Oli... Please Read and Respond - Page 3

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by VonIsengard on 02 July 2009 - 21:07

You rarely see me on political topics, because I come to this board to talk dogs, not talk politics. So guess what I do? You can try it yourself, but I warn you, it's REALLY HARD. I don't read or post on topics that I don't want to. It's a hell of a challenge, but I'm sure if you put forth the effort, you can do it, too.


by BabyEagle4U on 03 July 2009 - 00:07

I like this new Breed Forum and General Topics section, it was a good idea. It's a shame more people don't appreciate the things people do for the overall of everyone. That is evident here. Some people just like the attention I think, like it makes them feel better or something morbid. It reminds me of parasites mentioned from the abortion thread for some reason. I'll never forget that thread the rest of my life, thanks.

Some people just like to make things miserable for others, and some people stiffle others opinions just because. What's happening here in OT Topics sometimes Politics .. people are wakin' up. And they know it. it's a last ditch effort to silence those who oppose due to facts.

I personally like to contribute to the Politics on any Forum, and I do. Some people appreciate that, some don't, of course.

I also think that if Oli wanted to silence the OT Topics and or Politicals and or US posters he surely would have by now, I'm just glad he doesn't as he indirectly is part of the world solution and that is also evident. Thanks Oli !! 

I'll be sure to wax a cannon and have ya'll a round of 500mg Liberty Eagles at midnight tomorrow. The 64 Soldiers whom returned from Bagdad last night can't leave the barracks before a debriefing schedualed for the 7th, so the North Mountain will light up the Air Field for a FLY-ABOUT  to bring on the BBQ's !!!


Happy 4th everyone !!!! 


by RatPackKing on 03 July 2009 - 00:07

Well said BabyEagle,

Happy 4th!!


by MaggieMae on 03 July 2009 - 00:07

Baby Eagle -- Please pass me some Bar-B-Q 


by sueincc on 03 July 2009 - 16:07

BabyjEagle here is what Oli had to say as to why he created the General Forum:
"ps. I will be making this message board a cross breed board and adding a new (empty) for GSD related issues. this is only becuase of a design flaw of mine:

I created a multi breed messageboard for al other breeds and excluded the GSD because this board existed, I can easily remove the exclusion of the GSD and have GSD's as a normal member as other breeds. The data container for this ( the original ) messageboard stands alone .

So for each breed there will be 2 forums, Cross-breed (that is seen for every breed) and a breed-only that is local.


There is nothing ambivalent about what he said.  The fact of the matter is people who continue to riddle this board with all these ridiculous OT American political threads are selfish and have no respect for Oli,  his DOG board or the entire international community.   They can get  away with doing it and so they do.  Those of you who continue to do so are only rationalizing your bad behaviour.


by Sunsilver on 03 July 2009 - 16:07

Let me chime in here to say I, too, find all the political threads a royal pain in the butt.

I can't believe the BS they contain either. They are not even INTELLIGENT political threads, but mostly extreme right-wing propoganda posted by people who haven't a clue about the world outside their own narrow boundaries.

I cringe when I think of international posters reading them, and perhaps thinking these views represent what all Americans think.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 03 July 2009 - 17:07

excuse me silversun:You have your nerve  you of all people....Ok swallow that for rebound..I can criticize also....Bitch Bitch Bitch Bitch   quoted from a new night gown my partner sent me for my birthday...the damn politics of today has every thing in the world to do with my kennel and my ending of my business...    do you thing everyone has a bucket of gold under their stairwell...? DO YOU AND ARASTATAS TAS TAT EVEN LIVE IN AMERICA? I REALLY DO NOT CARE AT THIS POINT.  new government rules in Texas just shut doors of a lot of breeders and will continue ..Are you gonna support me when my SS check stops because of no money to pay it to me., after I worked all these years to have it ....no didnt think so...Are you supporting someone up, a sister ,a brother, uncle, aunt or family who has lost everything and a job also and have nothing but a bush to live under? did nt think so...

not gonna shut me up  as I know what is truth  and what is not...right now    still FREE  FOR ME TO TALK AND SAY WHAT I WANT.. I  have talked to the Drs. here in Texas and they know what is coming, I talk to the city workers, the heads of 7 car dealers, and they know what is happening...and I talk to the men and women in the salvation Army building and they already know what happened about  two months ago....do you???no you do not...I have a letter from my electric company that says due to the recent government mandates I can expect my bill to be 28% higher and they will not take partial payments. So prepare my budget to pay the bill on time or have my account closed....so I now sit with ice tea and a fan while I type on this page....my a/c control is on 84 so I only have a 345.00 bill instead of a 435.00 bill...pups are in the a/c with seperate billing and their bill will be around 100.00 instead of 45.00/// so send all contibutions to   THE BITCH FUND ...CARE OF YELLOWROSE,,  TYLER , TEXAS 75791


by BabyEagle4U on 03 July 2009 - 18:07

Sunsilver, do you really expect people to just shut up when a OT Political thread pops up ? What would you like us to do Sunsilver, go ahead and agree with everything Obama is doing ? His policies are un-american and un-constitutional regardless of how you and those like you support those policies or Obama himself.

I personally oppose any and all policies un-constitutional regardless of who is POTUS, and I will continue untill I see "change".

I mean seriously, how can you support these policies, yet still appreciate July 4th and Liberty ? DUH !!

If Oli really wanted to.. he could just ban me or anyone for that matter, I'm still here, so I will participate @ random in any discussion I choose, mind you.

These Oli please Threads are ridiculous if you ask me. It's no wonder why he allows us ALL to post !!!


July 4th 1776  Thanks you France !!

by GAPeach on 03 July 2009 - 18:07

It gets old to read this kind of crap on a dog forum. If you want to read and write about politics, go to that type of forum.


by Daveb on 03 July 2009 - 19:07

The problem  with the ot stuff is that it really has taken over the board.  The board has become more of a political forum, less knowlegable people are coming here to talk about dogs because of all the poliitical, religeous and other OT stuff.

When the people with knowlege about dogs post here their voices are often drowned out by the people who post for hours a day and the insight into the animals that we are supposedly here for is diluted eitther by opinionated  inexperienced people posting on dog threads, political threads or people who just want to argue

I am not saying that political discussions are bad, just that dog topics should be the predominant topic of a dog board

I wish you all well 


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