9 yr old Savagely attacked by familys American Bulldogs-650 Stitches - Page 5

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by SitasMom on 20 July 2010 - 03:07

they are pit bulls, of course this happened!

i hope they are dead now!


by NoCurs on 20 July 2010 - 03:07

So what you are considering a "heavy weight" appears to be 60 to 75 pound dogs? I'm speaking more int he "today's" terms of these 90 and 100 pound dogs which ARE mixed.

Regarding the Great Dane stories and Maurice Carver, it had nothing to do with what you write. There is no such thing as what you write. Small tan friendly dogs, who turn into black maneaters??? lolololol

I beg to differ with you on this point. Since you are, from what you state, obviously an old time "dog man", I don't want to argue with you. There are many versions of the "great dane" story, told by many people, and no, I don't think it is true, but it does nicely point out how so darn many of those "good old timers" lied threw their teeth (like Carver is famous for) about their pedigrees.  Sad for the breed - not too many other breeds are noted for the dishonesty of their breeders.  : (

However,as to what you wrote above, concerning there being  "no such thing as what you write"  I respectfully submit that you pick up a copy of Frank Rocca's last book, where he tells the story partof which I quote here (as one example of what I was talking about above)  "Still another old-timer, highly respected breeder of the Corvino strain tells an amusing story of how the real sire of Eli Jr and Bullyson was a black great dane,which he says explains the transformation from small size andaverage ability dogs that were inbred on Blind Billy to the huge, aggressive, hard biting black animals..."

I know that Frank was around then, and in the know, and respectfully, Idon't know you from Adam's Off Ox, so I'm going to go with Frank's version.  

Anyway, we are rather off the main point, I think, which is the confusion caused to today by the fad breeding of blue Am Staff blood into UKC andADBA bloodlines, andthe crossbreeding which is producing the "too short and wide" and the "too talland big" dogs. 


by Jenni78 on 20 July 2010 - 03:07

Sita's Retarded (sorry to insult the mentally retarded) Mom wrote: " they are pit bulls, of course this happened!
i hope they are dead now!"

Hey, genius; they were NOT Pit Bulls. I've always thought you had to be one of the most annoyingly un-intelligent posters here, but this takes the cake and now I feel just in respectfully telling you that you, my Eurosport-plugging fellow forum member, are an utter and complete MORON, whose only worthy contributions to this forum have been cut and pasted, and YOU are far scarier and more dangerous than any vicious dog.

There. I feel better. 

Goodnight, all.


by NoCurs on 20 July 2010 - 03:07

Ah, that explains Sitasmom's low reading comprehenion on another thread!  Just plain moron.  Glad to have that cleared up!

by Abhay on 20 July 2010 - 03:07

I don't need to read Rocca's book, as I was there.  Respected breeder of the Corvino Strain? lolol
Who but an idiot, would make such a foolish and ridiculous claim?  I also find it so comical, that these
dogmen, that make these claims, are on the other side of the country, and have no idea of what is going on here.

My friend, and former World Champion Powerlifter, Bennett Clayton, owned ELI JR.  I will call him tonight and we
should hash out the breeding on his great dog.
This is the blood I used. Most of them were Hvy Wt dogs. I suppose since they are from the same lines as ELI,
they were Dane also?


by NoCurs on 20 July 2010 - 03:07

I never said they WERE dane, I said that there was speculation about the sudden change in the dogs.  I have dealt with so darn many people who tell me they owned Jeep, or this or that, puts me at a real disadvantage! : )  (Seriously, I get at least one email a year from a Jeep owner!)

Anyway, don't be so defensive.  The pedigrees of ANY dogs from Carver are suspect, you know that if you know ANYTHING about the breed.  So discussons on "true breedings" on ANY line (except Colbys I'd say) is a silly waste of time.  I sure as hell don't believe Bert Sorrells always told the truth, if I can accept that about my fav strain, I would suspect you can about yours?

Anyway, silly waste of time. I'm sure you have fantastic dogs, whatever their breeding! 

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 20 July 2010 - 04:07

Now I understand the promotion thread nocurs.

Hi Abhay.

by Abhay on 20 July 2010 - 04:07

Carver and APBT Breeders don't have a monopoly on paper shuffling. Paper Shuffling goes on with every breed, and all animals who have a ped. If you think dogmen are bad, just deal with some sly horsemen.

Many great dogs have carried Sorrells lines. Gr Ch AJAX and Gr Ch CHUCO LOCO are just two.
I remember when Bert Sorrells ran with the G&M Kids. He would make bets for guys to wrestle M for $$$$

You seem to be very confused. You weren't getting e mails from guys who owned Garret's or Crenshaw's "JEEP"
You were getting e mails from Jeep owners, such as Wrangler, CJ's, DJ's, Cherokees, Wagoneers, etc.

by Abhay on 20 July 2010 - 04:07

Hey Moons! What's Shakin?  By any chance, do you drive a "JEEP"?


by GSDPACK on 20 July 2010 - 04:07

Sitas mom wow.... speachless and rather disturbed.


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