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Siblings list for Grosmont Judith
Full siblings (or litter mates)
Mother: Boris De Main (<1922) and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: Coodenbeach Nell and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: CH Drinkstone Peg and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: C.C.W Hornton Dora (Interbreed) and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: Ingestre Flirt and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: Mormond Molly and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: GB:CH Pride of Somersby (4/1920) and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: Ch. Reyen Lass and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: Ridgeland Black Diamond and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
Mother: Satina and father: Eng. Ch. Banchory Danilo
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