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Breed report
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(NB)Allimac's Kala'Hari (NB) 1997FIN 41625/97 (RKF 1134312) HD- Sire | Svarzekoks Now Or Never 1995FIN 47738/95 HD- Sire | C.I.B & FI & EE CH F Rivona Such Selection Of Cinonnie 1987SF 27734/88 HD- Sire |
CH (FIN, LV) Svarzekoks Ice And Fire 1993SF 46085/93 HD- Dam | ||
FIN MVA DK MVA N MVA Allimac`s Tinsel 1992SF 03580/03 HD- Dam | Malsis Gilt Edge Of Blands 1990N 12925/92 HD- Sire | |
V91 JWSG-91 V92 FIN Allimac's Waffel n Cream 1990SF SF16275/90 HD- Dam | ||
CH RUS Andvol Cleopatra UKU 000168/01 HD- Dam | CH RU Andvol Zolotoy Oscar RKF 0000001 HD- Sire | FIN & EST CH, ESTW96 Fedina's Take and Touch 1994FIN 47754/94 HD- Sire |
CH Svarzekoks I'M Your Idol HD- Dam | ||
CH RUS Sarmen Drastic HD- Dam | Linzef Red Dwarf 1994FIN 21641/95 HD- Sire | |
CH RUS, EST, FIN Svarzekoks Kathy HD- Dam |
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This is a dog pedigree, used by breeders and breed enthusiasts to see the ancestry and line-breeding of that individual dog. The pedigree page also contains links to the dogs siblings and progeny (if any exist). For dog owners with purebred dogs this is an excellent resource to study their dog's lineage.
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