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DNA-CPHOF CH Terra-Blue Just Too Hot DNA-CP1992ASCA E58173 AKC DL42182102 HD- Sire | HOF AKC/ASCA CH Agua Dulce Final Option1986AKC DL41353801ASCA E25864 HD-OFA: Good (AS-3429G24M) Sire | CH Winchester's Rollin Rapids1984ASCA E21434 AKC DL48691401 HD-AS-3312G41M Sire |
CDXHOF CH Country Hotline of Agua Dulce CDX1981ASCA E10013 HD-AS-2301-T Dam | ||
Hearthside Just My Style1998ASCA E35277 (AKC DL41903201) HD- Dam | CH Propwash Free Style1985ASCA E23130 AKC DL50885901 HD- Sire | |
CH Brightwoods Society Page1985ASCA E22266 HD- Dam | ||
Ch. Legacy Skye BofelliDL44345707 HD- Dam | Ch. Legacy's Bill Of Rights1990AKC DL39093401 HD- Sire | CH Briarbrooks State of the Art1984ASCA E19574 AKC DL39083301 HD-OFA: Fair (AS-6794F109M) Sire |
AKC Ch. Brightwood's Liberty Bell1983E-16102 HD-OFA: Fair (AS-2655) Dam | ||
Legacy's Blue Beary Muffin1988ASCA E37098 (AKC DL39314601) HD-OFA: Good (AS-6406G51F) Dam | UD, TD, HI, NA, UDT, RD, HTD2S, CKC CD, NA, RVN, CGC, TTHOF, AKC CH, ASCA CH, WTCH, SVCH Beauwoods Rustlin'In The Sun UD, TD, HI, NA, UDT, RD, HTD2S, CKC CD, NA, RVN, CGC, TT1986ASCA E24874 (AKC DL39311301) HD-OFA: Good (AS-3452G24M-T) Sire | |
Los Pinos Hello Dolly1985dual ASCA E24549 AKC DL39072003 HD-OFA: Excellent (AS-3574E29F) Dam |
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