Mole. You are SO paraphrasing him, same misconceptions represented, different words. Heck, if he could write and spell better you could BE him. BTW: I never blamed it on his teachers. LOL

You really want anybody here to think I went all the way to WI to trial my 9 year old SchH3, FH2 stud dog? For a month? Like he needs a few more titles? Or was it just a vacation, after all? With a trailer full of dogs? On $400? You call that LEISURE? I call it DESPERATION.

What SHALL I do for more fun today? I know! I think I'll sit and work on that list. The one with the 100+ pictures I took on my way OUT of all the stuff I left behind. Then I can start on documenting ownership for each and every item. That ought to be lots of fun.

The fun never stops on Shelley's Underground Railway. [insert catchy jingle here]


by raymond on 19 August 2009 - 21:08

See I told you to JUST GET A DOG! Leave those women alone!They are more trouble than what they are worth god bless their sweet hearts! I thing we should rename this thread petticoat junction! Who wants to be uncle Joe??Just give em what they want and let them shuffle off to buffalo! shelly you can come to chicago anytime and we will find some goombahs that will take care of all your problems! I know quite a few Italian and russian types who would love to have you train their dogs! I hear that mittelwest is looking for some trainers also! Don't take no poop from anyone ! Man or woman1 All that matters is freedom and enjoy it before it's gone! Hey there's uncle Joe and he's amovin kinda slow at the junction chug chug chug Petticoat junction!


by DebiSue on 19 August 2009 - 23:08


Finally a post that made me chuckle!



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