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by jayne241 on 12 March 2009 - 18:03

 "And Jayne, just how do you teach a 2-year old?"

Well it's never too early to start teaching kindness and gentleness and respect toward animals (speaking as a mom of twin boys that at one time were two years old... at the same time   ...) although I agree a 2-year-old should be supervised.  I missed where you said it was a 2-year old.

One time when I was having a get-together, several small children were in my house, around 3 years old.  They wanted to feed my dog (male intact GSD) but I told them they could only have one doggie biscuit to give him.  We were all in the same room but not really paying much attention to the kids, I was talking to the parents for about 20-30 minutes when I started wondering what ever became of that biscuit and why were the kids being so quiet...

Since they could only have one biscuit, they were giving him the biscuit, then reaching into his mouth and taking it back out... then giving it to him again... for about 20-30 minutes!

I did watch carefully whenever rambunctious kids were around, to protect *him* not the kids. 

I don't even want to think about the possible alternative ending to your crayon story.  :(

by jayne241 on 12 March 2009 - 18:03

 " A great dog will take whatever punishment they dishout."

That was my dog.  He would take it, but *I* wouldn't.  I would rescue him.  No kid ever needed rescuing from him, it was totally the other way around.

I can't believe what some folks teach their kids.

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 12 March 2009 - 19:03

Those are crayola markers, certainly not permanent.  No harm done, dog is loving every minute of it.  Very cute!


by Jenni78 on 12 March 2009 - 19:03

No harm done. That child is old enough that he could've snuck out of bed w/out anyone knowing and done that all on his own. We don't know that the parents left him alone intentionally.

And I didn't know Bull Terriers were on the dangerous dog list..................................


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