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Australian Shepherd - Female
CH Friends Blue (Isle) Country
Dam born: 31. July 1994
ASCA E70979 AKC DL54516403
Hip: AS-11273E38F - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
CH The Man from Heatherhill1991ASCA E54314 AKC DL42601103 HD-AS7673G29M Sire | HOF AKC/ASCA CH. My Main Man of Heatherhill1988AKC DL40345702 ASCA E37175 HD-OFA: Good (AS-4883G24M) Sire | HOF AKC/ASCA CH Agua Dulce Final Option1986AKC DL41353801ASCA E25864 HD-OFA: Good (AS-3429G24M) Sire |
ASCA HOF Moonspinner of Brigadoon1981AKC DL50360301 & ASCA E10533 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-2227) Dam | ||
Hey Carrie Ann of Heatherhill1989ASCA E43371 AKC DL40358602 HD-OFA: Good AS-5739G26F Dam | CH Topper's Levis Blues1987ASCA E32600 AKC DL40359301 HD-AS-4208G26M Sire | |
CH Lady In Red of Heatherhill1983ASCA E20290 HD- Dam | ||
HOF CH Mystery Girl of Heatherhill1990ASCA E48435 AKC DL49879401 HD-AS6482G24F Dam | HOF CH Propwash St Elmo's Fire1989ASCA E42432 (AKC DL40560501) HD-OFA: Fair (AS-5742F29M-T) Sire | UD, TD, HI, NA, UDT, RD, HTD2S, CKC CD, NA, RVN, CGC, TTHOF, AKC CH, ASCA CH, WTCH, SVCH Beauwoods Rustlin'In The Sun UD, TD, HI, NA, UDT, RD, HTD2S, CKC CD, NA, RVN, CGC, TT1986ASCA E24874 (AKC DL39311301) HD-OFA: Good (AS-3452G24M-T) Sire |
HOF Propwash Bayshore Fogbow1987ASCA E33323 (AKC DL40423501) HD-OFA: Fair (AS-4703F30F-T) Dam | ||
CH Dark Star of Heatherhill1984ASCA E20789 HD- Dam | HOF ASCA CH Brigadoon's One Arrogant Dude1982AKC DL46151601 ASCA E12825 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-2308) Sire | |
Ashwoods Sirius Lady1979ASCA E5586 HD-OFA: Normal (AS-1736) Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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