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by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 03 July 2008 - 09:07

Preston-"And finally, only some folks know the truth that the 9-11 attack on the twin trade center towers was done by our own military in league with certain parts of the shadow gov't.  This was a precept used to justify the taking away of many of our civil rights and neutralizing the bill of rights and our Constitution via the obscene patriot act."

My father has satellite and gets the news in Greece (we're greek) lol  The news over there tells a MUCH different tale than what we hear from our own media and governement.  But to touch on your comment, yes I heard this as well and I tend to believe there's some truth to it.

Do Right- "Vote for Obama PLEASE.  I want everyone to get what they DESERVE"  Now I'm a Democrat BUT I can assure you that I will not be voting for "Barrack" and I assure you it's not because he's black.  BS has no specific color. lol  And I don't really fancy McCain either BUT since one will be the next president I'd rather suffer with McCain for 4 years he can't possibly screw things up much more than Bush has.

I agree on one thing-  American's are spoiled bratts.  We do take MANY things for granted BUT we also pay a hefty price for the luxuries we have.  I don't need my big flat screen tv.  Hell I can even live without cable- just give me some friggin AFFORDABLE health coverage for me and my family and I'll stop bitchin.  I don't need to drive an brand new SUV every couple years, I'd be willing to drive a hoopty as long as I didn't have to install my own personal gas pump in my back yard just to drive to places I NEED to go; like WORK! 

When Clinton was in office we did not have these economic tribulations.  The only thing people kept harping on was his "inappropriate relationship in the oval office".  BIG FLIPPIN DEAL!  Did THAT really affect us, our economy, our lifestyle's, our taxes???  NOPE!  Was it anything that no other man OR woman for that matter HASN'T ever done?  Doubtful!

My biggest bitch is that we are panic stricken right now with how the economy is, but I got news for us all...this is JUST the beginning of what is to come.  People are losing not just their homes, but everything they've worked all their lives for.  Our gas to heat our homes has soared and now today I saw on the news electric bills are to increase by 20% this year.  Nice huh, now you'll finally get to use those stupid over priced candles your wife brings home from those "candle parties" cause we won't be able to afford to keep lights on let alone run that "air conditioning".

Most of all our business is being conducted over seas....why??  Because the weather is nicer there?  People are more "friendly"??  If I have to ask one more "english speaking" customer service rep to friggin SPEAK ENGLISH I think I'm gonna go out of my mind. 

by Preston on 03 July 2008 - 09:07

DR, think you really know about deep cover black ops, the spiritual warfare training school, Col. michael acquino, the finders, etc.  I can't say any more since I'm already getting heat for what I have disclose earlier.  If I wasn't old and my time limited I wouldn't post anything about this info.

I suggest you buy this book and learn what black ops and the shaow govt's treachery is really all about:



by AgarPhranicniStraze1 on 03 July 2008 - 09:07

People in Europe do not live any different than we do when it comes to having "things".  They drive nice cars, Mercedes, BMW's, they have flat screen tvs, and they even have air conditioning. lol  The difference is they are not getting taxed out the ass for every solitary thing.  They don't have "local tax", county tax, school tax AND property tax.  They can go to dinner and rest assure do not see a "drink tax" or "entertainment tax" on their bill.  They have no tax on toilet paper or clothing- and since when did that become a "luxury"?? lol 

For all the tax we pay explain to me why we can't get some friggin health care?  I don't want it for "free" just give me something that isn't gonna cost me $1000 a month for my family.

I'm currently working in the projects right now for a local housing authority, the gov. is "remodeling" their apt's.  How nice!  75% of the people have NO job, they pay the min. of $50/mo towards their rent that includes ALL utillities, they get food stamps, have the best medical coverage and even have cars probably nicer than most.  What's wrong with this picture??

Neither candidate is gonna "fix" any of our problems and they both IMO are not qualified for the job.  I haven't quite decided if I will even vote at all at this point.  If I do it will be for McCain and only because I REALLY REALLY do not want Obama and swear if he's president I'm gonna be sending you all a post card from my new home in Canada. lol  If I don't vote then I can continue to bitch because I knew neither one was worth 2 nickles and I'll just deal with whatever I gotta deal with for the next 4 years and hope we're not dumb enough to vote the same idiot in for a second term like we did with Mr. Bush.

Now that you got my blood pressure up....I must go catch my breath and watch some more CNN or FOX NEWS. lol

by Preston on 03 July 2008 - 09:07

Here is a good summary of one example of "off the books" deep cover black ops, a very dangerous expendable world.


by Preston on 03 July 2008 - 09:07

Agar, good posts.  We are on the same channel.  Mcain is probably going to win if there is actualy an election, and the thing that makes him dangerous to the elites and the shadow gov't is his "unpredictability" and intense hatred for any underdog being ripped off.  Both he and Obama could easily turn away from "foreign entanglements' that our founding fathers warned about, even though they must "play the game now".  I suppose McCain could be the least risky one of the two for US citizens, but I think he will turn against "foreign entangelments even more than Obama who states he won't but privately seems to be committed to that. 

I recommend the Alex Jones free web movie "End Game".  Google it.

by Preston on 03 July 2008 - 09:07

by BarkPark on 03 July 2008 - 12:07

I believe that human beings operate on Maslow's heirarchy of needs.  Most people just want to meet a good person that loves them, then a good person that loves them and has a job, then a good job, then a better job.  Then kids that are just healthy, then smart, well behaved, etc etc.  It is just the manner of beings. 

Americans certainly have a right and even an obligation to want things to be better.  It is the nature of things.  That is what makes change happen. 

We just want to be free.  Then we want everyone else to be free too.  When Americans seem to be spoiled and want more it is because we are happy, not spoiled.  We don't want it just for ourselves.  We want it for everyone.

...............just my two cents.

Bruce Morrison


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 03 July 2008 - 15:07


yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 03 July 2008 - 16:07

Preston:   Why in the world cant we get a person with your knowledge and truthful aspects to run for the president of this here UNited States of America...I already know the answer.


Hard to get a real , live, truthful, not attached to any underground, dishonest , fascist, long time bought and paid for by the burecrates that are fully in control, and tied to every foreign country accross the ocean by the oil regimes and drug cartels.

Why can not Americans see the ties Obama has to a liberation party that is wanting nothing better to cause rebeling in the streets and the rise of a total domination of those that hate white americans and want them to suffer and be in the bottom rung. Is Obama even legal to run...Facts have been printed , he is not even a legal candidate but its beeing swept under the mat and not addressed by the media or anyone in power..They dont want it addressed.

Hate to tell them , but many of us are already in the bottom rung...due to the last year of inflationary prices on every thing we need..DO you think my bank would give me a 30 year loan with a 5.6 rate of interest locked in for 30 years.?    would yours.? to buy a home.?

The amount of money these two candidates have been given and spent would pay all of us on this database's electricity and food bills for the next 10 years at the least..

And the amount just keeps on going up...Im so sick of hearing that Billy boy is worth 5 million and hes worried about the millions Hillbilly spent on her campaign and its got to be put back before the election...After the election she cannot pay herself back...for it would be illegal....Since when did he or she ever worry about something being illegal?   Woopee.

I worry where my $1000.00 a month, my little green check brings,, will be coming and when they are gonna put a meter on my toilet for me to put a coin in to use it...I have lots of trees  so I can wipe with a banana branch and dig a hole beside it...

And below this comment is a picture of Al Gore staring at me...With a green circle in it..Yeah right..any one that believes all his lies stand on their head till your face turns green...Then you will see where he comes from...A country that has forsaken God will go to the bottom until they turn back to God and quit denying Him.

The Wrath of God is not pretty nor does He want it that way , but Man will not turn from his wicked ways , so many will endure it and suffer the consequences..

Thanks Do Right for posting and Thanks for Preston putting the real facts out there for all to make their own decisions.. Preston puts his life on the line doing this and will never receive any more or less, doing it..




by harddawg on 03 July 2008 - 16:07

Hrmmm, here are a couple of the headlines from CNN today. These might explain why we're a little pissed off.


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