What do Christians folks think about NWO ?? - Page 2

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by vk4gsd on 25 May 2014 - 05:05

Putin is into equestrian events?

RS if the KJV is the true word of god what are the other versions the word of?

New world orders ard hardly new, mongols, romans, spanish,portugese, prussia, england allies after WWI & III . now china.

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 25 May 2014 - 10:05

Sunsilver, the Bible goes into much detail about the state of this world when all of this happens.  How much of the Bible have you actually read?

God says a few things that are worth listening to.

 1.  Study and show yourself approved  AND

2. Many will PERISH from lack of knowledge





Red Sable

by Red Sable on 25 May 2014 - 17:05

Interesting read.



Consider these statistics of Christianity in America: Eighty-four percent of the inhabitants of this nation say they believe in the deity of Jesus Christ, according to Barna Group, and 45 percent claim to be born-again Christians. Other studies show it is closer to 33 percent. Either way, these numbers are high. Seventy-seven percent believe their chances of going to heaven are excellent. Thirty-three percent believe one day everyone will go to heaven. Yet America has the highest percentage of single-parent families in the industrialized world, the highest abortion rate, the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases, the highest rate of teenage birth by far, the highest rate of teenage drug use and the largest prison population per capita than any country in the world. Consider also the great moral decline of the last generation (50 to 60 years) and these telling statistics in America. The divorce rate has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, reported violent crime has quadrupled, the prison population has quintupled, the percentage of babies born out of wedlock has risen sixfold, couples living together out of wedlock have increased sevenfold, and gay marriage is now a legalized reality in a number of states, with many believing the end is not in sight. 


In this past generation, we have experienced an overwhelming increase in lawlessness, permissiveness and selfishness, even among Christians. Moral actions that were unthinkable a few decades ago are now commonplace—Christian leaders indulging in sexual sin and grossly immoral scandals, addicted to pornography and accompanied by an exploding divorce rate have greatly factored in the rapid decrease of morals in the American church. And as the church goes, so goes the world. In fact, the results of a survey among young American adults showed that the percentage who follow biblically based values for living has now dropped from 65 percent to a mere 4 percent since World War II.

There has never been a society in the history of mankind whose moral values have deteriorated so dramatically, in such a short period of time, as those of Americans in the last 50 years. And so far it shows no sign of stopping. These statistics are eye-opening, and they serve to warn us that something is terribly wrong with our brand of Christianity. They reveal how poorly the church has communicated the true gospel to mainstream America, and thus the reason for so much deception in our culture.

When the rich man died and went to Hades (Luke 16:19-31), he was surprised to find himself there. In the Jewish culture, they equated wealth with godliness, so this man thought God favored him. The common thought, especially among the Jews, was if you were blessed financially, then you were a good person and therefore favored by God and on your way to heaven. This also explains the disciples' astonishment when Jesus told them how hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19:23-25).

Similarly, there was a church in Laodicea (Rev 3:14-22) who, due to their wealth, thought they too had attained God's favor. Jesus expressed great disapproval over their spiritual condition as well, which they were totally unaware of. They were deceived.

Are you in touch with your true spiritual condition? Or are you allowing the pop culture around you to dictate your standards? Are you conforming to the world's standards or to the Bible? Are you deceived? How can a nation of people among whom a large percentage claims to be born-again Christians experience the kind of degradation the above statistics reveal? Such deception is the state of America today, and the above statistics reveal the fruit of it.

The problem has been that the real gospel has not been preached nor lived. Both the profession and the practice of many so-called Christians in this nation have not matched up. Our substandard message has produced substandard believers. Our departure from the preaching of the cross, repentance, holiness, and the real empowering grace of God has increased the level of deception in the church. How else can we explain the disparity of the above statistics in the church and the nation?

But what is really at the root of this deception? This is what we need to carefully discern. In one word, it is humanism—the glorification of self. Humanism has crept into much of the modern-day church and is diluting the power of the real gospel. 



by gouda on 25 May 2014 - 18:05

In Rev.chapter 17 we see the Great Harlot of false religion,Babylon,destroyed.

In Rev. chapter 18 we can read how the great city }commercial} and political Babylon destroyed. 

This occurs near the end of the Tribulation period..

In verse 4 of chapter19  the 24 elders have the last mention.

From now on the raptured church in heaven is called the Bride

for the marriage of the lamb is coming near.


John  {gouda}


by gouda on 25 May 2014 - 18:05

Very good article Janet.

Thanks for posting it.


Your brother in Christ



by gouda on 25 May 2014 - 18:05



Ezekiel 38:1-39:16 describes the battle of Gog and Magog.

Son of man set thy face against Gog,and the land of Magog.

Using the ancient names for the region which is now western Russia.

This passage tells us of a yet future invasion by the people of

this land into Palistine.

Eze.38:16 tells us that it will be in the later days and 38:14

informs us that it will be at a time when Israel dwells in the land.

In 38:15 and 39:2 it emphasizes that the invaders will come from the north.

This fits perfectly with Moscow being almost perfectly due north

of Jerusalem

John  {gouda}

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 25 May 2014 - 20:05

Very good posts RS, and you took the post right off my computer..I went to look up the text "Study to show thyself approved" for reference and you beat me to it..

We study New and OLD testament together..the old leads right into the new if you reference it..

GO buy a Thompson Chain Reference  KJV yes the original that we like because not so many inserts by the new authors.. KISS  do you know what that means..

We use that in Dog training also...KISS and TOTO

YRTeeth Smile


by Shtal on 26 May 2014 - 04:05

Yet America has the highest percentage of single-parent families in the industrialized world, the highest abortion rate, the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases, the highest rate of teenage birth by far, the highest rate of teenage drug use and the largest prison population per capita than any country in the world. Consider also the great moral decline of the last generation (50 to 60 years) and these telling statistics in America. The divorce rate has doubled, teen suicide has tripled, reported violent crime has quadrupled, the prison population has quintupled, the percentage of babies born out of wedlock has risen sixfold, couples living together out of wedlock have increased sevenfold, and gay marriage is now a legalized reality in a number of states, with many believing the end is not in sight.


Red Sable, thank you for the article. But I think I am compelled to bring evolution here briefly in regards of your article, I felt the need to address this issue in the eyes of athiests since evolution prophecy has been prophesied.

If evolution were true then how now shall we live? Meaning if we were product of evolution, a product of survivor of the fittest, if there is no GOD and we are just here by random chaotic force and we are just molecules of emotion if you will. How would that impact our life? And I found out, that once I study it you know, I study Darwin, I study Dawkins, and many other famous evolutionists and they led me to a very, very dark place, because you have to start asking questions well if evolution is true, its just all about male propagating their DNA and we have to ask hard questions, well is rape WRONG? And you know all of the sudden it becomes, wait a minute, but if evolution is about man propagating their DNA and apply evolutionary thought to humanity, then it is basically the strongest male takes who ever he can to propagate the DNA, and the scary outcome what I found out when you ask yourself all of these things, how do you redefine marriage? Marriage would be in an evolutionary world view, marriage would be anathema because its one man merry to one woman for life and that is the offspring. But according to evolutionary world view that male is strong enough and he had wonderful genes, he should propagate his DNA as much as possible so that species can progress and so it redefines everything about our society and takes you to very, very dark place.


But there are of course people who are theistic-evolutionists, those that believe God used evolution to create us, but we know evolution and Biblical Christianity they are oppose to each other at every level. And give you an idea here, Darwin talked about survivor of the fittest, which is another way of saying death to the weakest; where Christianity you know is the fit - who is Jesus coming down dying for the unfit and that you and me and so those are the two world views, that’s where we are battling. Death to the weakest or the fit in actually would be a replacement for us.

It is whole idea about can God have simply used evolution and the whole concept of evolution is really an instrument of whole philosophy and is a philosophy which is done metrically oppose to Biblical way of seeing through things and Biblical way of living. And Dawkins also points this out when he said in one of his books, I forgot which one, but he says he wouldn’t want to live in a world where society was governed by evolution; it is fascinating way of looking of things, he is NOT consistent fortunately in his evolutionism. What Richard Dawkins wanted is he wanted the morality that extents from the word of God but he didn’t wanted believe in authoritative God that came from that…You know that’s it, he wants morality because he wants to be saved because you look at Jeffrey Dahmer and we all know who that was and he basically, what Jeffrey Dahmer did he believed in evolution and he said to himself why should I modify my behavior if there is no God, we all came from the slime. Well Dawkins scared people like that and rightfully so, he doesn’t want people walking in around living like Jeffrey Dahmer, so he wants it live by the moral code of the Bible but doesn’t want God comes with it. So what would the world be like if evolution were true? It would be a dark, dark place.

btw, thank you for your feedback in regards what the title says in my thread.....:)


by vk4gsd on 26 May 2014 - 06:05

Bwahaha the most xtian country in the world is the most in moral decline and somehow it is because evolution says its ok for men to rape women bwahahahaha.

in fact the only place that orders mass rape is the bible and god ordered it.



by Shtal on 26 May 2014 - 06:05

Anti-Christ wrote: in fact the only place that orders mass rape is the bible and god ordered it.


Please don't start this shit in my thread.


shit  (shĭt) Vulgar Slang http://www.thefreedictionary.com/shit

v. shit also shat (shăt), shit·ting, shits
To defecate.
1. To defecate in.
2. To tease or try to deceive.
1. Excrement.
2. The act or an instance of defecating.
3. shits Diarrhea. Used with the.
a. Something considered disgusting, of poor quality, foolish, or otherwise totally unacceptable.
b. A mean or contemptible person.
5. A narcotic or intoxicant, such as marijuana or heroin.
6. Things; items.
7. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.
8. Insolent talk or behavior.
9. Trouble or difficulty.
10. A small or worthless amount: He doesn't know shit.
Used to express surprise, anger, or extreme displeasure.

Phrasal Verb:

shit on
To treat with malice or extreme disrespect.


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