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White Swiss Shepherd Dog -
Tracking CH, EST & LV & LT & BALT CH, EST, LV, LT, BALT J CH Born to Win White General
IPO1, FH1, PJK3, KK3, BH, AD
Sire Born: 16. November 2007
SE EST04014/07
Hip: A - Elbows: 0
Breed report
Normal bite, full teeth, good size, strong, elegant, expressive, bit lean, good coat structure & colour, very good angulation and movement, strong topline.
EVLÜ CW08, BALT CH Herakles Muo of the Heart of Lothian 2006SE EST02445/07 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Sire Middle size and strength, good colour & pigmentation, beautifully lined head but would like to see stronger jaw, high withers, very good topline, very good angulation, moves parallel, moves with good free pace, dog presented in very good physical condition. | Longfield Mundo de Lothian 2004NHSB G-0-2549054 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | Ace Noryb MGK 97/07419 HD- Sire |
Longfield Luana SE RGMGK02/05867 HD- Dam | ||
Lotte Isja of the Heart of Lothian 2003NHSB G-0-245510 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | Iskandar Lothian vom Werntal 2000OHZB WS254(VR 18586) HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | |
WW02 JWW02 NLW02 Tinka's Frenja 2001NL VR 19915 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam | ||
LTE+172BALTCH, RUS BLR JCH Nice of you to Come Bye Almighty LTE+172 2003EST 00997/E04 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam Very nice bitch, feminine head, nice eye, good mouth, ears a bit wide, nice topline, very well angulated, strong bone & feet, good body, coat a bit wavy, structure OK, moves very well. | Condor van de Timberhoeve 2001NHSB 19842 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | Tumbledown's Macho 1997AKC DL718873/01 (White) HD- Sire |
Laska van de Timberhoeve VR-12849 HD- Dam | ||
Dolores of Martin's Roseville 1998VR 17634 HD-FCI: B 1/2 Dam | Shadowvalley's Loftboy of USA AKC DL508179/03 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Sire | |
Hoofprint Wynette 1994CKC CL169806 HD-FCI: A 1/2 Dam |
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