HORSE PEOPLE- HELP ASAP- What is this??? - Page 9

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by beetree on 13 October 2010 - 23:10

Not a Chincoteague, I don't think. I took care of an amazingly crafty little paint bugger of a Chincoteague pony. I remember dinstincly,  I told my sister not to turn her back on him when walking with a lead. She didn't listen. Promptly bit her in the back and trampled her. They could count the teethmarks on her back at the Dr's office. He was very flashy, actually, raced in a sulkie and would give a grand stand stretch, too.

by gieske on 14 October 2010 - 14:10

hi Jenni, I live too far away, the black could not be shipped yet.

If he has a tatoo, contact the rescue group CANTER,, they will possibly help. they are great with ex-race horses. I have adopted from them before also.

You can reach me at my email:




by Weezy on 14 October 2010 - 18:10

There are alot of good thoughts on these horses out there. I wouldn't call any of them Mustangs because of their feet not being big firm solid hooves that can take alot and never need shod.  Most don't have a refined head either but don't really show the heavy head like a mustang might. However some could be mixed with a mustang. The black one is a nice looking thing. and would guess it has walker in it. alot of  them look like mixes/ grade horses with Quarter horse in there. The ponies are probably mixes as well. some welsh maybe with a dash of pinto or paint??

I Agree with Jenni78 and animules about the closing of our plants and sending these Equines to mexico or elsewhere. We can't regulate how they are treated there for sure.  We can destroy our cripples or old here but there is no rendering truck that will pick them up anymore and unless you own you own dozer to bury them, then there is no place to go with them but open pasture. That is a very sad thing. The economy is aweful and people can't feed themselves let alone their horses and pets in alot of cases. The cost of maintaining a horse in outrageous. Here in SE Kansas, shoeing 1 horse is $65-$85.00 each time every 6-8 weeks. trimming is $25-$35
per horse. Vaccine and worming costs more than you can sell a horse for in alot of cases. I went to a few horse sales and the places were making sellers pay the PO fee up front because they couldn't even get enough to pay the fee from the horse sale.  Saddles are still worth more than alot of horses. Very Sad....
Leckhaus Shepherds


by 4pack on 14 October 2010 - 20:10

LOL Jen, at least I didn't add a w. I'm in a big hurry most posts and can't even take the time to go over what I typed.


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