Big Bang flaw (Contradiction) - Page 1

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by Shtal on 24 March 2011 - 07:03

Very interesting phenomena of physics, if merry go round is going clockwise - when a kid fly’s off.
The kid will be spinning clockwise until he encounters resistance – like a tree or poll.
That’s because law and physics know as conservation angular momentum. See if a spinning object breaks apart – the pieces that fly’s off - out going spin in same direction – because the outside is moving faster than an inside.

If a universe (Big Bang) began as a spinning dot why are planets spinning backwards, Venus, Uranus and possibly Pluto rotate backwards from the other 6 planets.

Why 8 of the 91 known moons spin (rotate) backwards?
Why Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune have moons (orbiting) going both directions at the same time?

Why is the Sun 98% Hydrogen and Helium but the other planets less than 1% of Hydrogen and Helium?

Why are the nine planets so different from each other and from the sun?
If they all came from Big Bang – why are they so different?
Why some galaxies spin backwards?

Why all this things going backwards?


by ALPHAPUP on 24 March 2011 - 22:03

BIG BANG .. ok the universe started from a singularity .. the astrophysics PHd's see that as ' no problem ' .. HUH??? -- so now what compromised the singularity [ ? energy / matter? ]  & where & how did that come to exist ??  ///// and if they say - another dimension , so where did the 2nd or 11th dimension[s]    [ as now thought ]  originate from .. and if the reply happens to be - it  always there & hen there was a big bang that thwarted everything into expansion creating the universe , ..that  still doesn't explain origin .. ... if they say .. it just happened that means .. nothing came  well ,from  nothing ?? and how is that ?? i think the only big bang that exists is .. BRAIN FARTS !!

Red Sable

by Red Sable on 24 March 2011 - 23:03

LOL alpha!




by GSDtravels on 24 March 2011 - 23:03

So, in simplistic terms, you're asking what was before the universe.   The answer is, nobody knows.  So, what is your answer?

by beetree on 25 March 2011 - 01:03

If a Big Bang happens while creating a universe, and there is no one there to hear it, did it really create a Big BANG?

by Donald Deluxe on 25 March 2011 - 05:03

I like to have a Big Bang at least a couple of times a week, but I haven't even produced any progeny, let alone a universe.


by Ruger1 on 25 March 2011 - 05:03

beetree and don...

           LOL...: )


by Shtal on 25 March 2011 - 06:03

LOL: Don't worry the real big bang is coming (END OF THE WORLD)


by Shtal on 25 March 2011 - 06:03

Here is another contradiction for you.

The moon goes around the earth and gradually getting farther away, we slowly loosing the moon, it’s leaving us couple inches a year.
No big deal, nothing to worry about, plus nothing you could do about it anyway. But the moon is getting farther from the earth – every day.
So that means it used to be closer. If you bring a moon closer you will start to create a problem – because the moon causes the tides. If the moon was closer - then the tides will be higher.
There is a law called “The Inverse Square Law” If you brought the moon 1/3 distance, you take 1/3 flip it over and square it – it’s nine times gravitational pull. If you know the math on this, you find out – the moon and the earth will be almost together 1.4 billions years ago. (Like Crashing on each other)

by ALPHAPUP on 25 March 2011 - 15:03

.. interesting .. we try to undestand the origins of the universe .. we can't even talk about what exists present day ?? OH my .. everything i was taught earlier in life well .. seems to be all wrong. i'm told is all wrong  !! we thought the atom and constituents, protons, electrons , neutrons were all the smallest particels , now there are quirks , quarks , spin ups , spin downs  , muons ... mattter / dark matter , energy / dark energry , antimatter , neutrios ,anti -neutrinos ...  positrons ..  and it supposed to all make sense .. but we don't know 100% what all the jargon is about !! we can't explain , although we know,   how one photon of light knows what another photon of light is doing !! -- HMMMM .. maybe we should concentrate on just understanding what we are all talking about .. oh .. back to the singualrity .. previous post i meant' something from nothing '.. HMHM  .. that's a lot of something from nothing !! oh BTW .. even if everything did exist before the big bang ??  AM i to understand .. that ALL this stuff , all the matter [ and otehr things just mentioned ]     in the universe , ecompassing 100,0000 light years across ,  oh ,  just came from one tiny , tiny , tiny little dot , so small it couldn't even  be seen with the human eye ?/ BTW -- i also guess .. we are made of more than ... stardust now too  .. ARE WE ??


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