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Pembroke Welsh Corgi -
UK & AM CHAMPION Rosewood Set Sail (To Salvenik)
Sire Born: 17. January 2007
AKC DN17048901 (KCSB2714CT)
Hip: OFA: Good (WCP-9280G84M-VPI) - Elbows: OFA: Normal (WCP-EL736M84-VPI)
DNA: AKC DNA #V507344
Other health issues: DNA DM CARRIER, VWD CARRIER
Breed report
No breed report has been submitted
ROMX CHICEng Am CH Twinan Another Chance For Salvenik ROMX CHIC 2003AKC DN08080601 HD-OFA: Fair Sire | ENG NZ CH Salvenik Super Chance 1996KCSB 3036CI HD- Sire | CH UKG Super Guy Of Pemland KCSB 3482BZ HD- Sire |
CH. Kilvewood Ode to Joy of Salvenik KCS 3651201S03 HD- Dam | ||
Twinan the Stonemaiden KCAB 00485205 HD- Dam | CHAMPION Twinan the Dragonmaster HD- Sire | |
Twinan Fortune Cookie HD- Dam | ||
CH USA, UK Rosewood Breeze'N By 2004AKC DN08155602 HD- Dam | CH UK Rosewood Yankee Clipper 2002AKC DL91249701 HD- Sire | ROMXAKC CH Dwynella Take A Chance ROMX 1999AKC DL81515201 HD-OFA: Fair WCP-5181F29M-PI Sire |
AM CH Perrymist Vanessa of Rosewood HD- Dam | ||
CH UK Rosewood Xtravagance 2000AKC DL86425801 HD- Dam | AM/CAN CH ROMX ROMC Stonecroft's Second Sight 1996AKC DL70466801 HD- Sire | |
CH Rosewood Town Gossip HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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