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White Swiss Shepherd Dog -
White Joey of Jackie's white Flake Farm
Sire Born: 03. April 2013
SHSB A10430
Hip: A/B - Elbows: 0/0
DNA: MDR +/+ , Audiometrie beids. hörend, Lüw 0 , DM N/N
microchip: 756098100602308
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
Veteranen AlpensiegerMulit-Champ.Club-Champ.Veteranen-Champ.BOB,BOS.BIS.BOG Highlander-Leon of Buscin's Love Veteranen Alpensieger 2008SHSB A09150 HD-FCI: A/A Sire Highlander-Leon of Buscin's Love / Lst Wurfdatum 14.April 2008 Gewicht 38 kg Grösse 68 cm HD A/A ED 0/0 LÜW: frei Typ 0 Audiometrie bds. normal hörend Herzultraschall i.O. MDR1 defektfrei +/+ Degenerative Myelopathie: Genotyp N/N kein Träger SOD1-Gen Pedigree-Nr: SHSB A09150 Chip-Nr. 941000002377823 DNA in Zürich und Deutschland eingelagert vollzahnige Schere Formwert V Wesen bestanden angekörter Zuchtrüde FCI Körbericht/Exterieur Richter Herr Schweizer FCI Grosser sehr harmonischer Rüde, korrektes Format, anatomisch Vorzüglich aufgebaut. Ausgesprochenes maskulines Geschlechtsgepräge. Vorzüglich gefestigter Körper, flüssiges freies Gangwerk. angenehmes Verhalten. | ZOP,ZZO,ZM,ZPU1,IPO1,FPr1-2GCH CZ,CH CZ+SK+PL,JCH CZ+SK,ClubCH CZ+SK,NW CZ+PL,BIS,BOB Dragon la Blankpapilio ZOP,ZZO,ZM,ZPU1,IPO1,FPr1-2 20061715/06 HD-A/A Sire | BGH2ÖCH,ÖJCH,BOB Banshee Boy vom Hause Zenz BGH2 2001ÖHZB WS 356 Reg HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire |
ZZO, ZOP, BHCZCH,KCH,VCH Apolena u Panáka ZZO, ZOP, BH 2002ACO 1161/02/05 HD-FCI: A 0/0 Dam | ||
CAC/BOB Deyenne-Shelby of Buscin's Love HD BB ED OO 2005VDH RWS 05/0133 HD-FCI: B/B Dam | ADMelody Boy Miraja AD 2003Z REG 1235/03 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | |
Caitlin-Laureen von der Nellenburg 1998VDH 03/148R0034 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam | ||
Gin-Shani of Jackie's white Flake Farm 2005SHSB A07290 HD-B/B Dam | No information about the sire HD- Sire | No information about the sire HD- Sire |
No information about the dam HD- Dam | ||
Eileen of Jackie's White Flake Farm 2003SHSB A06368 HD-B/B Dam | Vitou Falco vom Landecker Amt 1998HD-A/A Sire | |
Ayla of Jackie's White Flake Farm 2002SHSB A05463 HD-A/A Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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