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Australian Shepherd - Male
CH Crocker's Weekend Warrior
Sire Born: 10. May 2000
AKC DL84024404
Hip: OFA: Good (AS-17243G26M-NOPI) - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
HOF AKC/ASCA CH McMatt's EZ Going1997AKC DL72684302 HD-OFA: Good (AS-14033G24M-T) Sire | HOF AKC Ch. McMatt's EZ Victor1996ASCA E84156, AKC DL65428301 HD-OFA: Good (AS-12466G25M-T) Sire | Castles Days of Thunder1991ASCA E49754, AKC DL43928801 HD-OFA: Fair (AS-7557F35M) Sire |
AKC Ch. McMatt's All That Joy1992ASCA E55431, AKC DL42750901 HD-OFA: Good (AS-8647G36F-T) Dam | ||
CH Castle's Image of McMatt1993AKC DL50043802 HD-OFA: Good (AS-9045G25F) Dam | HOF CH Caledonia's Crowd Pleaser1990ASCA E47779 AKC DL43626701 HD-OFA: Good (AS-6436G27M) Sire | |
AKC/ASCA CH McMatt's Sarahs Crystle Castle1987ASCA E29794, AKC DL41105101 HD-OFA: Fair (AS-4004F24F) Dam | ||
CH Lil' Creeks Bushfire Blonde1997ASCA E91324 (AKC DL71050802) HD-OFA: Good (AS-13755G24F-T) Dam | CH Kansaquest Before The Wind1996ASCA E83973 AKC DL65875508 HD-OFA: Excellent (AS-12323E24M) Sire | CH Bayshore's Run For The Border1993ASCA E79294 AKC DL49761002 HD-OFA: Good (AS-9028G28M) Sire |
CD STDsHOF CH Kansaquest's Shadow On the Sun CD STDs1991ASCA E50005 & AKC: DL41403201 HD-OFA: Good (AS-7300G35F) Dam | ||
CH Lil' Creeks Special Request1996ASCA E80828 AKC DL62731405 HD-OFA: Good (AS-11774G24F-T) Dam | CD STDs RS-NHOF CH Heatherhill Sweet TalkinDude CD STDs RS-N1993AKC DL50069507 ASCA E64579 HD-OFA: Good (AS-8934G24M-T) Sire | |
CH Lil' Creeks Picture Perfect1992ASCA E55288 AKC DL42631604 HD-OFA: Good (AS-7651G24F-T) Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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