My Final Thoughts on USA By-law Change - Page 4

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by TessJ10 on 09 November 2009 - 20:11

Asking again:  when is this change effective?  Now? Jan. 1?

by Bob McKown on 09 November 2009 - 20:11

 Bolting at this time appears to be the easiest path if your jonesing for a fight stick around and play, It,s all personel opinion we will ahve to see where this ride takes us.

by Bob McKown on 09 November 2009 - 20:11

 Bolting at this time appears to be the easiest path if your jonesing for a fight stick around and play, It,s all personel opinion we will have to see where this ride takes us.

by crhuerta on 09 November 2009 - 20:11

How does one "stick around and play"....if they already have a duel membership with WDA & UScA.?
Why would one renew a membership with UScA, if they are being told that they cannot keep their membership with WDA, IF doing so??  Fight who? Fight what?......
Our yearly dues, trial & show entries have always been "acceptable" and willingly taken by both organizations.
How can dropping a membership of WDA, and re-newing/keeping a membership of UScA,  "bring the fight" to the EB??
Jump ship??.......the only choice duel members have is.....(sink or swim.)

by VomMarischal on 09 November 2009 - 20:11

Bob, you're really not offering much of a plan. A couple cliches does not make a reasonable argument. Is there something you're not telling us? Do you have a plan in mind that you just don't want to broadcast?

by Bob McKown on 09 November 2009 - 20:11

Is your membership up in USA now? Has the new ammendment been put in writting and sent out yet? do we know why this even happened other then speculation and heresay? I don,t know about you but i love putting the boots to politcal people and basically being a fly in the ointment but guess what I still get my dogs trained and titled. I,m not going to believe the full story untill I see it for my self as I,m also not going to run and hide because half a dozen big time show or breeders who rake in lots o cash from the GSD  tell me to if I go it will be my decision not the elite names who make people go "wow they must know what there alking about"... I,d rather make sure for my self. 

by Bob McKown on 09 November 2009 - 20:11


I do know this I have not signed a "arbitration" clause as my dues are not due till april 2010 and I do know for sure that entities have been taken to court and overruled by not following Roberts rules of order.

I,m waiting to see where this roller coaster goes before I throw up all over it.

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger" I aint dead yet.

just a couple more "cliches" to add in there for ya.

by VomMarischal on 09 November 2009 - 20:11


by Kessy on 09 November 2009 - 20:11

This politic hick hack is just puzzeling to me.
When I look at the widespread areas here. I used to be in the DVG, not formaly enrolled but through a club that had ties to the VDH and DVG. which was sunny, becuase it was in a well "clubed" area so you had your pick.
Now I live in a well "no club availlabe area" . Not UScA not DVG not WDA in driving distance.
I can't afford to jetset with my dogs to training or to clubs.
The rare dog events are sparce and with lots of travel time involved. I am in for the breed I am in for the sport, but it is just no fun to be not able to play dogs becuase of some if-you-play-with-them-we-are-not-friends-anymore kindergarden rule.
Well who can you play with then?
Even if the choice is WDA, i just looked at the Applicationform did give me the impression you need to belong to some club in the area, and you need a sponsor (correct me if i am wrong).
Who as a member at large- that can't be a member at large is one supposed to play dogs with then?
AKC? Yes they work on bitework inclusion, but this is sparce, and just can get popular with people joining it, that know what it is. UKC has some stuff, but even here it just can be a go if people go there that have interst in it, and go and push the events...
How do you help the sport and the breed by limiting the appearance of the breed and it's skills?
How do you win members and encourage groth and change of standards in other organisaztions and lead by example, when you are not allowed to go or participate and lead by example?
Besides the fact, that I know that there are a lot of people geographically limited to their activities, what choice do they have in participating in the sport when there is this stupid rule?
Either you swallow the rule and just play with UScA, or you are playing alone in your backyard- because noone else will take you.
How many people do you think will stay in UScA, just because this is one of the only Breed/Sport dog club that let's you play with them when you are a member at large?

Makes me sad and sick at the same time!!!

by cledford on 09 November 2009 - 21:11

Here are some thoughts on the DVG angle. First, I've recently joined DVG and Carole Patterson was extremely helpful with this. My experience with her is that she is very helpful when she can be.

So, my guess is, given the coziness between the AWDF and UScA (I believe there are a couple of board members who hold joint positions within each org) and given that the DVG is simply another AWDF member club, there is probably no way the DVG will be *permitted* to help with the ‘teaching of a lesson’ to the UScA. For those who don’t know, the UScA represents the GSD breed under the ‘umbrella’ of the AWDF. The AWDF has other ‘member’ clubs that represent other working breeds and the DVG seems to the ‘catch-all’ that focuses solely on sport and permits all breeds and mixed breeds to show. I think the intent is that the AWDF is the ‘FCI’ to the UScA (WUSV) type breed specific organizations.

So, DVG will be a place to go to trial, but not a harbor for disaffected UScA clubs to bolt to.



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