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by Blitzen on 04 June 2008 - 23:06

Two Moons, were you at Woodstock?

by Preston on 05 June 2008 - 02:06

BabyEagle, Rep. Ron Paul is a very good start.  He has been one of the very few real Constitutionalists left in Congress and a man of honor and principle.  He has rekindled the American spirit which led the founding fathers to fight and win over King George, who was sucking the life out of the colonies. styripping away all their wealth throught excessive taxation, theft of homes for the military and many other crimes against mankind, just like our current administrations, demoncrat and republicrat alike.  Thank you for doing your best to support our country and help us all out during this time of great need.  I for one greatly appreciate your willingness to take a stand for our country. 

It's like a very experienced historian once told me.  He concluded from his lifelong studies of human nature, that folks will only stand up and take back their country when they are actually driven out of their homes and are starving.  As long as folks are eating, no one seems to care enough.  He said that FDR instituted thousands of public works jobs to avoid revolution in the streets like what happened in the early 1900's which led to the American Labor movement. 


by BabyEagle4U on 05 June 2008 - 02:06

Thanks Preston .. you don't sound to bad yourself 

"Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings." ~ Patrick Henry

by Preston on 05 June 2008 - 03:06

Awesome quotes BabyEagle.  Keep up the good work for our country and for all of us.  You seem to be someone who took Jack Kennedy seriously when he said, "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country".    You are doing it.

by Preston on 05 June 2008 - 03:06

Breaking news.  South Dakota just passed zoning (by a slmall margin) allowing the building of the first new oil refinery in the USA in over 30 years.  Maybe folks are starting to wake up.  I might retire in South Dakota if they keep this up !


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 05 June 2008 - 06:06,

Yeah I'm just an old hippy, a head, I think we called ourselve's freaks at the time.   I remember it all.  I remember those who lived for something greater and those who died.   I'm pretty sure I understand the why of most of it.  I haven't been living in a cave all these years.  A lot has changed over the years and some things stay the same.  Nothing has gotten better as I see it over the years, only different.  Perhaps we dropped the ball, my generation.  These things have been years in the making and I can't blame it all on my children.   I remember the march's and the rally's, and the pig's. I remember Kent state and the riot's, Waco Texas,  I also remember the military being involved.   Thats still the same today.  People die.

I dont wave the flag because I am not proud of my country, I am not proud of what it has become.  Its still the greatest country on earth but that may not last forever.  Things beyond our border's now shape the future and our arrogance will be our undoing.   Its not just about oil or politic's.

Ron Paul is not new to me either, he has been around a long time now.   I don't think the time is at hand for him to lead us out of the darkness.   I agree with a lot he say's, but he's not the one to break the yoke from around our necks in my opinion.

We, us, we are not ready yet.  Things aren't bad enough yet to make it happen.   When the time is right it will happen and I will be there if I'm still alive to fight.    Thats what its gonna take don't you know.   Rons man said it himself, you can't elect your way out of this.  You have to understand human nature, your not going to get a greedy man to give up whats in his hand without some use of force.   Ask Preston.   Do you think change will come without a price?

Do you remember the song about Martin bobby and John?   

I'm not brainless Baby E,  maybe just a little tired.   Nothings ever come easy to me, I have my scar's.   

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 05 June 2008 - 06:06

So for me it is SSDD.    They haven't really come up with anything new.   We were always under the control of the money changer's.   Since time began.

I'll do what I can do,  you do the same.   And we shall see.



by Sunsilver on 05 June 2008 - 07:06

Two Moons, the original song was titled "Abraham, Martin and John" The Bobby reference was added later, in 1968. What a sad, sad day that was.

"Has anyone seen my good friend, Bobby?

Can you tell me where he's gone?

I just saw him walking on over the hill,

With Abraham, Martin and John."


A correspondent from Life magazine was interviewing the soldiers in Vietnam, asking them who they were going to vote for in the coming election. One of them said, "Why don't you ask who we WOULD have voted for?"

To a man, they shouted, "BOBBY"!


So, what happened to the Woodstock generation? The ones who were going to change 'the system'? They sold out, became part of it.

A couple of guys who were good friends made a small fortune selling drugs at Woodstock (no, I wasn't there, I was too young, and it wasn't my type of scene anyway) They used the profits to start a legitimate business. I don't remember what sort of business. It's been too long since I heard the story. But I think it's quite typical of what happened to the baby boomers. Living in a commune, smoking dope with your friends and living off the pogey wears thin after awhile.

Gawd, it's hard not to become cynical... It's good to have young guys like this local lad, Craig Kielburger who started out fighting child slave labour in developing countries, and is now rallying school kids to help his cause. He says if we all work together for change, his generation will see an end to poverty.  The key to his philosiphy is to think, "How is what I'm about to do going to affect (help/hurt) other people? Hmmm....yeah, sounds kind of familiar: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."  I believe Craig is Jewish, but that same philosophy crops up in most of the world's religions. Except the American Capitalist creed, which is "Do unto others before they do unto you...."

Two Moons

by Two Moons on 05 June 2008 - 18:06


Thank you for pulling my fat out of the fire, I don't remember the details as well anymore.  Abraham , yes thats the one.

I must say I agree with your post , you kinda hit the nail on the head for the most part.   It wasn't all bad tho.  Some good things born of those day's are still alive in the next generation.    I think at the time I would have probably voted for Bobby Kennedy but today in these times I would not.    I think if we want change we have to break free of the system we now have, Red and Blue need another color to blend with, the Purple    We need to end the infighting over control and power and do something as a people for our country as a whole.    When I say our country I mean the people, not the banks or big business, or the polititions. We The People.

Maybe I am ate up and fried from living the life style of those days, but honestly I think it was the events of my days that have made me like I am.  We have a lot of history that is not so shinny and It came from the most high, our leaders, not the people.    Even those from the past that people always like to quote had their dark side if you really know your history.

Funny what a little white wash and a good spin can do for someones image. 

Anyway your right about the selling out of a generation.


Two Moons

by Two Moons on 05 June 2008 - 18:06


BTW, I too was a bit young to travel to New York,   I don't believe we missed all that much.  There were others less famous that were not any better.  

I miss the sex more than the drugs    And my philosophy is still the same, peace, get high, make love not war, back to the land, and set my soul free.   All those catch phrase's of the day.   Now its all about the money, very sad.



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