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by Do right and fear no one on 03 July 2008 - 17:07

WOW.  Preston, you and I have agreed on certain things in the past I admit.  However, I didn't realize just how paranoid you actually are.  How far "out there" you are.  I am just guessing here but do you have an arsenal and stock piles of food in your bomb shelter?  Ya know, for the coming war and hard times?

You really expect me to study up on all you said before I respond?  Ain't gonna happen.  I have been around a few years and it ain't that hard to figure out what is going on in the world.  The old saying that "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is probably a duck" applies.

The world is not as complicated nor as shrouded in secrecy as you imply.  Yes, there are things going on behind the scenes that one could ponder or discuss, but on the whole, things are just as the average (okay, maybe the slighty above average) person believes them to be.  Elvis is NOT alive.  JFK is NOT alive.  The Jews and/or George Bush DID NOT blow up the Twin Towers, and finally, Martians HAVE NOT taken control of our planet by taking our form and "replacing" our government heads (yet).

I will admit to a few confusing things.  I am still not sure that Abhay and I are not the same person.  I am confused as hell that Christie Brinkley's husband had to have SOMEONE ELSE to sleep with, and whenever I read one of these battles over a dog on this site, whether it be the current one going on or one of the past ones, it is hardly ever about what is best for the dog (to the people closely involved), but rather, what "works" in getting back at, or being the "winner" in the situation.  I am also confused at how many times someone who barely has two nickles to rub together, owns one or more dogs that cost a grand or more.

Changing the subject slightly, but keeping in the theme of Agars posting.  Why is it right that money should be taken from me or you, and re-distributed to others?  Is it because it is the "right thing to do"?  Is it because socialism is the "right thing to do"?  Or is it because doing that "buys the votes of those that have less than others" and they want some of what others have?  Keep in mind that this is coming from a person that purposely and intentionally chose the screen name "Do right and fear no one" and did not choose a name like FunkMan, UglyDog, WineRocks or WhoThaF-CaresWhatYaThinksDude".

Also keep in mind that this is coming from a guy who makes a lot less than most of you.  I do not want your money, even if you are Bill Gates or an evil oil tycoon.  I just want the government to quit taking so much of mine and "spreading it around" forceably.  If I want to donate to charity I will, but I do not want to be "required" to give to others.  As little as it is, it is "My Money".  I do not want Your Money".  But I do want to keep "My Money".  If someone needs help, I will help, even if it hurts my own circumstances.  If someones asks for help and I believe them to be sincere, then I will help.  But if the government takes my money by force of law, or someone takes my money by threat or intimidation or fraud, then "we have a problem".

On a different note.  I pay just under 700 bucks a month for health care coverage for my wife and I.   That does hurt.  But I want the coverage, so I pay.  But it is a "choice" payment.  I could cancel it and just deal as best I can with whatever medical problems life (or God if you prefer) throws my way.  But that is my choice with my money.  Why the hell do I have to have money taken out of my personal funds to pay for those that do not have medical coverage because of wha

by Do right and fear no one on 03 July 2008 - 17:07

 whatever reason?  None of us are going to get out of this life alive.  Some of us will die early.  Some of us will die late.  Some of us will suffer greatly during our life and some will not suffer so much.  Is the answer "Because it is the right thing to do" in a civilized society?  Can there be a civilized society that is not based on socialism?  It is a fact that Americans are the most generous people on the face of the earth.  We Americans give more to charity, by personal choice, than any other group of people.  Shouldn't charity be a personal choice and not a governmental choice?

I'm just saying.  It is MY MOney.  Ask me to donate, sure.  But don't take it by force.  Even if it is the "right thing to do".  Who died and made you King, and gave you (talking government here, not any individual person) the right to FORCE me to do the right thing.  I thought in a free society, we the people had the right to not do the right thing, as long as it was not against the law, or a crime against nature.  Do we not, in a free society, have the right to NOT GIVE to charity if we so choose?  Isn't welfare and the like, charity?  Should money really be taken from me forcibly, to build a bridge to "nowhere"?

On another side note.  The oil companies make an average 8 cents profit on every gallon of gas that you and I purchase.  Your local gas station owner makes about 4 cents on every gallon we buy from him/her.  The federal government makes about 15 cents on every gallon of gas via taxes.  The various States make an average 35 cents on every gallon.  The various local governments (cities, villages, what have you) make anywhere from 10 to 35 cents on every gallon.  The rest of the money a gallon of gas cost "us" is what it cost to locate, recover, produce, refine and deliver said gallon of gas.  The oil companies, refineries and deliverers actually put a gallon of gas available for us to purchase at the corner station, yet the government does nothing to actually produce a gallon of gas.

The oil companies do in fact make billions, but that is because we buy billions and billions of gallons of gas.  Why is no one complaining about the billions and billions that the various governments take via taxes?  Yes, they do infrastructure work and the like, but they do not spend even half of what they "make" from fuel and oil taxes (keep in mind that they also tax greatly the profits the oil companies make, thereby "double dipping if you will"), and take more than half of those billions to do everything from study the mating habits of Guppies, or why lightning hurts when it strikes you, or something as silly as "does sound really make a sound?". 

by Do right and fear no one on 03 July 2008 - 17:07

See Preston.  I can be as long winded and nutty as you

Final side note.  Many times some board members on this site stated that you and I were "the same person".  That would be weird, wouldn't it?  I mean, considering the above postings and all.

by Preston on 03 July 2008 - 18:07

DR, no I have no stockpile of food or arsenals and live a normal day to day life. Because of the business I was in I was exposed to "the intel underbelly" at times. We have a small cupboard with opnly a few days food at best. I have no motive to exaggerate or lie about the facts I referred to above. You served our country well in your past and you deserve respect for that. However, you have not had access to the information I have. It just will not fit into your head after 50 years of thinking a certain well structured way. I notice that you have not read the actual court docs, affidavits, depos or talked firsthand to witnesses like I have. You do not respond to each of the items I list. You couldn't without substantial study which would take many months of full time work. Yes, we live in the greatest country of the world, our citizens are soft and spoiled from too much television, but they work as hard as anyone at their jobs and most are basically good folks. We all deserve an honest govt without drug dealing (provoke and punish governing style) corrupt officials run by an extra-govt, extra legal, completely unconstitutional "shadow govt" that is corrupt and vicious to the core.

Now, BabyEagle, the video you list is produced by intel gladio style "red groups". These folks are "agent provacateurs" (google it) and infiltrated and/or started a number of so called "militia groups".   The black panthers was in fact started by an agent provacateur under operation chaos.  The govt loves such violent groups because it makes it easy for them to crack down on all protesting.  Now those who study the US Constition have been labelled by the fbi and homeland security as potential domestic terrorists to be watched.  Janet Reno once stated on 60 minutes that Christians who carry their Bibles to church 2x a week or more are potential domestic terroristss and should be watched. There are certain factions in our govt that want a "civil war" between patriots and potential patriots versus the federal govt.  They think it is inevitable and will do everything in their power to provoke it early so they can define its course and derail any large future uprising 1776 style. Some years ago I had a friend who was certain that everything I told him about the above items was unprovable bunk.  I challenged him to examine all the facts and supporting evidence.  After examining some, he said he couldn't take it anymore, that if this stuff was true as it seemed he didn't think he could go on living in this country anymore.  After that he had a mild nervous breakdown.  He is now is okay but avoids all politics, saying all govt officials are crooks and on the dole. Many folks would actually go nuts for a while if they knew what was really going on behind the "curtain" of secrecy, lies and deception in the highest echelons of the military, intel, the judiciary and govt.

by Preston on 03 July 2008 - 18:07

DR, you make perfect sense on your arguments that the govt stop redistributing wealth.  Excessive taxation is not what our founding fathers wanted from govt.  But our govt has been taken over by global socialists run out of "the city" in London, UK.  This is a private country like the vatican and pays no taxes, has its own diplomats, police force, etc.  These folks are "fabian socialists" and actually communists in disguise.  I think when it comes to the basic beliefs you and I want the same thing our founding fathers wanted and tried to set up in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.  They would never have accepted the ideals now rammed down our throats by globalist socialists that have taken over our financial system and govt since the late 1800s.  Freedom is what our founding fathers wanted declared from every housetop. That is why they loved the liberty bell.  They wanted freedom proclaimed everywhere and every citizen being informed and doing their part to sustain it.

by Preston on 03 July 2008 - 23:07

One more basic fact most citizens nowdays do not know.  The United States of America is NOT a Democracy, and was never designed by our founding fathers to be one.  The word democracy never appears anywhere in the US Constitution. Why????  Because the USA was set up as a representative republic.  That's right, a republic.  The founding fathers did not want everyone to have the vote, only those that were landowners and had worked to attain ownership and thus had a "vested interest".  The term "Democracy" actually is a communist/socialist word that means rule by the masses or rule by the mob.  Our current regime is preaching this goal of "spreading democracy all over the world".  This wold be very bad for the world because democracy is actually world socialism or communism, fabian socialist style.  And the members of this junta took an oath to obey and uphold the US Constitution!!  Such duplicity is without parallel in US history!!!

The founding fathers feared democracies because once the folks with no earned or vested interest learned they had the power to collectively elect those who would give them everything they wanted by taking it from the successful landowners hat worked all their lives to attain it.  This is what is happening in the USA today.  The mob of masses are voting in socialist politicians that promise to "put a chicken in every pot" and a new car in every driveway, all by taking from the hard working and successful and redistributing their wealth.  This is one of the worst aspects of global socialism/communism.

That is why the esteemed patrot Sen. Barry Goldwater (a true populist) once stated that once the masses find out that they have the power to elect world socialists into office, folks who have promised to provide for their needs, the govt would first accrue so much power in doing so that it would get into the habit of strippeing the assests of those that worked all their lives to attain success.  Goldwater said these socialists promised the masses to make govt "provide for their every need, cradle to grave, and the final result would be the arising of a govt so large, so powerful that it would take everything attained by even the middle class as well as the highly successful. That the govt would become a self-feeding, self-serving out of control monster.  hat is what we have now.

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 03 July 2008 - 23:07

Burn it all down...

All of it.

It'll feel good I promise.

The cure is as close as a box of match's.

It's biblical.

It's the right thing to do.

I wonder who they will come for first, me, or you.

Remember, fire is a pure natural element and vital to this solution.

Burn it all down.


by beetree on 04 July 2008 - 02:07

Hey Two Moons,

Remember there is always hope. Just think, North Korea just blew up their nuclear reactors! Now you gotta admit that is at least a small "WOW". Now if only the Middle East would truly wish for peace, they probably could accomplish it.

And I'm stlll reeling with the realization that Preston does not think Osama bin Laden was responsible for the twin towers! I am sure he is correct about many things but not about where/who he places all the blame for all the ills in this world. Where is the criticism of the Islam fundamentalists who choose always to fuel their differences with violence. Certainly no truly holy book or diety of the good sort would think it okay to blow up women and disabled children, thinking it is a great idea to turn them into bombs. I await how he will find a way to pin that on George W.

by Rainhaus on 04 July 2008 - 04:07

There should be a re-make of the very old movie starring Charleton Heston....."Soylent Green"


by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 04 July 2008 - 04:07

Preston-  While taking a little smoke break the other day I was talking to a couple older guys that were maintenance workers at a school I was working in and they were talking politics; angry as hell mind you at the way our country is dealing with all our economic issues.  These fellas said they feel another civil war wouldn't be terribly surprising to me if it happens.  I try not to live my live in fear or paranoia BUT there's things you read, hear and see that you can't pretend to not be concerned about.

I'm for helping others in need- BUT as Americans we must help ourselves in our own country, help our own people, our own financial crisis's BEFORE we go dumping billions and billions of dollars into other countries.  I believe the govt. should help those that truly need the help, disabilities that prevent them from earning a living to support themselves/families, people who've been injured seriously and can not return to work, single parents or 2 parent households that just barely get by should get SOME help BUT damn it when I see a woman dressed from head to toe in designer clothes with 5 kids to 5 different daddy's who can't even use J O B in her vocabulary and I'm busting my tail to provide a better life for my family paying her bills I got a problem with that.  People become "dependent" when too much help is given.  There's no longer the incentive to better yourself because well the govt. will take care of it all.  Same with these other countries depending on us for everything.....they aren't trying to "figure it out", why should they when the generous USA will continue to go into debt to keep bailing them out???

The sad part is that regardless who the presidential candidate would have been they are all the same beneath the surface; their faces just change. 


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