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Pomeranian -
AM CH Valcopy Wakhan Scarlet Letter
Dam born: 29. March 1995
AKC TN26376301
Hip: Not known - Elbows: Not known
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
AM CH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino AKC TM907921/01 HD- Sire | ROMX,HOFBIS/BISS AM CH Finch's He Walks On Water ROMX,HOF AKC TD387840 HD- Sire | Finch's Born Sweet Scottie AKC TD320633 HD- Sire |
Finch's Ambrosa Mystery AKC TD008330 HD- Dam | ||
(XO) (XPO) (XS)AM CH Valcopy Wakhan Lilly Dache (XO) (XPO) (XS) 1989AKC TD320180 HD- Dam | (ROMX) (XXX) (XXXP) (XO) (XPO) (XS) (XSP)AM/CAN Ch Chriscendo Calvin Klein (ROMX) (XXX) (XXXP) (XO) (XPO) (XS) (XSP) 1986CKC TC706900 HD- Sire | |
ROMXAM CH Valcopy Wakhan High Style ROMX AKC TC306032 HD- Dam | ||
CH Valcopy Wakhan Scarlet Fever AKC TD142277 HD- Dam | (ROM) (XPO) (XS)AM CH Merrymont Sat'rday Nite Fever (ROM) (XPO) (XS) AKC TC851560 HD- Sire | (ROMX) (XXXP) (XPO)AM.CH Cedarwood's Image Of Diamond (ROMX) (XXXP) (XPO) 1980AKC TB882891 HD- Sire |
Yolanda's Traveling Tequila AKC TC727212 HD- Dam | ||
ROMXAM CH Valcopy Wakhan High Style ROMX AKC TC306032 HD- Dam | Hazel Wee Pepper Pod HD- Sire | |
Hazel Gay Sherry HD- Dam |
User comments
This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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