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Alaskan Malamute -
CH Just Fur Fun Shamanrock
Sire Born: 19. July 2000
CMKU 5955/00 (LOI ES0852545)
Hip: HD A - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
Kid De Soto De Rio Frio 1997LOE 0854079 HD- Sire | CH. Storm Kloud's Legend Continues 1994HD- Sire | BIS CH Poker Flat's Yukon Law 1992AKC WP42491701 HD-OFA: Good AM-8225G25M Sire |
ROMUSA CH Storm Kloud's Can't Catch Me ROM 1992AKC WP42540805 HD-OFA: Good (AM-8354G28F-T) Dam | ||
Uka LOE 0634779 HD- Dam | CH Fedor Del Viejo Roble HD- Sire | |
Kotzebue HD- Dam | ||
Blue Ice Queen Shamanrock 1996CMKU UAM4979/96/00 HD- Dam | ROMCH BIS INTERCH Rexcvalley of Keema's Wolf Pak ROM 1993LOSH 715975 (CsHPK/3743/-94/93/95) HD- Sire | CHD ELIGIBLEWORLDWINNER 90 CH Storm Kloud's Ccyrus Rex Valae CHD ELIGIBLE 1988AKC WG244682 HD- Sire |
CH Mackenzie of Keema's Wolf Pack LOSH 613661 HD- Dam | ||
MULTICH Cold Valley's My Favorite Bijou 1988CsHPK 670/89/88/89 (LOSH613375)(HR10014) HD- Dam | Jondan 1985LOSH545-581 HD- Sire | |
CHD ELIGIBLEWintuk's Arctica of Storm Kloud CHD ELIGIBLE 1986AKC WF912559 HD- Dam |
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