Lame Lab...Please Help! - Page 2

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Olga Ashley

by Olga Ashley on 25 October 2011 - 06:10

Maybe he has poor hips and arthritis has set in....has he ever been x-rayed for hips?  WHERE are you located?  Those vet fees are ridiculous!  It should not cost more than $100-$120ish to x-ray his leg!  Breeders/show exibitors always know what vets are the best to go to, maybe contact a reputable local breeder and ask them what vet clinic they least find one that is reasonable!


by LadyFrost on 25 October 2011 - 14:10

SPCA have vets on site and their services are VERY Cheap...i  would go through them to get x ray done than not do an x ray at all. What if the bone is broken? what if hip is dislocated? you  know it will only get worse with time and if it's not addressed you are looking at more spending to correct an issue....and i understand financial situations, I was in the same boat, i had 2 healthy dogs, never had an issue, got a free puppy with HD, spend hundreds on unexpected surgery, than doubled that amount when she removed her stitches and had to be put under to staple her back together, trust hurts financially but you took on that responsibility knowingly and have to be prepared to take care of any issues...yes i maxed out my credit card and yes it took me longer to pay it off than for her to heal but thats what responsible owners do.....i am sorry this may come out harsh, but your dog is limping, there is a problem, and there is no one else to help but you.. you are all your dog got..

Also, when it comes to labs they tend to have fatty build ups, they are usually non cancerous and can be removed with just local anesthesia, I seen that done before; they slice it open and just turn it inside out and remove "roots" that are attached to the skin..that is if it's a fatty build up..every lab i knew (total of 4 ) had that between ages of is not painful to the dog, biggest build up i seen was a size of a softball under front leg attached tot he chest...cost to remove was $120.00 and it was an optional procedure..

just google search it you will find tons of info..

I resided in CA and x rays there through SPCA were under $100. Currently I reside in SC and I had local vets who quoted me $250-$450 for x rays I called a city near by (24 miles away) and got quoted x rays at $35.00 an x rays ( reason for cheaper price, vets who OWN x rays are much cheaper, vets who RENT mobile x rays once a week are a lot higher) around..also always negotiate, if you pay in full you should ask for discount....all doc's/ vets rather get paid in full than receive a monthly payment (which is always an option).


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