Long Coat's Ears are taking too long to come up? What's best way to remove the glue after taping? - Page 4

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Jacob Angel

by Jacob Angel on 15 February 2009 - 20:02

Hi Everyone.... I appreciate everyone's advice in regards to my little girl's ears.

I did all the natural stuff.. she eats raw chicken and bones every other day... she gets meat bones twice a week. I cut her beautiful ear fluff off so her head looks like almost like a standard coat now... I waited as long as possible......
......and then glued foam inserts from dogsport into her ears with tearmender adhesive.  This was a horrible idea. Tearmender absoultely sucks for this application and was just a freakin mess. It won't stick to your skin.. or your dogs bare skin... it will only stick to the hair.... on the same note... it won't stick to the foam inserts. I carefully cut the glue out and left her ears alone for a week. Then I took her to the vet to check for cartlidge damage... none found.

We decided, (the vet and I) that it would be best to tape the inserts in with blue painter's tape as per someone's advice on this board... this didn't work out for me... the blue tape pulled out a ton of hair... was uncomfortable for her... and she would continue to shake them out... also when she ran around it would cause her ears to flop around... where as the only time they used to stand up at all was shen she was running... at this point I felt I was doing more harm than good, and decided to leave her alone... fortunately for me... my breeders begged and begged me to take her to a different vet and lucky for me I listened.

She used Kamar Adhesive and glued the dogsport inserts in. After having her ears taped for 3 weeks off an on every day as she shook them out... the new glued in inserts didn't bother her a bit, and her ears immediately stood up. At first it looked like the inserts propped up the ears... then just a couple of days later it looked like the ears were holding up the inserts! The inserts started to taco in so I used an empty papertowel roll and cut templates of the inserts out from an extra set I had. I used the kamar adhesive and glued them to the foam inserts to strengthen them..I then took a sharpie and drew some stray hairs in them :) CAMOFLAUGE!  Some people don't even notice them!

This has worked very well so far. They have now been in for three and a half weeks! Her ears are up as much as a normal G.S.D. now... and it doesn't look like the adhesive is in any hurry to come off... so I figure by the time they naturally fall out... her ears should be up! OF COURSE, I will keep you posted.

Here are her latest pics taken last week.. sorry the pics suck.. I am using my cell phone as my camera is broken.
Last pic is right from the vet before I added the cardboard

this last picture is how she looked on the way home from the vet before I put the cardboard in. 

Thanks EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jacob Angel

by Jacob Angel on 16 February 2009 - 04:02

and then...........


by Xeph on 16 February 2009 - 05:02

And then the world exploded into candy from the absolute gorgeousness of those puppers!

Jacob Angel

by Jacob Angel on 16 February 2009 - 07:02

Thanks a ton for the compliments...they certainly are some really cute pups!!!

I am NOT looking for a way to remove the glue... thanks though! Peanut Butter is a good trick.

I just linked this to the old thread so people that were engaged in this topic could see her progress.

Very Best,


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