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White Swiss Shepherd Dog - Male
Nathan Hugh la Blankpapilio
Sire Born: 12. June 2012
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not knownBreed report
No breed report has been submitted
GCH CZ,CH CZ,CLUBCZ APOLLO z Nového Malína2006ACO 1786/06/09 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | Cino Giacomo ElbigiHD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | VÍTěZ SPEC VÝSTAVY KLUBOVÝ VÍTěZ 1999CZ CH,KL CH Persano Restinga Nivalis VÍTěZ SPEC VÝSTAVY KLUBOVÝ VÍTěZ 19991996HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire |
CZCH,BIG,BOB Beki z Vrchanova CS1995CMKU ACO/111/95 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | ||
Alexis of White GloryHD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam | Shadowvalley's Loftboy of USAAKC DL508179/03 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | |
Conny White MajesticsHD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | ||
ZZO, BH, ZOP, ZPU 1CHCZ,GCHCZ,JCHCZ,BOB Byorka la Blankpapilio ZZO, BH, ZOP, ZPU 12005ACO 1495/05/07 HD-FCI: B/C Dam | ZOP, ZZZ, VZ 1 - 2CAC, CAJC Arny of Kim's dream ZOP, ZZZ, VZ 1 - 22001ACO 884/01/03 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Sire | Aiwak z Raje Sidy1997241TC HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire |
Beauty White MajesticsACO 537/98/01 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | ||
ZZO, ZOP, BHCZCH,KCH,VCH Apolena u Panáka ZZO, ZOP, BH2002ACO 1161/02/05 HD-FCI: A 0/0 Dam | CANISTERAPEUTFalco z Vrchánova CANISTERAPEUTACO 427/97/00 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | |
CAC Heathy od Li'škutínky2000ACO 717/00/02 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam |
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