Pups sold on limited or full registration - difference is price? - Page 4

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by sueincc on 23 September 2007 - 16:09

"I'm glad Debby came on & gave an explanation and now I think it makes sense.  To me she is saying the cost of the pups is $1,400., however; if someone is solely looking for a pet, she will give them a discount, and a limited registration to keep everyone honest. If it were me, I probably would word it a bit differently." (sueincc)

This was my post, try to keep up, echo.

by EchoMeadows on 23 September 2007 - 16:09

I saw your post Sueincc,  BUT you came right back with...

"she isn't saying SOME for one price and SOME for another.  She's saying all the pups can be had for either/or." <--- Sueincc QUOTE

then I said...sueincc,  some for one price and some for another eigther or ???  I more took it that she has some Pet Quality "Limited Reg."  and some with more potential "Full Reg."   I would predict that SHE would help purchasers make the determination as to which is which and which pups are more suitable for they're utility !!   Breeding, Pet, Working,.....

I'm glad Debby gave her own "Explanation" to you too it's just sad she had to "Defend" herself at all !!

Is there a fee for your service of   "ad policing"   or do you offer it for free ??



by K-9mom on 23 September 2007 - 18:09

Wow, if Limited Registration ='s pet quality I guess ALL SV Registered dogs are pet quality. It is the same idea.  Think about it.

I guess some of us don't simply breed for the all mighty dollar and ship our pups into the worl of the great unknown because I know for sure that the buyer is going to make the best decision for the dog. Is anything perfect, NO! As a breeder I would like to do my best to try to send my pups out into the world to handlers or families that will do their best to OFA & Title their dogs which are of age to breed.

Maybe it's all those years of working with Police handlers who all think their dogs should be bred because he is a tough Patrol Dog and they happen to have a female at home. Maybe its all the years of listening to other breeders who are breeding young dogs because SV allows you to certify Hips at 1 yr. Or maybe its watching all those nice GSD's die at the shelter because their breeder didn't give a damn. Guess what, if you think all those GSD's are from BYB's or Pet stores you are soarly mistaking. In the 12 years of doing GSD rescue I have had many imports, many dogs from "well known" breeders who yes, some are on this list, some are great sellers on the internet who purchased imported/titled dogs just to sell their pups but never spend a full day with that dog cause it lives kenneled. Now I have taken in SO many DDR lineaged dogs because we happen to have a breeder in the NE who pumps the pups out. Nice breeding sure, but all on full registration so if the dog isn't directly from that kennel, it is a grandpup from that kennel.

Just keep sending tose pups out litter by litter for the new owner to decide if it's bred worthy, probably never will contact you again, oh yah, that piece of paper you call a contract, pooie, what happens if they breed the dog? Most likely they void the agreement and now even if the puppy is dysplastic, you are free and clear and don't have to replace or refund, what a great deal for you, huh!


by EchoMeadows on 23 September 2007 - 18:09

K-9mom    I'm not sure who you were directing your post to,  But our contract is specific and there are areas of the contract that NEVER void.  We do keep in touch with our buyers,  and our buyers are not fly by nite,  We spend hours upon hours with each purchaser,  and continue our support to them for the lifetime of the dog and beyond by the time that dog is old,  we will have a repor with these families, and will choose to stay in touch with them. 

I'm glad to hear that there is another person doing rescue,  It's always nice to know there are more and more in rescue who RECOGNIZE that not all GSD's in shelters are from the BYB's and Pet Stores !!!


by Ryanhaus on 23 September 2007 - 18:09

All my pups are sold limited reg. and the males and females are the same price,
it's reasonable and in the middle.

to me all my dog are gold, I love my dogs, I love their temperaments,I try very hard 

to improve the breed, each time I have a litter.

If you think  I'm an a_ _ for having such a breeding program, too bad,

don't purchase a pup from me.

I would keep all my pups if I could, but I don't have the room, nor the time it takes to train 
everyone individually, I also hound (good word)  the people that get my pups, by checking 
on them & making sure they have really gone to good homes.



by EchoMeadows on 23 September 2007 - 19:09

mirasmom,   Good for you keeping in touch with buyers is KEY in my op !!   thumbs up to you !!  :-)

by Trafalgar on 23 September 2007 - 20:09

As a total outsider when it comes to breeding (although not when it comes to purebred dogs) may I give my input? This thread is FASCINATING because I think this topic, more than almost any other facet of the dog world, iilustrates the true measure of a breeder's character. To me, self praise is scant recommendation. In this category I would place djc and I won't elaborate except to say she frightens me a bit. Having procedures in place when seling puppies that benefit oneself more than the buyers and then defending those procedures by explaining one's rationale is only a step or two above self praise. Sadly, I would put the vast majority of breeders I've ever heard or dealt with in this category. Their self interest seems to flood their brain with adrenaline to the extent that they can't look at the situation objectively - as if they were neither buyer nor seller. This is a dangerous camp because of the level of self denial. A breeder that has procedures in place that recognize the fact that the buyer is the SUPPORTER of fhe entire dog world and recognizes their rights and autonomy is a sure sign that the breeder has a character worth associating with. If I had to use my box of stars here - I'd DUMP the whole box on Jonah, jdh - IMO his responses showed an "outsider" that he was far and away the best candidate to deal with in - ANY business or Life transaction ! Imaginine- He actually thinks that the person who buys, houses, feeds, vets, owns the dog should make the breeding decisions concerning it! To me Jonah is a man with integrity. Of course safeguards may be used like limited registration that will be lifted upon health clearances and titles. MVF, Shelly Strohl, sueincc & jrt all had reasonable and worhty sounding opinions on the matter. BUT - selling ALL ones puppies with permanent limited registration? Why should anyone buy a dog from a breeder that says in effect, "I claim my dogs are great but I don't trust YOU so I'll take your money but never allow you to breed the dog you buy"? f I understood her post properly, it seems mirasmom does this - all puppies sold on permanent limited registration. To me it seems as if mirasmom only wants buyers to exist to buy dogs she can't or won't keep. Any of the needs/desires of the buyer are mmaterial to her. EchoMeadows seemed more inclined to attack sueincc than anything else This, as I started out saying, is an opinion of an outsider.


by VomFelsenHof on 23 September 2007 - 20:09

It's called a FREE MARKET SOCIETY. People will only charge what they can get for their puppies, and who really cares what someone else charges? Would I pay $5000 for a puppy? No, but some people will. it's really none of anyone's business what other people are selling their puppies for unless they want to buy one. There are PLENTY of people out there selling pups, and that doesn't just include German Shepherd Dogs, and the prices range all over the place. Will I pay $2000 for a Labradoodle? No. But like I said before, who cares what someone else charges??? It's none of my (or anyone else's) business, in my opinion.

As for limited registration, there are uses for it. However, short of sterilizing or performing a vasectomy or tubal ligation on a puppy before it is placed, there is no way to guarantee that someone will not BREED the dog. I give limited registration on PET puppies at a discounted price, because they are not show quality, and limited registration according to the AKC also limits the dog from being shown, and progeny from being registered. The best way to assure that faulty dogs are not bred is to be highly proactive in what buyers you allow to purchase.

Of course, there will ALWAYS be someone out there who has to gossip and point fingers at someone else's breeding practices. They are known as gossip-mongers, and eventually everyone knows who they are and that to spread hate and discontent is their only joy in life, and we all learn to ignore them! 

JMHO!  ;)



by Ryanhaus on 23 September 2007 - 23:09

If you got a pup from me and I had proof you are a responsible dog person and you understand
about hip problems that may arise or you're looking to title your dog in the future, I will be able to 
tell these things when speaking to you.  And I would let you have full reg. on the pup.

But if I have a person that simply wants a pet, and maybe they want one litter, you know,
so the kids can see the miracle of birth, I want them to think twice, 

 I wouldn't sell a dog limited to you,
them I would, it gets very complicated, but I can really tell, by all the people I have spoken to over the
years, what they are looking for, and what they want from their dog.
In a way it's my spay neuter agreement.


by lilmegshepherds on 24 September 2007 - 01:09

I sell my pups the same way.


Limited registeration is at a lower price

Full Registeration is higher because it is show/working or breeding quality.

Any puppies failing to show high prey drive by eight weeks of age are automatically limited and that cannot be lifted

as we feel they are not working material.

You want high quality and breeders who have researched and done the work to bring you that quality; then you have to

pay for it.


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