PETA compares AKC to the KKK - Page 2

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by Louise M. Penery on 08 February 2008 - 04:02

by k9sar on 08 February 2008 - 05:02

after returning home from working 911 my dog was diagniosed with several conditions, ultimately leading to her death

I was greiving when i got a call on my home phone from a PETA person claiming I killed my dog. I asked her if she had children and when she said yes I then asked if she would not want the dogs searching for her kids!


She slamed the phone down in my ear!!!!!!!


they are wacked

by yehadut on 08 February 2008 - 20:02

Some people here clearly have the wrong idea about PETA, which is just a group of people opposed to suffering of animals. PETA is not against having companion animals. In fact, many PETA employees bring their dogs to work with them. PETA does not drown cats, and never has! While a PETA employee was charged with dumping of bodies of euthanised dogs, that employee was found innocent. Neither does a phone call from one self-described "PETA-person" represent anything other than her own opinion. PETA is not the perverse characture some people who listen to PETA-haters believe.

As a PETA-supporter and animal-lover, it's pretty offensive to hear you call me a fanatic and so on. The vast majority of PETA-supporters, activists, and employees, are anything but. Just people concerned about the tragic deaths of millions of dogs and cats in shelters each year for want of loving homes. While there's nothing wrong with purebred dogs, there is something wrong with discouraging a family from adopting a shelter dog because he is a mutt, and encouraging them to buy a dog that's bred instead. We should have pageants, and they should tell people who watch to go to their shelter and provide them with a loving home, whether they're GSDs or mutts -- and that, either way, they should be responsible and spay/neuter their dogs rather than drop off the unwanted puppies at shelters. This is just common sense.

Unfortunately, too often the AKC defends the puppy mill interests, and not the puppies. Our question should always be, what will work best to reduce the suffering and death of dogs? PETA is trying its best, and the AKC is not. You don't have to agree with every tactic PETA takes. When do two people ever agree on everything? Just be part of the solution, and help push the AKC to discourage irresponsible dog owners, irresponsible breeders, and sending of a message to the public that the lives of mutts are less valuable than those of purebreds.

by olskoolgsds on 08 February 2008 - 20:02

Peta supporter,
The problems are in definitions and perspectives.  You call your self an animal lover.  So does my neighbor who defines many of my methods of training my dogs to be cruel.  By any standards that I have experienced in many years of working with dogs, my methods are not cruel.  To the animal activists they are.
There is another huge huge difference in how we define love.  I look at a breed and look at what the dog was bred to do and believe my best demonstration of love for this animal is to train and allow it to do what it was bred for. (obviously not including fighting dogs)  Dog's of what ever breed are happiest when trained and allowed to do what it's ancestry was bred to do.  In the case of the GSD it is working, whether it is herding, tracking, protecting, or solid family companion, it is happy when it is living up to it's potential and is a productive part of the family.  This is the way it works.  Man takes care of the animal that takes care of him.  It's a trade off.   Animal activists have a hidden agenda and if you do not know that then you are either very new or will not see it.  Animal activists see dog's , pet's , love, care in a completely different light.

When my children were little I corrected inapropriate behaviors and taught them healthy behaviors instead.  Some, like the peta people of the human world would say that's wrong. " You should not correct them, allow them to be free".   I cannot take the time to go into detail the differences that TRUE animal lovers have for their dog's and what animal activists describe as love for animals.  IMO animal activists have a very warped view of love and what suffering is.  I believe we are talking to different languages.  I watched with my own eyes the President of PETA  say on T.V. that fishing was cruel, no different then dragging a dog down the road with a hook in his mouth.   If all of the animal activists such as peta had their way we would not be allowed to eat meat of any kind.  

So, to you peta and all animal rights activists that feel that animals should be treated as humans don't talk to me about love cause we are not even close to being on the same page.  And don't talk to me about suffering, when your agenda and perceptions are wacked.  This is a movement that is going on around the world and IMO the majority of the people are probably well intentioned folks that just don't have a clue.  

In dealing with felons for most of my life, it became very clear to me that  most mothers  expressed great love for their sons.  The tragedy is that this Love was  misguided.  It allowed their son to break all the rules, no accountability , no discipline," just do as you want because I love you".  Most did not have a father in the home, putting all of the wieght on the mother. When they started getting in trouble it was someone elses fault because," I love my son and will defend him always."   I have said enough, probably too much.  For those that have sons in prison, I meant no harm to you.  We all do our best and no one has all the answers, me for sure.   My only point is that we have different standards and views of what is healthy, what love is, what suffering is, and IMO the animal activists are so far off in their definitions and perseptions that it scars me.  This is the only thing that I fear for our breed.  Not byb,  nothing, just the animal rights activists. 
Again, please accept my apologies if I have offended any mothers out their.  My heart

by Louise M. Penery on 08 February 2008 - 20:02

Ah-ha---a "humaniac"  PETA-phile mole is amongst us      

I guess that neither moles nor rats (in ths Year of the Rat) don't need to be spayed/neutered!   Of course, PETA regards them as sentient beings (and not subject to "ownership"--or being contained in cages).

PETA'a Happy Year of the Rat blog:

Sounds more like PETA compares to the KKK--in that "Big Brother" promotes the canine equivalent of "genocide" by gradually eliminating purebred dogs by promoting mandatory spay/neuter legislation and chipping away at the constitutional rights of their breeders and owner.

Animal Liberation Front (ALF) may be behind this:\-again/



the Ol'Line Rebel

by the Ol'Line Rebel on 08 February 2008 - 21:02

I don't even understand the griping about AKC.

AKC for years has promoted adoption (at least for purebreds, and there ARE purebred abandoned out there) and DEFINITELY neutering if your dog isn't show-worthy.  They don't force it, and sometimes I think it's just lip service, but it IS part of their official printed platform.

by Angela Kovacs on 08 February 2008 - 21:02

 And it Starts.....


by Kalibeck on 09 February 2008 - 23:02

For thousands of years dogs have been companions to man. From what I have read, anthropologists believe that dogs approached ancient humans, attracted by the smell of cooking & the warmth of their fires. After so long an association with humans, dogs became domesticated, so much so that dogs even mimic human expression, and can read our faces & emotions to determine what would be their best course of action. They know how to push human buttons, to solicit sympathy from us, and have, in return, been taught by humans to perform certain tasks. From the selection of certain individuals who excelled at these tasks different types of dogs developed. So, this is a symbiotic relationship, that, when viewed from the perspective of our 21st century lifestyle alone, may look outdated, as many of us do not need or use dogs to make our daily living. However, the benefits, and the promise, that we give dogs has not changed; indeed they need us now, more than ever. And we need them, in a world that isolates us from each other more and more, a dogs companionship is the only comfort some have. And this21st century world is not a world amenable to feral dogs.....hence making PeTAs claims of 'human dominence' wrong at many levels. Dogs have evolved to be at our side; and I believe PeTA is a terroristic, and inflexible(thereby abnormal) expression of a distorted viewpoint. jackie harris


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