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Father: RWS r. World Winner 2017, MULTI Ch., GRAND Ch., INTER Ch. Solo contro tutti od bijelih anđela
Mother: Italian Young Champion Royals Of White Mountain Anne Bonny
Created by GSDHeritage
Mother: Italian Young Champion Royals Of White Mountain Anne Bonny
Created by GSDHeritage
Father: INTER CH, BALTIC CH, GRAND CH LT, PL CH Basco od Bijelih Andela
Mother: LT JCH, LT/LV/ES CH, BALTIC CH Ara Menulio Sviesa
Created by GiedreAn
Mother: LT JCH, LT/LV/ES CH, BALTIC CH Ara Menulio Sviesa
Created by GiedreAn
Father: Frant Iz Beloy Brigady (IZBB)
Mother: JCH, RAS, JPNKP Arden sol alyaska action
Created by evtroshkina
Mother: JCH, RAS, JPNKP Arden sol alyaska action
Created by evtroshkina
International Ch, BOG2, Ch IT, Ch SLO, Ch SM, Club Ch Royals Of White Mountain Doctor Spettro
Inserted:12 days agoMale (3288387)
Father: JCH Lungoresina Silente
Mother: CH CACIB BOB Donatella Versace of White Condor
Created by GSDHeritage
Mother: CH CACIB BOB Donatella Versace of White Condor
Created by GSDHeritage
Father: JCH Lungoresina Silente
Mother: CH CACIB BOB Donatella Versace of White Condor
Created by GSDHeritage
Mother: CH CACIB BOB Donatella Versace of White Condor
Created by GSDHeritage
Father: CH of reproduction JCH UA CH UA BBB Alter Ego of Ice Gem
Mother: Estella of Ice Gem
Created by Disadonna Fera Lady
Mother: Estella of Ice Gem
Created by Disadonna Fera Lady
Father: Kinto Rapid Fayer
Mother: JCh of Poland, Champion of Poland, Grand Champion of Poland Ossi Wilczy Biały Kieł
Created by GSDHeritage
Mother: JCh of Poland, Champion of Poland, Grand Champion of Poland Ossi Wilczy Biały Kieł
Created by GSDHeritage
Father: JCh/CH SLO,HR,SAN MARINO/CIB/TC/Selected reproducer,IT,HU,RO Brugal Anejo
Mother: Dalila Lili Rose
Created by Tania Tania
Mother: Dalila Lili Rose
Created by Tania Tania
Jch IT, Jch SK, Jch HR, Jch Int, CH IT, CH HR, TC White Kingdom of Bacco Hellsing
Inserted:3 weeks agoMale (3288171)
Father: Byron di Casa Rovai
Mother: It Jch , Slovenian CH Celebrity Sky Tora Tora
Created by Tania Tania
Mother: It Jch , Slovenian CH Celebrity Sky Tora Tora
Created by Tania Tania
Father: Junior World Winner Mig iz Beloy Brigady
Mother: CH FR, IT , FIN , RUS , UCR , WDS'15+EDS'15 open CW Armada iz Beloy Brigady
Created by Bulkica
Mother: CH FR, IT , FIN , RUS , UCR , WDS'15+EDS'15 open CW Armada iz Beloy Brigady
Created by Bulkica
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