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Australian Shepherd - Female
ASCA CH Paradox Propwash Then Again
Dam born: 09. February 1995
AKC DL57235805
Hip: OFA: Excellent (AS-11031E29F-T) - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
AKC CH ASCA HOF Bayshores Propwash Balderdash1993AKC DL49412903 HD-OFA: Good (AS-9019G25M) Sire | CH Propwash Manape Ghostrider1991ASCA E53124 AKC (DL44364201) HD-AS-7282E24M-T Sire | CH Propwash Phantom of the Sky1987ASCA E33029 HD-OFA: Good (AS-4447G24M-T) Sire |
HOF CH Propwash Boomerang Tangrey1985ASCA E23142 HD-OFA: Good (AS-3325G27F-T) Dam | ||
AKC/ASCA CH Bayshore Propwash Lalapalooza1986AKC DL41355302 HD-OFA: Good (AS-3876G31F) Dam | CD STDdASCA HOF CH Arrogance of Heatherhill CD STDd1977AKC DL49134101 ASCA E3609 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-1212) Sire | |
HOF CH Bayshore's Mi La May1982ASCA E11617 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-2414) Dam | ||
TTHOF CH Propwash Remarque TT1989ASCA E40135 AKC DL41357801 HD-OFA27G Dam | CH Propwash Phantom of the Sky1987ASCA E33029 HD-OFA: Good (AS-4447G24M-T) Sire | UD, TD, HI, NA, UDT, RD, HTD2S, CKC CD, NA, RVN, CGC, TTHOF, AKC CH, ASCA CH, WTCH, SVCH Beauwoods Rustlin'In The Sun UD, TD, HI, NA, UDT, RD, HTD2S, CKC CD, NA, RVN, CGC, TT1986ASCA E24874 (AKC DL39311301) HD-OFA: Good (AS-3452G24M-T) Sire |
CD HOFCh. Bayshore's Lucy In the Sky CD HOF1984ASCA E18852 AKC DL40209002 HD-OFA: Good (AS-2820-T) Dam | ||
CDHOF CH Propwash Positively CD1984ASCA E20529 AKC DL40388601 HD- Dam | HOF CH Briarbrooks Game Plan1981ASCA E10225 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-2079) Sire | |
CDHOF CH Pepper Tree's Free Dawn CD1976ASCA E759 HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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