German shepherd rug in China - Page 4

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by Inka01 on 09 June 2011 - 05:06

I don't think this would be the fur of a VA or V dog, these shepherds are sold for very high price and I am sure that they are not to be eaten. There are several respectable breeders in China as well, who I am sure feel the same heartbreaking seeing their favourite breed this way.

People make cruel things to animals all over the world, in China, in USA, in Europe, in India, whereever you look there is something what can make other peoples say "barbars". 

I dont want to protect chinese people because they dont need to be protected, and this picture made my all day sad, I could not forget it.. but not all of them are cruels and as far as I know, mostly they have their own bred dogs to eat. Certainly I am sorry for those dogs as well, but remember: people eat the beautiful cows and horses as well, all over the world.. we eat pork, although pigs are almost the same intelligent as dogs... we keep thousands of chickens together and stuff ducks by hand just to get their liver grow... These things are not really better either... Or just think about the whales, the dolpins, the cruel shark fishing..
Something is wrong with this world... :( 

by SitasMom on 09 June 2011 - 07:06

People in China will pay thousands of $$$ for a prize Koi for sushi.......why not dog?

Nothing is wrong with this world, just a small portion of the humans in this world.


by Rik on 09 June 2011 - 11:06

isengard, animal abusers in the U.S. are individuals, not the culture or practice of the nation. And there are stories every day of abusers being arrested over animal abuse. To say "we" do these things as a nation is absurd. We do not.


by Ruger1 on 09 June 2011 - 12:06

    Sitas mom...Something is most definitely wrong with this world....:(

      There is cruelty to animals all over the face of it...Although I agree that some cultures are more barbaric than others..... 

   Since moving out to the country, I have seen many, many farm dogs tied to trees for years....Not sure I woundn't rather a hard quick beating....Veal farmers keep baby cows in very sad conditions.....

     This subject makes me very sad indeed..: (


by steve1 on 09 June 2011 - 13:06

What we abhor over in your Country and here in Europe is not the same to the Chinese, as one said different cultures and thats everywhere, Take Belgium they eat a lot of Horse Meat, When i moved over to Belgium i told a friend to buy me a Freezer full of Beef in Steaks and Pork, When i got here i had the Steaks okay but they were Horse Steaks, I did not throw them away i did not eat them but i gave them to my famous Herding Border Collie Charlie, He ate them okay no problem cost me a fair few euros though.
  China eat a lot of Dog Meat so it is normal to them but makes us feel the opposite way

Chaz Reinhold

by Chaz Reinhold on 09 June 2011 - 13:06

It's disgusting! I just puked up my veal dinner all over my nice leather couch.

by eichenluft on 09 June 2011 - 15:06

Steve, it's not the fact that Chinese Culture finds no problem as we do in eating dog meat.  If it's their culture and they have dogs raised for meat, so be it.  It's the fact that the dogs are kept in horrible conditions, treated horribly, then tortured to death before the eating that is the problem.  Even our meat animals (cows, chickens, pigs, sheep, etc) are treated reasonably well before slaughter, then slaughtered humanely, according to our animal welfare laws in this country.  The point is, our meat animals don't suffer, or they are not caused to suffer with intent - the dogs used for meat in China are.  That is really inexcuseable.  Seeing this beautiful pelt that came from a beautiful obviously German show-line GSD which is the breed out of all the wonderful breeds of canine that we in particular love the most - and knowing that more than likely this animal died a horrible suffering lingering death full of terror, torture, pain and torment - is really hard to think about.  I could deal with the knowledge that dogs are killed  humanely for meat in China.  But that is simply not the case.  Something needs to be done about that.  Is there anything we can do?



by steve1 on 09 June 2011 - 15:06

Yes, I know exactly what goes on over there i have been about a bit myself  it is not that i condoning the practice but nothing said on here will change it unfortunately sad as it is, I really see no reason to put such Pic's on the Forum at all more so if some younger viewers are looking in

by kacey on 09 June 2011 - 16:06

eichenluft...this is quite honestly a tough nut to crack, and a multi-faceted problem. Infact, one that people rarely like to discuss (which I think only perpetuates the problem)...and it is much so, that some countries have placed trade embargos on dogs to China. Exactly...prized dogs were landing on dinner plates. Indeed we as North Americans & Europeans like to think our dogs are our pets/companions/working partners, but we hit that "cultural" wall with other parts of the world. Some asian countries have reclassified dogs as not meant for human consumption, but China is still slow to change. The fact that they have no animal rights, gives them cart-blanche to treat (err...well I'll call it for what it really is to...mis-treat) animals any way they want. Part of the problem, is they see nothing wrong with their methods. My hope, is that more global pressure to their ways, will one day change that mindset. May not happen in my lifetime, but we shouldn't rule out that possibility. I think education is key. Making ourselves aware of these issues, can create change, and effect politicians. As well, breeders shouldn't be sending dogs to China period.


by GSDNewbie on 09 June 2011 - 16:06

China pumps millions into buying illegal animal parts to eat or grind up into powder for consumption from rare and protected animals and some of you think they would hesitate at eating a VA or V rated gsd? The fact that it is outrageously expensive to buy a high rated dog would make them wish to eat it all the more like Kobi beef and lobster. I do not care what qulaity dog it is. NO dog deserves to be beaten to death eaten.


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