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by GSDtravels on 25 March 2011 - 15:03

So, what is your answer?


by BabyEagle4U on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

I think God snapped his fingers ...  ;o)

What I find interesting is our Moon and Earth are tidally locked as a pair and the only Moon coincidentally circling a civilization in our solar system. The Sun also pulls at the Earth but not quite as powerful an attraction as the Moon and Earth. I think the Sun is something like 50% of the Moon's.

With that said, the Moon tries to pull the Earth to it like a super magnet, but can't because the Earth has gravitational pull and basically can hold onto everything but moving waters. Newton's Law of Gravitation comes to mind.

It's a very complex balance of push and pull up there in outer-space, which I find amazing to say the least.

Soo, when it's a full or new Moon, both the Sun and the Moon are pulling at the Earth, kinda like a lovers quarrel where a dude pulls the left arm of a girl, and another dude pulls the right arm of the same girl .. strongest dude wins. Tug-o-war without the attraction between the Sun and Moon for the Earth kinda thing.

The Earth creates a centrifugal force (by spinning) allowing the waters to give a little to the Moon every now and again .. that's when we have tidal waves, tsunami's etc.

Now I just thought of something. (LOL) This is prolly what happened in Japan. Beings the Earth can hold onto everything that's not moving, while the Earth was in the middle of a serious Earthquake the Earth was moving .. the Moon prolly grabbed a great hold of the Pacific causing that serious tsunami afterwards. I dunno, I'm just saying now that I think about it.

But anyhows now I have a question, the Earth during that Japan tsunami (for example) would of had to spin just a little slower to stop the pull of the Pacific by the Moon and total chaos , right ? Or no ? Or does the Sun somehow realize what the Moon is doing and moves closer to Earth and balances everything without the Earth spinning slower ? Anyone know ?

Interesting to say the least. Now I know why some people say we have a jealous God. LMAO 

by Donald Deluxe on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

BE4U, do you have any theories on whether the moon and tidal activity have any influence on troll posting patterns?  

I ask because I have noticed a significant uptick in the troll's activity ever since the recent close approach of the full moon, and wondered if you thought there might be a correlation.

by beetree on 25 March 2011 - 18:03

They say the tilt of the Earth did change a little BE, and the length of day has altered, too.  Because the surface area of the Earth has permanently changed. I think it is more water displacement from the earthquake not the gravitational pull that makes the most affect upon the tsunami.


by BabyEagle4U on 25 March 2011 - 19:03

DD maybe. I think it's called the lunar lunacy effect .  lol

Seriously, people could assume if the human body is made up of 2/3 water a tiny tidal effect or a bio rythmic  mentally  could happen in the brain. I doubt it because the body is contained water, if anything it's an air pressure phenomenon in the brain. Intuitive powers , why not ? Ha Ha

Look at the female mentally and physically  during the menstral cycle. Although the Sun is prolly doing the the menstral cycle thing because it's much further away from the female than the Moon.  LMAO


by Shtal on 25 March 2011 - 19:03

Here is something I learned about Jupiter.

The planet Jupiter is cooling off rapidly, constantly loosing heat, it cannot be billions of years old – it would have been cold by now.
Jupiter moon ganymede has strong magnetic field – indicating liquid core – meaning is not billions of years old.

by Vikram on 25 March 2011 - 20:03

Time is not linear as perceived by the human brain. You can narrate only things whihc have happened in the past nothing in future because our human brain whihc is the cause of all the human prisons thinks linearly and that is also based on the human scoial condition. The hypnosis of social conditioning as it is said.


Ther never was a big bang becaise time is not linear in actuality all past present and future co-exist SO GENSIS IS NOW!!!!!. The perception or the experience of Universe begain 15 billion years ago when the wave function started collapsing in the consciousness.





by GSDtravels on 25 March 2011 - 20:03

So, what is your answer?


by Shtal on 25 March 2011 - 20:03


Here is what I know how they date the bones and make you believe its all true.

Circular reasoning - Strata dated by the fossils - then fossils are dated by the strata

In the same text book.

by Vikram on 25 March 2011 - 20:03

That we live in a field of possibilites Possibilites for consciousness to choose from. The Red flower you see is actually not red in color its just your sensory organs whihc are perceving it as red. Actually it does not exist before you looked at it :)



God Bless





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