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by Doomsayer on 14 September 2004 - 00:09

Does anyone have any insight into how to stop digging. I aonly see this behavior with my females?? Is this instinct and is it correctable?? They seem to like to dig dens??


by GSDNewbie on 14 September 2004 - 04:09

I started out with field trial dog kennel we found that burying a flat piece of metal fence wire or metal screen under layer of gravel or replacing dirt in the holes in their favorite digging places would discourage most. You did not say if this is a fenced back yard or what the situation, this will not work for all places such as if you have the dogs on a dirt kennel? or are they chained? If so the dogs could be trying to make a proper clean bedding den area and really need proper containment as that is not a sanitary or desired flooring. Also if they are trying to get to cool earth if they don't have sufficient shade they could be doing this. If this is so try shading them and possibly a wading pool as mine love them in warm weather.


by Petros on 14 September 2004 - 14:09

Digging (as well as barking) are some of the so called "self reinforced" behaviours. That is to say: the more the dog diggs the more he likes it. It is a classic case where training has to be involved along with behaviour modification. In general and based on dog psycology "any behaviour that is not reinforced is less likely to happen". In such a case, however the rule does not apply as the behaviour itself works as the reinforcer. 1) Reinforce behaviours other than digging. 2)Observe the dog and when he gets tired and stops digging praise and reward him after 2-3 seconds at first, then try longer periods (1 sec at a time). 3)Try some counterconditioning. Tell the dog to sit when he diggs, call him to come to you and keep a sit - stay or a down - stay. As reinforcers you may use what the dog likes the most: toys, tug of war, food rewards, walks, car rides, etc. Hope I could be of help.

by Doomsayer on 14 September 2004 - 19:09

Situation, Newly built kennels with vinyl coated chainlink fencing. Drain rock about two inches deep with a layered lime and dirt base. I have not shaded the area but I have the shades on order. only gets direct sunlight after 1:00. I never thought of the cooling concept which might be the case considering the other area she digs in. Thank you for the feedback and any other suggests would be much appreciated.


by GSDNewbie on 15 September 2004 - 06:09

You mention they are laying on rock? I would provide a stall rubber mat or a dog hammock somthing to give them a better surface to lay on along with the shading also you want to be careful they are not laying in the lime they are digging up. I wish you well with this!


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