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by DebiSue on 22 September 2012 - 01:09

Great pix!  What fun!  Love him sprawled on his back, dead to the world.  Your MoJo reminds me of Echo, same expession, same attitude towards the new pup.  They still have squabbles from time to time.  Ziggy usually lets her win but on occassion, he gets pissed and lets her know it.  Yes, keep posting pix.  We can never have too many.

by Blitzen on 22 September 2012 - 02:09

Generally, I'd feel much more comfortable with 2 males living in harmony than 2 females. The boys may have their disagreements and challenges from time to time, but those darned females will usually fight to the death.


by ggturner on 22 September 2012 - 12:09

Nice pictures bee!  Looks like the whole family is adjusting well!  

by beetree on 25 September 2012 - 13:09

Here are the 10 weeks old update pictures. He is at least 19 lbs. (don't have the digital scale working, had to do it the old fashioned way... Wondering ! )  I think what is most apparent, is what a little bully he has become to Mojo. Mojo is being a wonderful nanny dog and is putting up with more abuse than he is dishing out!  Even though he has put the pup's head inside his entire mouth, repeatedly, so much that I have taken to calling him "Little Saliva Head". The pup has marked his "safe zones" and has done those crazy puppy running jags like an obstacle course, running under, around and through the furniture where he knows Mojo just won't fit. It is hysterical at times, too, seeing Mojo do everything in his doggedly power to get Beau to play "chase me for the toy!" 

It is wonderful, because he gets him all tired out, without me... oh, the joys of multiple dogs.... it really can be easier this way! 


These aren't the best quality, but the action is so fast and furious, you should be able to get the idea that Beau is brave!


Have a great day everyone!


by Ruger1 on 25 September 2012 - 13:09

WoW,,he is quite cute! Bet he is cuddly..Looks like one big happy family...:)

by Blitzen on 25 September 2012 - 13:09

I am really impressed with the way Mojo has accepted Beau.

Krazy Bout K9s

by Krazy Bout K9s on 25 September 2012 - 15:09

Love the pics Bee, so glad he is fitting in. He wasn't that tough here, he was the quiet laid back one, big brother must be a push over.LOL..sorry I haven't been on here, waaaaaay too busy lately.

andhourspass (sp), the buckskin mare is Sedona, and the palomino gelding is Abe, HE IS FOR SALE TOO!!, ;-)) he is a QH, 17 hands, a BIG BOY!!!! Used for hunting in the mountains..

Anyhow, I love the close ups of Mr. Beau! Wonder if he is part Boerboel,Wink Smile he weighs a bunch!!!! LOL...
Take care, and keep the pics coming, Steph


by LadyFrost on 25 September 2012 - 17:09

Great pict Bee!!!!

I also love the close ups, that fur color is gorgeous, he actually does look blue...are his eyes changing colors from blue to green or is it just a camera angle?

Once you get a 3rd one you won’t even notice a difference except you will be going faster through dog food....and once you get 4th one...its all the same, you just now have 2 groups of 2 that play, follow each other around, basically attached at the hip....its amazing to see the new dog copying others.

When i had just Misty i thought I will teach her the game that used to keep my childhood dog busy for hours...u grab a handful of treats cut into small pieces and spread it through out the yard and say "find it" and the dog will spend hours checking every inch of the yard looking for tasty treats...so here i am with Misty; i throw the treats and she sits down and just looks at me like..wtf?...so i point 1 item she picks it up and then looks at me, so i find next piece, point, she picks it up and looks at me, etc...after about 10 min. of squatting and pointing my back was killing me and my husband was laughing saying that she got me trained...eventually she got the idea....so this weekend i had some bbq meat left over which i cut into small chunks and decided to throw it across the yard for dogs to "look for it"....3 of them knew exactly what to do, you should have seen Tank, it was a full on panic mode..LOL..his face was pricelss : "OMG they are doing something and I don’t know what to do"...LOOOL..
I was laughing so hard, when he would see Bailey pick a treat up he would run to her, than see Dozer pick it up and would run to him...eventually he started copying them, by sniffing, stopping,  looking around making sure others are still at it, nose down, etc…and I did not have to do 1 thing…
So, yesterday I did the same thing and he was right on it, nose down, he may have even inhaled a few treats, but heck, i did not have to spend time teaching a simple task….I realize this is not a proper training technique to some, and this is done purely for keeping dogs busy but this is one way to get a basic behavior in line, just like sitting down before food bowl, once he sees all 3 of them sitting, he sits w/o a word from me and once i say "go ahead" he watches others dive in and than gets a hint that command "go ahead" means eat..….this is just an example of  a“buddy” system that works great for me…
another example...I was telling Bailey to lay down, she will sit but will not lay down (never been able to get her to do it directly on command, at first i thought it was do to hip, but now its just one of those things that she will not do 100% of the time) so I am saying " Bailey down"...Dozer drops down right behind me, Misty slowly lowers herself to the right of me, Tank looks at them and lays down in front of me..bailey about 6 feet away grunts, sits but will not lay down....I repeat "DOWN!"...Tank lowers his head on the concrete, Dozer rolls over to a side, Misty lowers her head onto her paws...Bailey puts her head low and does "semi- down" where she her legs are stretched but her belly/chest not touching the ground...I repeat " Bailey, Down, NOW!"....Dozer rolls over, Misty rolls to a side, tank looks at them and proceeds to slam his body on a side and roll over with his eyes still looking at Dozer....as hard as I tried to keep my face straight and my voice stern I had lost it and started laughing....once again Tank learned by watching...will re test that tonight..but i am sure he got the roll over action associated with 3 "downs"..LOL


by starrchar on 25 September 2012 - 20:09

Beetree, I am so happy for you, Beau and the rest of your family. It seems things could not have worked out better. Absolutely wonderful! Beau is such a cutie and Mojo is a great big brother! Keep the photos coming! 

by beetree on 26 September 2012 - 13:09

I am so glad how Mojo is taking to the big brother role!  I won't leave them alone unsupervised still, but I swear Mojo understands we want the puppy alive! LOL I am positive he can read my mind; I feel bad sometimes when I don't train him because he just does what I want. 

While I have always admitted to Mojo's ability to be a cupcake, what he is displaying is uncanny patience rather than a meekness, I think!  Regular Smile. You should see him with the blue jolly ball that has a rope going through it. Riley throws it, Mojo retrieves it, brings it to Beau so he can get a bite, and actually drops it for him! He LETS the puppy win!  I am going to have to get a camera handy and catch some pixs when they are playing tug-of-war with the same toy. Mojo keeps the tension perfect for puppy, not too hard, but enough to lead him around. And Beau has a good grip alright, I can barely pry those jaws open when he gets a load of my hair if I bend down far enough and it falls within his reach.

Good grief about those Boerbels! Though I see a resemblance in some ways, LOLOL

I can see that type of learning is going to happen here! I just hope he doesn't learn the bad habits... like how to open the pool gate? And I will watch him like a hawk if he even dares to pick a rock up in his mouth! Beau is always using his nose, I think I saw him pointing the other day, too, but I can't be sure, LOL He has a sneak attack too, where he reminds me of Snoopy on patrol against the enemy.

And about the eyes... from what I've read, they can be expected to change to Amber, probably sometime soon, so you could be seeing a bit of that happening with that camera angle. Most times they still look blue.

Starrchar, thanks for the nice words. I'll try to update weekly more or less, so we can all see him grow. 

He is an amazingly fun, cuddlebum, and is gentle with his people... if you are smart enough to have a chew toy with you for a diversion.  He is very easy to divert! Not like that black GSD I had, nothing was more fun for him than real feet and hands, and even a whole small child if he could manage to get one.


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