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by JessicaClark92 on 26 February 2021 - 06:02
I'd love if one of you lovely people could check behind me and make sure I entered these hips and elbow scoring correctly on two dogs.
since I can't figure out how to post photos without uploading a link I'll type it out.
HD B(1) ED(0)
HD A(0) ED(0)
I wrote the scores exactly how they are displayed through the their ENCI online pedigrees
by GSDHeritage on 26 February 2021 - 09:02
Fantom works on the Foreign dogs probably will check it out. Just enter the information as it is on the ENCI online pedigrees database as I did for you.
If the exact match is not available just enter the correct information.
If the exact match is not available just enter the correct information.
by JessicaClark92 on 26 February 2021 - 14:02
Okay will do
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