Biewer Yorkshire a la Pom-Pon

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Biewer Yorkshire a la Pom-Pon

Biewer Yorkshire a la Pom-Pon
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Gina vom Garten der Träume - Dog: Gina vom Garten der Träume

Gina vom Garten der Träume

Gina vom Garten der TräumeGina vom Garten der Träume


Choosing a Male or a Female Dog: What is the Difference

Choosing a Male or a Female Dog: What is the Difference

You may have felt that choosing a breed was the biggest decision you had to make before getting a dog. But now that you have made that choice, you are now faced with a more basic decision: do you want a male dog, or a female?

  • Finding a Dog Trainer

    Half the battle of dog training is finding the right training class and the right trainer to assist you along the way.  Not all dog trainers or classes are created equal! There are a lot of differences among trainers, and you need to be prepared to find the best one for you and your dog.

  • Is a Raw Food Diet Right for Your Dog?

    If you read the labels on the back of commercially-prepared dog food, at first glance it might appear as if they are well-fortified with all the nutrients a dog needs to stay healthy. But if you read a little more closely, you will soon realize that this kind of food is heavily laced with preservatives, additives and other kinds of 


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