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by Silverbolt Prime on 31 October 2007 - 18:10


>beer, wine and other alcohols, have saved the lives of many dogs who have drank Antifreeze. The alcohol ties up the ethylene glycol, and other toxins so they don't precipitate into the kidneys.


Had heard about that for antifreeze. That's fairly common knowledge to anyone with dogs or kids. But it's due to molecular binding of two compounds. Alcohol in and of itself has no toxin absorbing properties in regard to kidneys. I hadn't heard anything about ethanol x mercury Thought it might be an interaction I wasn't aware of between ethanol and Hg.

by hodie on 31 October 2007 - 18:10

Shandra, Ask for the name and phone number of the EPA person in charge. Call them and insist on speaking personally to them. This can get blown out of proportion, though it is a very serious incident, by people like the local Sheriff and fire departments because they do not have the background to deal with it. I am hoping that the EPA person will bring some reason to the situation. There are some serious issues here, including the actual exposure of you, your children and the dogs. But these are issues that can be managed without putting the dogs down..... Also, ask them to bring the pups and dogs out to you or another authority as soon as possible so they can be taken care of. Leaving them in the house where the mercury is vaporizing (it does have a low vapor pressure unless the house is warm or hot) is only compounding the issue. I feel for you. Good luck.


by Isabelle on 31 October 2007 - 19:10

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your children and your dogs. You have been strong until now. Stay strong so that you can make the best out of this tragodie.

Good luck to you and yours.



by Silbersee on 31 October 2007 - 19:10


I have never dealt with something like that and have no advice. But I do want to express how bad I feel for you and your family! I will pray for all of you and that you escape any serious illnesses! Poor little puppies!


by Blitzen on 31 October 2007 - 20:10

How quickly terrible things can happen to any of us. Please let us know what happens and please take Hodie's advice and take control as much as you can. Don't let the local yokels have the final say. I am so sorry for you.

by hodie on 31 October 2007 - 21:10

Just for educational purposes: Elemental mercury.....in a closed space such as a house....at about 75 degrees Fahrenheit:......... Vapor pressure: 0.002 mm Hg at 77ºF (25ºC) [Note: Although the vapor pressure of elemental mercury is low, at 24ºC, an atmosphere that is fully saturated with mercury vapor contains approximately 18 mg/m³. The levels attainable in indoor airs at room temperature can therefore greatly exceed safe levels and result in poisoning. From ATSDR web site on Mercury: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/MHMI/mmg46.html It is not a great idea that so many of you remember playing with mercury as a child. Hopefully that was many, many decades ago and we have learned much about mercury since then. Mercury in this case is the elemental form, but mercury poisoning through the centuries, in organic and inorganic form, has long been understood and sadly, to many had severe or fatal consequences..... Remember the "mad as a hatter" reference from Alice in Wonderland? That refers specifically to mercury poisoning. And an admonition....those who do not know what they are talking about should NOT be suggesting treating an exposure with alcohol. All this does is make a terrible situation worse. Thankfully, that advice was not followed.

by angusmom on 31 October 2007 - 22:10

all i can offer is prayers and hopes for a decent outcome. good luck shandra.


by allaboutthedawgs on 31 October 2007 - 22:10

Oh Shandra I'm so sorry this has happened. You must be beside yourself. Please pm me. I would very much like to help out. I have friends all over Texas and will gladly see if any of them can get some clothes/supplies and help to you. Or if you will give me the name of post office I would like to send something to help out.

Surely the humane society could have some pull with authorities? 
At least to house the animals?  Surely they will at least take them out of the house and keep them in crates outside to feed and water? It doesn't make any sense to keep them inside of a contaminated area. I would call the office of the Governer. They have a whole staff of people to help citizens with problems. I'd do the same for the Congressman and Senetor. And local t.v.. Just talk to everybody about it until somebody listens. They're all elected officials and don't want a big stink in the media about this stuff in their districts.

Please let me know how I can help.


yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 31 October 2007 - 22:10



by Shandra on 31 October 2007 - 22:10

quick update

EPA and State hazmat came out. Last night when I got home from the er I turned on the heater and the ceiling fan ., the mercury vaporized and the ceiling fan spread it thruout the house. At the minumum the clothing, carpetin, furniture and paneling will have to be destroyed. Could possibly go as far as having to demolish the house and concrete slab, I do not know yet. Anything permeable will be destroyed. The dogs that werein the house Xena and pups as well as the pom and my baby, Goldie will have to be shaved to the skin and bathed several times on the property. I came back to the shop to get dogfood and water dishs, the hazmat guys are very kind and gave the dogs water as soon as they were done canvassing the house, they also got the inside dogs out into the yard.  I cannot have contact with anything on the property, I will be staying at the shop tonight at least and fromthere I dont know. I still have a busines to take care of and a bus to drive. Oh yea, because I turned the heater and fan on and stayed inthe house overnight, I have to go for another blood draw tomorrow, mainly because I am still dizzy and have a horrible metalic taste in my mouth.

Thank you for all your good wishs, prayers and advice



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