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Basset Hound - Female
Basset Bottom's Delilah Gill
Dam born: 01. July 2017
AKC HP 53910203
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
microchip: 956000010001856
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
Fred Moravia Bray2011AKC HP45515401 HD- Sire | Big Boy moravia bray2009HD- Sire | C.I.B., JCH CZ, CH CZ, CWZorro dominik C.I.B., JCH CZ, CH CZ, CWHD- Sire |
Twinkie moravia bray2005HD- Dam | ||
Quida moravia brayHD- Dam | INTCH,CH POL Jackson van hollandheimHD- Sire | |
JCH CZ,CH CZ, CH SK Swede sun's vanja2001HD- Dam | ||
Terra D'Orfili Ghita2016AKC HP52488901 HD- Dam | CH(IT,PT,HU,HR,) JCh( Greek, Swiss) Dylan Dog Terradorfili2014IT LO1438378 HD- Sire | INT. Beauty CH. MLD, CYP, MNE, MK CH REPROD. CH. XCode dos Sete Moinhos201112 46372 HD- Sire |
IT CH CH INT. BEAUTY CH. REPROD. CH Miss Mildred200909 93104 HD- Dam | ||
Reproduction Champion After Eight in a Wintry Night di Terra d'Orfili201212 46332 HD- Dam | MULTI CH True Pleasure Kooper2010VDH10 0012853 HD- Sire | |
IT CH CH INT. BEAUTY CH. REPROD. CH Miss Mildred200909 93104 HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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