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GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 19 December 2015 - 16:12

I always thought Joanro to be pretty intelligent. You shouldn't cut people down like that or possibly you might want to brush up on your comprehension.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 22 December 2015 - 19:12


by Mindhunt on 27 December 2015 - 00:12

Can't stop illegal drug use despite all the drug laws including the dumb a** knee jerk reaction band aid solution laws.  Keep tightening the drug restrictions so people with legitimate pain have a hell of a time getting their pain managed without having to drive into their physician's office every 30 days and giving a urine drop every single time and proving that they are still in legitimate pain.  Good friend of mine is an experienced orthopedic surgeon and she is having a horrible time getting her patients's post surgical pain managed. This is what stupid laws by people REACTING to the drug problem rather than calming down and taking time to investigate and go at the problem from the source, the foundation of the need for drugs, trauma, emotional pain, physical pain, etc causes, real people who abide by the law getting it in the neck and being treated as lying whining criminals.  So lets use the same mentality and solve the gun violence problem by using the same tactics, make it harder for law abiding citizens to get and have guns.  Yup that will stop gun violence just like the same stupid approach stopped the drug deaths......


GSD Admin, what do you mean about vitamins/food supplements???  (the above was not aimed at you)


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