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Australian Shepherd - Female
CH Heatherhill Court'n Disaster
Dam born: 08. April 2001
AKC DL87375705 ASCA #E74317
Hip: OFA: Excellent () - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
HOF AKC/ASCA CH Heatherhill You Talk Too Much1993AKC DL50069502 HD-AS-9008G25M Sire | HOF ASCA CH Brigadoon's One Arrogant Dude1982AKC DL46151601 ASCA E12825 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-2308) Sire | CD STDdASCA HOF CH Arrogance of Heatherhill CD STDd1977AKC DL49134101 ASCA E3609 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-1212) Sire |
ASCA CH Patchworks River Fog1978ASCA E003111 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-1257) Dam | ||
HOF CH Oprah Winfree of Heatherhill1988ASCA E37944 (AKC DL40345703) HD-OFA: Good (AS-4903G24F) Dam | HOF AKC/ASCA CH Agua Dulce Final Option1986AKC DL41353801ASCA E25864 HD-OFA: Good (AS-3429G24M) Sire | |
ASCA HOF Moonspinner of Brigadoon1981AKC DL50360301 & ASCA E10533 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-2227) Dam | ||
AM CH Melody's Court'n The Blues1995AKC DL58362001 HD-AS-11379G30F-T Dam | (ASCA/AKC) CH Sunshine's Star Spangled Bannder1991AKC DL46420201 (E50904) Blue Merle HD- Sire | ASCA/AKC CH Peachcreeks Son of a Gun1989AKC DL46812901 / E-42156 / AS6099G33M HD-OFA: Good (AS-6099G33M) Sire |
ASCA Ch Sunshine's Private Moments1988DL 42882501 HD-OFA: Good Dam | ||
ASCA CH Ebbtide's I Saw The Surprise1992AKC DL43132006 ASCA# E55378 HD- Dam | HOF AKC/ASCA CH. My Main Man of Heatherhill1988AKC DL40345702 ASCA E37175 HD-OFA: Good (AS-4883G24M) Sire | |
CDASCA Ch Ebbtide's A Bee In Your Bonnet CDAKC DL39303701 ASCA# E23394 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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