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Australian Shepherd -
GCH Melody's Armed And Dangerous
Sire Born: 19. August 2007
AKC DN19661901
Hip: OFA: Good (AS-26252G26M-VPI) - Elbows: OFA: Normal (AS-EL5523M55-VPI)
Breed report
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AKC Ch./ASCA Ch. Melody's Buzz'n By 2002AKC DN00797401 HD-AS-20237G31M-PI Sire | #1 A.S.BIS CH Heatherhill Black-N-Decker #1 A.S. 1995AKC DL61717805 HD-OFA: Good AS-11727G36M-T Sire | CD HS STDsHOF CH Brigadoon's California Dude CD HS STDs 1984ASCA E19007 (AKC DL41104601) HD-OFA: Fair (AS-3023F39M) Sire |
HOF CH Oprah Winfree of Heatherhill 1988ASCA E37944 (AKC DL40345703) HD-OFA: Good (AS-4903G24F) Dam | ||
AM CH Melody's Court'n The Blues 1995AKC DL58362001 HD-AS-11379G30F-T Dam | (ASCA/AKC) CH Sunshine's Star Spangled Bannder 1991AKC DL46420201 (E50904) Blue Merle HD- Sire | |
ASCA CH Ebbtide's I Saw The Surprise 1992AKC DL43132006 ASCA# E55378 HD- Dam | ||
ASCA CH Melody's Full Of Surprises 2000AKC DL82638901 HD-OFA: Good () Dam | ASCA CH Melodys Blockbuster HD- Sire | ASCA Ch Sunshine's Abracadabra 1990AKC DL43857101 ASCA #43720 HD-OFA: Good () Sire |
Sunshines Gazoo Where Are You 1991AKC DL46420203 HD- Dam | ||
ASCA CH Ebbtide's I Saw The Surprise 1992AKC DL43132006 ASCA# E55378 HD- Dam | HOF AKC/ASCA CH. My Main Man of Heatherhill 1988AKC DL40345702 ASCA E37175 HD-OFA: Good (AS-4883G24M) Sire | |
CDASCA Ch Ebbtide's A Bee In Your Bonnet CD AKC DL39303701 ASCA# E23394 HD- Dam |
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