OT - Swine flu in USA, New Zealand, Canada and France - Page 5

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Two Moons

by Two Moons on 27 April 2009 - 18:04

You guys are so funny some times...
Feels like old times again...

by Uglydog on 27 April 2009 - 21:04

Planned plague, part 2
Main article: Consequences of the Black Death

Monks, disfigured by the plague, being blessed by a priest. England, 1360–75

Figures for the death toll vary widely by area and from source to source as new research and discoveries come to light. It killed an estimated 75–200 million people in the 14th century.[40][41][42] According to medieval historian Philip Daileader in 2007:[43]

The trend of recent research is pointing to a figure more like 45% to 50% of the European population dying during a four-year period.

Jews are burned alive.

In 1348, the plague spread so rapidly that before any physicians or government authorities had time to reflect upon its origins, about a third of the European population had already perished. In crowded cities, it was not uncommon for as much as fifty percent of the population to die. Europeans living in isolated areas suffered less, and monasteries and priests were especially hard hit since they cared for the Black Death's victims.

[46] Because fourteenth century healers were at a loss to explain the cause, Europeans turned to astrological forces, earthquakes, and the Poisoning of Wells by Jews as possible reasons for the plague's emergence.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 27 April 2009 - 22:04


by beetree on 28 April 2009 - 00:04

 I just NOW saw a damn mouse in my kitchen and the dog did nothing! Years ago, my brindle mutt killed a rat before my very eyes, a story straight out of Lady and the Tramp. He was proclaimed Hero of the Day, that day. 


by CrysBuck25 on 28 April 2009 - 03:04


Thanks for the suggestion...but I always steer clear of others when I'm sick.  It is the only correct course of action.  I haven't had the flu since the year after the SARS thing went around.  If I start to feel any odd symptoms, I take immediate action, with nature's anti-virals.  There are several herbs out there that can and do help to purge the viruses from the body, although the above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  The fact that these herbs are still being used for this purpose today, after thousands of years, tells me they are safe and effective.

Whether this particular bug turns out to be a bad one or not, my actions will be the same.  Herbs have been used for centuries before the advent of modern medicine, and that there are people left to be here today is testimony to the effectiveness of these herbs.  Sadly, in the Western world, study of herbs was generally considered to be witchcraft, much as it is still today, and thus they are not used to their full advantage.  Also, since herbs can be grown and used by lay people, there is not the profit to be had that there is from the modern drugs.

There are a lot of people who strongly believe in the modern medical model.  I am not one of them, because it scares me to see how the health care industry has grown into one of the biggest industries in history, and we have hundreds of times as many diseases, dysfunctions, and sydromes than we have ever had at any time in the past.  With the vast growth of the industry has come skyrocketing prices, putting any real health care out of the reach of most of the citizens of this country. 

That's what any new disease is really about...Just another way to increase the profits of the industry.  And if some on this board are right, and it is a planned and executed attempt at bio-terrorism, either by our own government or another, then it is a poor attempt, at that.  I hope they are wrong.  But if they are not...

Wake up, America.  The days of peace and tranquility are behind us.  There are rough days ahead.


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 28 April 2009 - 03:04

We eagerly await our final days...


by BabyEagle4U on 28 April 2009 - 08:04

they eagerly await their final days... 


by steve1 on 28 April 2009 - 08:04

Yes, another year and another pandemic Flu virus for the people of the world, 
A yearly thing now which is becoming to be expected, But for the guillable people it is frighening, and as Crys says another way of putting money into the big companies pockets just like the so called Chicken Flu Pandemic we were warned about was going to strike us all down, but died a death as if it never exsisted and in a way it did not, just a part of living
The only thing these scaremongers do is to upset the normal peoples lives which is just a form of greed on there part
As for the word put in Terroist by one poster, I for one never think about them in the course of my living, I never allow anything to dictate my life, i do my own thing, and never think about any thing which some worry about may cause them harm, I have enough to think about in day to day living without adding extra to it
Just get on with your lives and let the Media say what it likes

by beetree on 28 April 2009 - 11:04

Interesting, that when warned of a brewing pandemic that doesn't materialize, the pharma companies get blamed. Yet, if there is a pandemic that does strike without warning, the pharma companies will still get blamed. Everyone complains about pharma companies making profits, and no one mentions the lives saved through research funded by the pharma companies.

Crys, I doubt a staff infection will respond the same way to a tisane of herbs vs. a strong antibiotic. Take your chances and stay well. Generics anyone?

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 28 April 2009 - 12:04

Staph* infection. 

Keeping your body healthy has alot to do with staying healthy.  In these days, that is tough, considering all the toxins we have to deal with in our enviroment.

  No need to defend the pharma companies, they have their bottom line as a much higher priorty than your health.  Instead of spending millions on finding cures, maybe they should be concentrating on prevention.


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