Fasting.... - Page 2

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by Ibrahim on 25 November 2010 - 15:11

 It is something new to me and strange though interesting and must think of. Thanks


by Ibrahim on 25 November 2010 - 15:11


Do you fast them only from food or also water? is drinking water good on empty stomach?



by Ryanhaus on 25 November 2010 - 15:11

Only from food, in the wild they probably camped near streams, near people that needed water nearby, interesting to think about.


by melba on 25 November 2010 - 16:11

Only food. They always have access to clean water.


by sting369 on 26 November 2010 - 21:11

They say fasting is good for many if not most animals including humans.  It cleans out the entire system.  It also gives the entire system a break as the whole system is under strain when it has to constantly digest and process food.  It allows all the organs a break and the lymphatic system etc. 

Humans think other animals need to eat the way we do or as often as we do.  Making matters worse is that most humans already eat way, way too much which is why so many americans are over weight.  People are always eating which is why they can not fathom the idea of not not constantly feeding their dogs.  

Cultures that use holistic medicine around the world have always used fasting as part of their treatment for many, many diseases.   Most Americans would benefit from fasting.  So would their pets. 

Using snakes as an animal example it is not uncommon for a snake to go  weeks or longer without eating.  That is why predators gorge when they do eat as oppossed to grazing.  of course snakes are cold blooded so it's a bit different. Yet It's also why a lion (warm blooded) will go and lay down and rest after gorging because their body is using energy to digest it all.  Which explains why people go flop on the sofa after eating thanksgiving dinner. 

Bottom line is most people eat too much and feed their dogs too much. 

by Ibrahim on 26 November 2010 - 21:11

 Good post and valuable info Sting369.


by CrysBuck25 on 26 November 2010 - 22:11

That really makes sense...I am constantly overwhelmed by the people who think that if your dog isn't dragging its belly on the ground that it must be starving.

Our smaller dog, the border mix Misty, is the type of dog that if allowed to will overeat.  She is one of those dogs whose life is dedicated to the pursuit of food, food, and more food.  My mother in law, when this little dog jumped three feet in the air and grabbed some food she had in her hand, along with her fingers, thought that she must be starving.  She chastised me for not feeding this dog enough food, even though you can't find a bone on her body to save your life.

She finally admitted that she doesn't think that Misty is starving anymore, but she does think Oakley, who is slender, is too skinny.  I just ignore her...She is not the type to be that soft about her dogs.  They get to where their hips or spine is bugging them, she has her dogs put down, rather than keep them thinner through their lives.  I'm glad she will not be owning any more dogs...It's better for them!

Occasionally I'll fast Oakley, but usually not.


by sable59 on 26 November 2010 - 23:11

i only fast my dogs when they are to have a hard work out the next day.they are sharper and do a lot better all around.i keep my dogs in pretty good shape.the right ammount to feed anything including ourselfes is:the ammount that passes off between feedings and neither gain or loose weight.

yellowrose of Texas

by yellowrose of Texas on 27 November 2010 - 08:11


It is not a joke..Most all of us that have trained with a good gsd trainer and have working dogs, fast our dogs one day a week...or if a trial is on Friday , the dog is fasted on Thursday...Every owner of the gsd that does this,   has a different time they do this...I also never feed my dogs the day before a trip or that day until reach the destination...

YES, but it is not a religion or a denominational thing...IT is a   TRAINING AND BEHAVIOURAL and DIET regiment...



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