So Ironic---Big Three auto CEOs flew private jets to ask for taxpayer money - Page 3

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by wuzzup on 20 November 2008 - 17:11

i think the car companys and the oil companys are in bed with each other .they lowered gas prices long enough to get those suv's off the lots and into your drive ways again.then bingo up goes the gas price.we  may be duped into it.time will tell.and ugly dog your way over the top on the jews.

by beetree on 20 November 2008 - 17:11

They are a big problem when your fellow workers want you to slow down, so the other slower guys don't look bad. Nothing nonsensical about that. I don't debate the good things unions did bring about originally, but they are into self-perpetuation and are not making the US manufacturing worker the benchmark of the world. Keep those dues rolling.

Outsourcing has become the culprit to the US manufacturing demise. High-tech, skilled mfg. jobs with a decent wage are becoming obsolete, and they are/were the building blocks of the US middle class. 

by Uglydog on 20 November 2008 - 17:11

The UNIONS arent the Problem.

The economy, run by an Unconstitutional Federal Reserve, Banksters & Wall Street, is THE Problem!


And Wazzup, I never said 'Jews'  you race baiter, you did.   I said Israeli Dual Citizens, which they are by birthright.  I have all of their titles at the Federal Reserve and you see the Israeli Stock market captioned above.  I m happy to list the owners of the Fed Reserve & Officers.   Billions of dollars & Money has been trasferred ie stolen from the USA to Israel..fact


Weak dollar costs U.S. economy its No. 1 spot

Reuters, Mar 14, 2008

The U.S. economy lost the title of "world's biggest" to the euro zone this week.

"The curious outcome of breaching this latest milestone is that the size of the euro zone's annual output has now exceeded that of the U.S.," the economics department of Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street investment bank, said in a note to clients."

Bush's "legacy" will have been the destruction of Iraq & Afghanistan, the US economy & Dollar


by beetree on 20 November 2008 - 18:11

The "banksters" didn't design the gas  guzzlers sitting unsold on the car lots. The "banksters" didn't  outsource good high paying tech jobs. And if you don't think the unions help to price up the labor force without the output, that is your choice. 

Give me a stylish, fuel-efficient hybrid SUV, priced reasonably for the average consumer, and build it in the US, and I want it yesterday. That's all I ask. Who's doing that?

And yes, CEO's don't deserve their outrageous salaries, benefits and perks, for failing in their business. It is probably true about every politician you meet as well.

by Uglydog on 20 November 2008 - 18:11

No, but  they are in cahoots with the oil companies who KILLED the electric EVO ie Toyota Rav 4

And Feds alone SET Monetary policy which Controls the economy..inflation, deflation, interest rates, money supply etc at will

Back in the late 90s, GM developed a working and running full electric car, known as the EV-1, hundreds of cars were initially sold to happy customers under lease plans, however after strong lobbying by oil companies, all but one EV-1 was repossessed and crushed!

EV1The EV1 could accelerate from 0–60 mph (0–100 km/h) in the eight-second range and from 0–50 mph (0–80 km/h) in 6.3 seconds.[24] The car's top speed was electronically limited to 80 mph (130 km/h). At the time the EV1 (with lead acid batteries) was the only electric car produced which met all EV America performance goals of the United States Department of Energy.[25]


yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 20 November 2008 - 19:11






HE IS GOING HOME.  O'Reilly had a physcologist on his show last night that clearly stated this boy should never be released into the public, as his testing , after he admitted to the killing of his father, was in the reahlm of insanity. Should be declared insane and can't stand trial , and put in a rehabilitation center for 10 years and then tested as to his insanity.  Trialing him as an adult will accomplish nothing..Today he is free.








by wuzzup on 20 November 2008 - 19:11

funny thing about that boy,he seemed so innocent and could two grown men allow a small boy to keep reloading and firing.? it was a single shot 22.   the world is amuke no doubt about it. we need to fix it..


by justcurious on 20 November 2008 - 19:11

if the auto makers want a hand out let them ask the oil companies (who i believe are once again reporting record profits in a time of crisis) not the taxpayers.  personally i think it might be the best thing if “the big three” do go out of business than maybe they & the oil indust. would no longer have a stranglehold on the transportation industry.

on the broader issue:

i don't care about the race, religion or whatever of the people with the top jobs at the fed res.; it's wholly beside the point.  the institution is the problem regardless of who is running it and it is our problem to solve.  uglydog you can couch the problem in whatever language you choose but to date the net effect, from what i’ve gleaned, is most people simply are not hearing you.  the end result is you silence your own voice by too often making the side issue a central point. it is like discussing the color of a faulty building instead of focusing solely on it's structural defects.  i'm not saying you're wrong or you don't understand what the real core problems are, i honestly believe you possess a wealth of knowledge that others would benefit from, but your language is muddying the waters. if you would dislodge from the rhetoric and stick to the real point - the structural defects - you might have a profound effect on this huge huge problem we are facing.

the thing is we must remember that history has proven as fact that anyone can become corrupt, and any group can create a corrupt institution, so what if it's zionists, nazis, stalinist, communists, fascist, terrorists, fundamentalist ... bottom line the "" is irrelevant.  the question we need to focus on is now that this corrupt institution - the fed res and it’s unconstitutional and government supported policies - is in place and generations have been raised under it's watchful eye how do we move forward and dismantle it? then we need to ask: what do we set up to replace it?  how can each person contribute to the creation or reinstitution of a legal/monetary system that is just?  these questions need to be addressed if we any hope of actually effecting a real change and they have nothing to do with the attributes of those who are running this corrupt institution. - jmo

by Uglydog on 20 November 2008 - 19:11


Youre right justcurious..Its very simple.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currencies, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their prosperity until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
-Thomas Jefferson


"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."
-Henry Ford

Money creation, interest, debt.... these are the powers of the world. Not guns, or armies, or business. Interest rules our world.


by justcurious on 20 November 2008 - 19:11

regarding the 8 yr murder suspect - last i heard he was being released to his mother for 48 hrs next week for thanksgiving but that may have changed. also this boy called the police to report the crime and at first denied killing them then admitting it without parent, guardian or legal consul present, so imo it's too hard to say what the truth is when in the past many children have been manipulated by 'authorities' and ended up recanted their confessions. 

i say we need to stay true to the believe of "innocent until proven guilty".  plus i don't believe that those of us who are getting our info solely via the media are in any real position to know what is really happening here.  the psychologist on fox could not be the boy's because it would  be illegal for him to talk about the case for 2 reasons - professional ethics prohibit breeching the client's right to privacy and the court would not allow the case to be discussed by those directly involved with the investigation while it is on-going.  so this guy's opinion might be 'expert' but he could not possibly have first hand knowledge of the case unless of course he is breaking the law.  i say wait for all the facts to come out before judging; and right now all we have is a lot of emotion and a lot of opinions with very little fact.


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