Maybe we should list the tea party as terrorists. - Page 6

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GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 29 July 2015 - 04:07

Well my brother in law was murdered by a person with a gun. Many lives have been forever changed because of gun VIOLENCE. And whether you ladies want to believe it or not most gun deaths DO NOT happen because some whacked out person or some person who is on mental heath drugs pulled a trigger. Plenty are committed by perfectly sane people who lose control - to me guns are a form of control. But to really top off my dislike of guns - is the native Americans sure didn't stand much of a chance against the white mans guns and I didn't see nor hear of them offering guns to the natives to say even the fight. Nor do I really stand a chance against some moron who gets pissed off because I am better looking and having a good time with my girl and wants to start a fight with me because he is drunk and jealous and then when the fight doesn't go so well for him he pulls a gun. Fuck that. If someone ever pulls a gun on me they better be prepared to die or kill me because I will do my best to make them eat that fucker.

Mindhunt - I do feel for you but because I feel for you does not make me any safer from some random asshole who didn't like the fact I didn't use my turn signal and follows me and I get shot or a gun jammed in my face. Sorry, I choose to live my life differently and if some ass kills me it won't be because I escalated it with my own gun.

Like I said if you look at my posts and both your posts it appears both of you are a little anxious and paranoid, whether justified or not. I don't have to like guns but it doesn't mean I can't like you both and respect you both. And I think I have shown respect in everyone of my posts on this thread.

You guys want to dislike my stance on guns that is your right but it is my right to dislike guns. It is what it is and I do respect your views. Honestly, if you are being stalked and such you should have a right to own a gun BUT it sure doesn't make me safer nor does it make you safer. It may give you a feeling of safety but beyond that you aren't that much safer. If I am your stalker and truly want you dead I can kill you from distance without you even knowing it is coming, how are you safer with your gun if I shot you from distance and you don't even know it is coming??? lol, no safer. It is what it is and I don't have to accept it and last time I checked I can still voice my opinion in this country.

So, carry on. Yay for the tea party yay for guns - but no one should really feel safer because they own guns. It is a myth carried out by guess who?


by Mindhunt on 30 July 2015 - 23:07

GSD Admin, I get it why you have such a strong aversion to guns.  To say I am sorry for your loss of your brother in  law seems very inadequate, but I am sorry.  Unfortunately there are those individuals that should not have a gun, many of the same people should not have children to further impact future generations.  I get why you would not feel safe if the person next to you had a gun, you have had a pretty crappy experience. 

As for my stalker, yes, if he really wanted me dead, I have a 50-50 chance of ending up so.  I do have above average situational awareness (I was taught by my father and his good friend that was military) and trust my gut which has never led me astray.  For that matter, if someone wanted to kill another person, the ways to kill someone boggle the mind.  I could kill with a rolled up magazine, a pen, a high heal, my hand, a car, a knife, a bottle.  Anything you probably have on your person I can use as a weapon, that was the way I was taught by a good friend (former military) and my ex.  I am not bragging, it is fact.

Of course I respect your views and can still agree with you on many other topics as I have.  One thing I love about this country is we can have civilized discussions from opposite ends of a topic and still respect each other and agree on other topics. Teeth Smile

I am not Republican or Democrat, I am Independent.  I do not always agree with liberals and I agree less with conservatives.  I do agree with you, something needs to be done about gun violence, heck violence period.  As a soon to be Clinical Psychologist, I have seen the damage domestic violence, sex trafficking, abuse (physical, sexual, emotional), and neglect can do.  If we funded mental health better, relied on actual competent therapy not on medication, required psychotherapy to be done by psychologists, funded education, funded real parenting classes not the kind that blame and don't go into why children behave the way they do, funded mentor programs, stopped with the mandatory sentencing and sentencing children as adults, funded prison reform and alternatives to prison,and provided help for parents who may feel overwhelmed, and any other things I have forgotten to mention, then I think we may actually start to chip away at the foundation of violence. 

Children internalize their earliest experiences with caregivers, continued experiences just cement their internal map of the world, self, and others.    This internal map is used to figure out how to behave in society.  I am attachment theory driven in my therapy approach, I believe every single experience a person has influences who they become.  Imagine if we actually had a society where children were treated and supported as the treasures they are????

by joanro on 31 July 2015 - 01:07

My brother was killed by a person in a pickup who didn't stop when my brother was in an accident while riding his motorcycle. My brother survived the pile up, but a guy in oncoming traffic ran over his head...the helmet didn't save him. The guy who killed my brother didn't stop and he was never caught. I don't dislike or hate Harleys, but I sure don't like to see people driving recklessly.
I'm sorry your brother in law was killed, I also don't like the history of this country regarding the maltreatment of the indigenous peoples.
As for me being paranoid, no, I'm very confident. Traveling alone allover the country for years would not go well for anyone, especially a woman, if they are paranoid and anxious. I'm a realist. I learn from experience and from mistakes and poor choices. Fifteen years ago a scumbag decided shooting my two year old colt would be fun. I heard the shot fired just above the house where I had two horses. The shot was dangerously close to the house. I got into the farm vehicle and drove up to the horses as fast as I could, my male gsd accompanying me...he was my only protection, I didn't bring a gun with me as I was not interested in shooting anyone, I was only concerned for the safety of my horses.
I saw someone running through the woods, my dog took off after them. I called him back, I didnt want him to get shot.
My colt had a little hole in his shoulder that was trickling blood.
Make a long story short, the neighbor leased his thirty acre piece of prop to the guy, this guy was a good half mile from where he should have horse didn't liook like a deer, he was b/w. Anyway, I told the cops who it was. Nothing happebpned to the guy, even though there were witnesses that he was hunting on the neighbor place( his truck was I'd) anyway, he was a good friend of chief of police.
That's why, when I heard the turkey toms down by the horses below the house, then heard the gunshot, I was determined not to let some scumbag shoot another of my horses and be allowed to get away with it.
Paranoid, no. Just protecting what's mine when nessesary. Even from rabid raccoons and skunks.
I understand you not liking guns, but to stereotype every gun owner as being hot headed, jumpy paranoid goofs.... I would not assume everyone driving a pickup is going to be a hit and run criminal.


by Mindhunt on 31 July 2015 - 01:07

Now come on Joanro, we have to be paranoid to want to own guns, after all "Like [GSD Admin] said if you look at my posts and both your posts it appears both of you are a little anxious and paranoid, whether justified or not."  What Smile

Personally anyone that worried about "some moron who gets pissed off because I am better looking and having a good time with my girl and wants to start a fight with me because he is drunk and jealous and then when the fight doesn't go so well for him he pulls a gun"  has a few misconceptions about the rest of humanity.  I worked as a Firefighter/Paramedic for years and am now working finishing my doctral in Clinical Psychology which includes years of providing therapy as part of the training, wow GSD Admin, you sure see a lot more problematic people than I ever did.........Thinking

Joanro, again saying sorry about your brother seems so inadequate, I freak if I think about losing my baby brother.  I used to have to pain HORSE in bright orange paint on the sides of a horse blanket for my horse because where I kept him, one of the other horses was winged by a bullet.  As for being perfectly comfortable on my own, yup not scared too horribly much.  I generally like to think humanity is pretty ok, but then again, I have a pretty accurate well tuned radar when it comes to dangerous people. 

by joanro on 31 July 2015 - 01:07

"...... yup not scared too horribly much.  I generally like to think humanity is pretty ok, but then again, I have a pretty accurate well tuned radar when it comes to dangerous people."

When people go through what we have, the experience does help to develop a well tuned radar....avoiding drunks is a start.

That guy shot my horse on purpose, the colt was standing at his feed tub, seven in the morning. After a week of treatment by my vet, we had to put him down exactly one week after he was shot.
Seems like having a close relationship to a cop, gives them above -the- law priveledge.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 31 July 2015 - 05:07

Hey, I really don't care what you guys think. I quit going to bars because there is always some meat head who thinks I want to fight. I think I get targeted a lot because of my size, and other things but whatever, maybe I am just a wimp, lol. A 6' 2' 225 sissy boy. Carry on. Own all the guns you want I really don't care it is your life. You want a gun, lol, have at it. Because it makes you feel safe and protected, I get it.

Believe it or not, it doesn't really matter - I tell it the way I see it. Always have and always will. I feel for women because I know how some men are. As I have said from the beginning not only do I not feel safe with the amount of people carrying guns but I also see neither of you feel safe because you feel the need to carry a gun. Sad really. ;)

by joanro on 31 July 2015 - 11:07

Gsdadmin, do you lock your doors at night, or lock your car doors when you park it in town?
You're correct about feeling the need to have a gun when traveling alone around the country. There are some predators who enjoy preying on women. But a gun doesn't 'make me feel safe', environments are what give me a sense of safety. Ie. Flying in a jet causes me to feel less safe than riding my horse through the woods. I don't need a gun, but a gun is a good thing to have available in certain circumstances. I certainly would not suggest or expect you to have the same opinion, neither would I judge you for your choice.

by joanro on 31 July 2015 - 12:07

"Oh yes one time it ended well so let's throw a party,......"
Look how many times it didn't end well for the rest of his victims. Nobody partied, I bet, for his success over the years. But the 'one time it ended well' put a screeching halt to his butchering women all over the yes, jubilation for that girl's clear thinking at that moment is probably appropriate. Not only that, his violence was carried out with knives and his hands. And Guns didn't play a role in the gruesome violence carried out against family members by those two brothers.
If you really want to know why there is more violence, look to the lack of proper mental health care in this country, and over use of prescription drugs.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 31 July 2015 - 13:07

lol, okay play the blame game all you want. We should do what we did years ago - put all the mentally unstable people in a state hospital and throw away the key - every couple of years every American should be subject to a complete mental health exam and even if you suffer slight depression lock your ass up in a state mental health facility to become so institutionalized, because that is the real culprit here - SMH.


edited to answer questions - yes, we lock our doors but I only do it to protect my wife and make her feel better. If I lived here alone I would not lock my doors. I rarely lock my car doors, only when I have to venture into large cities or if I have something of worth in them. I do not live in fear.

GSD Admin (admin)

by GSD Admin on 31 July 2015 - 17:07

So Joan then lets be proactive on this and since mental health seems to be the latest thing to blame. Every person who owns a gun should have to take a comprehensive mental health evaluation every year. Because how is the average person on the street to know that a person with mental health issues is dangerous and shouldn't be carrying or owning guns. Pass the evaluation and keep your guns, don't pass and turn them in. Lead balloon meet a hard landing.


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