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by MI_GSD on 07 July 2008 - 02:07

Yeppers.  Took my own advice and took the dogs down for a nice long swim in the river.  It's a great stress reliever.  I especially like watching the canoers and tubers flip out when they see Xandor's head coming at them in the water. 


by GSDguy08 on 07 July 2008 - 04:07

Vickie, you already knew that stuff, and I've also told you how old I am before so you should know that too.    This is all in the past now, I'm just bringing it up for other peoples sake. Let's not dwell on things past, but better ourselves for the future. So I would appreciate no more negative comments. 


by PowerHaus on 07 July 2008 - 04:07

My point is that you are just a teen and we all know that some teens don't always have good wisdom or judgement!   You also have a lack of respect for women and insult alot of people you talk too!  I have heard from several about the way you ask for advise and then want to argue or you flat out insult peoples intelligence!  You have a lot of growing up to do before you can make sound decisions!





by GSDguy08 on 07 July 2008 - 05:07

I'm not arguing this anymore


by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 07 July 2008 - 05:07

Ok is it just me or is anyone else wondering why adults are making dog deals with CHILDREN??  I can completely understand if a teenager is being supported by their parents in owning, training, breeding GSD's if they are willing to stand behind the decission makings.  My question is where are these "kids" parents while all these "deals" are going on??

And whoever this Kristen is really needs to get a grip on things cause this is getting old and CRAZY!


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