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Pomeranian - Male
CAN CH Posh's The Transformer
Sire Born: 26. November 2007
AKC TR 70169101
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
(HOF) (GC)BIS CH Eagle Creek's Hamin' It Up (HOF) (GC)AKC TR407973/01 HD- Sire | DNA#P66375CH Stolanne's Back Talk DNA#P663751999AKC TN53405502 HD- Sire | (XXXP) (XPOS)CH (AKC) Stolanne's Stormy Sequel (XXXP) (XPOS)AKC TC901816 09-89 HD- Sire |
(XSP)CH Stolanne's Golden Sparkler (XSP)1989AKC TM59304201 HD- Dam | ||
Heartland's A Flash From HeavnHD- Dam | Ursa Minor Third In A SeriesHD- Sire | |
CH Heartland's A Flash of Elegance1998AKC TN744416/01 HD- Dam | ||
Jolvin Kim Possible2004TR 36308701 HD- Dam | (XXXP) (ROMS) AKC DNA #V237099BIS/BISS AM/THAI CH Puf pride Sweet Dreams (XXXP) (ROMS) AKC DNA #V2370992000AKC TP081015/01 HD- Sire | AKC DNA #P66381AM CH Ralston-Pufpride Dreamer AKC DNA #P663811998AKC TN724663/01 HD- Sire |
(XO) (XPO) (XS)AM CH Puf Pride's MZ Cloud Knigne (XO) (XPO) (XS)AKC TN296157/01 HD- Dam | ||
Toyland Jolvin Southern SongHD- Dam | AM CAN CH Jolvin Cyber Space Warrior1996TN83696601 HD- Sire | |
Toyland's Song of the SouthHD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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