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Alaskan Malamute -
AM CH Vykon's Matanusha Mak
Sire Born: 12. March 1996
AKC WP68735301
Hip: OFA: Excellent (AM-9631E24M) - Elbows: Not known
DNA: AKC DNA #V227524
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMCH (US) Vykon's Hit 'N Run ROM 1995AKC WP60045102 HD-OFA: Excellent AM-9223E24M-T Sire | ROMBIS/BISS/AM/CAN CH Nanuke's Take No Prisoners ROM 1993AKC WP47952807 HD-OFA: Excellent (AM-8585E24M) Sire | ROMBIS/BISS AM CH Nanuke's Revolutionary ROM 1991AKC WP37475607 HD-OFA: Good (AM-7995G27M) Sire |
ROMWDCH (US) Nanuke's Seal of Approval ROMWD 1990AKC WP32182705 HD-OFA: Excellent AM-7776E30F Dam | ||
ROMCH (US) Vykon's Hallucinations ROM 1990AKC WG484352 HD-OFA: Good AM-7361G24F Dam | ROMBIS/BISS AM/CAN CH. Vykon Jarva's True Colors ROM 1987AKC WF 947380 HD- Sire | |
CH Kiwaliks Kiowa 1985AKC WF701717 HD- Dam | ||
ROMAM CH Vykon's Ahlayte Yona ROM 1991AKC WP32619206 HD-OFA: Good (AM-7663G25F) Dam | CD ROMCH Kiwalik's Vykon Indiana Jones CD ROM 1985AKC WF690289 HD-OFA: Good (AM-5467G25M) Sire | CH. Uyak Bison Bobby 1974AKC WD254404 HD- Sire |
CH. Kiwaliks Miacis Of Nerak 1982AKC WF314587 HD- Dam | ||
CDCH Vykon's Fasination CD 1984AKC WF548342 HD-OFA: Fair (AM-5128) Dam | CDCH Vykon's Major Boogie Bear CD 1980AKC WE738138 HD- Sire | |
CH Wayeh Needa Mist 1981AKC WE917373 HD- Dam |
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