Kennel Fixfrutta

Pedigree Database

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    Sent by Milos Fixfrutta

    Republic of Serbia   country flag

    Location and contact

    Milos Djukanovic


    Izvidjacka 1
    Republic of Serbia






    Inserted:2.6 years ago
    Female (3125210) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA9(BSZS 2022) Yoris vom Osterberger-Land
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta


    Inserted:2.7 years ago
    Male (3116028) German Shepherd Dog


    Inserted:2.7 years ago
    Female (3116039) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA9(BSZS 2022) Yoris vom Osterberger-Land
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta


    Inserted:1.5 years ago
    Male (3213126) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA9(BSZS 2022) Yoris vom Osterberger-Land
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Abba Fixfrutta

    Abba Fixfrutta

    Inserted:1.2 years ago
    Female (3240897) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA9(BSZS 2022) Yoris vom Osterberger-Land
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by aceofheartsk9s
    Ajaks Fixfrutta

    CH (SRB) Ajaks Fixfrutta

    Inserted:15.5 years ago
    Male (588631) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Visum vom Nassauer Berg
    Mother: V Rosy Fixfrutta
    Created by bubamara
    Alegra fixfrutta

    Alegra fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.8 years ago
    Female (2240989) German Shepherd Dog
    Alessia Fixfrutta

    Alessia Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.6 years ago
    Female (2106228) German Shepherd Dog
    Alfa Fixfrutta

    Alfa Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.8 years ago
    Female (2068886) German Shepherd Dog
    Amsel Fixfrutta (1995)

    V Amsel Fixfrutta (1995)

    Inserted:8.2 years ago
    Female (2499292) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Grej Fixfrutta
    Mother: V Mina (JRSP 76462)
    Created by Artimusshepherds
    Amsel Fixfrutta (2007)

    2 X CAC Amsel Fixfrutta (2007)

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (390306) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Esko Fixfrutta
    Mother: 2XSG-1 Vanesa Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Anchy Fixfrutta

    Anchy Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.8 years ago
    Female (682699) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Till Fixfrutta
    Mother: Vini Villa
    Created by IVAN LUKIC
    Anci Fixfrutta

    Anci Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.6 years ago
    Female (2708621) German Shepherd Dog
    Ariel Fixfrutta

    Ariel Fixfrutta

    Inserted:2.6 years ago
    Female (3131890) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA9(BSZS 2022) Yoris vom Osterberger-Land
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Aron FixFrutta

    Aron FixFrutta

    Inserted:10.5 years ago
    Male (2120540) German Shepherd Dog
    Avaks Fixfrutta

    Avaks Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (423803) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Visum vom Nassauer Berg
    Mother: V Rosy Fixfrutta
    Created by Oli
    Ayax Fixfrutta

    V1, Ind Grand Ch. Ayax Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.8 years ago
    Male (2250299) German Shepherd Dog
    Bagi fixfrutta

    Bagi fixfrutta

    Inserted:9 years ago
    Male (2402932) German Shepherd Dog
    Balu fixfrutta

    V Balu fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.1 years ago
    Female (2392506) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Remo vom Fichtenschlag
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Berta Fixfrutta

    VP1 Berta Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.7 years ago
    Female (2263264) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Remo vom Fichtenschlag
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Betoven Fixfrutta

    Betoven Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.9 years ago
    Male (2045458) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Remo vom Fichtenschlag
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by CMills
    Bocka Fixfrutta

    Bocka Fixfrutta

    Inserted:8.9 years ago
    Female (2409490) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Remo vom Fichtenschlag
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Brass Fixfrutta

    SG 1/ V 1, CH.SCG Brass Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (398636) German Shepherd Dog
    Brenda Fixfrutta

    Brenda Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (398635) German Shepherd Dog


    Inserted:3.2 years ago
    Female (3082420) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: SG Rok Fixfrutta
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by gsd2007
    Ceri Fixfrutta

    Ceri Fixfrutta

    Inserted:17 years ago
    Female (514882) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Rio Fixfrutta
    Mother: Natali Fixfrutta
    Created by Oli
    Cesi Fixfrutta

    VV1 Cesi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (398651) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Rio Fixfrutta
    Mother: V Manta Nivalda
    Created by Oli
    Cesna vom Fixfrutta

    Cesna vom Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (396396) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Rio Fixfrutta
    Mother: V Manta Nivalda
    Created by Oli
    Cipsi fixfrutta

    Cipsi fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.1 years ago
    Female (2192594) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Jasso Fixfrutta
    Mother: 2 X CAC Amsel Fixfrutta (2007)
    Created by vonrozzen
    Cita Fixfrutta

    Cita Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (395002) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Rio Fixfrutta
    Mother: V Manta Nivalda
    Created by Oli


    Inserted:1.5 years ago
    Female (3213120) German Shepherd Dog
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta


    Inserted:9 years ago
    Male (2405024) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Leo von der Zenteiche
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by amr5ali


    Inserted:3.6 years ago
    Female (3035402) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: SG1 Oksford Fixfrutta
    Mother: Senka Fixfrutta
    Created by GSDHeritage
    Dak Fixfrutta

    Dak Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10 years ago
    Male (2210927) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Leo von der Zenteiche
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Haas
    Dida Fixfrutta

    Dida Fixfrutta

    Inserted:8.9 years ago
    Female (2409480) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Leo von der Zenteiche
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Didi Fixfrutta

    Didi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:7.7 years ago
    Male (2561303) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Leo von der Zenteiche
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Djana Fixfrutta

    Djana Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.5 years ago
    Female (2115023) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Geronimo vom Team Panoniansee
    Mother: V Mija Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Djina Fixfrutta

    Djina Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.5 years ago
    Female (2115022) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Geronimo vom Team Panoniansee
    Mother: V Mija Fixfrutta
    Created by GSDHeritage
    Djurdja Fixfrutta

    Djurdja Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.6 years ago
    Female (2280184) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Geronimo vom Team Panoniansee
    Mother: V Mija Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Don Fixfrutta

    Don Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.9 years ago
    Male (2219858) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Leo von der Zenteiche
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Dunja Fixfrutta

    V2, Ch. Dunja Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.9 years ago
    Female (2670144) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Leo von der Zenteiche
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by RameshKe
    Dux Fixfrutta

    SG Dux Fixfrutta

    Inserted:7.2 years ago
    Male (2636307) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Leo von der Zenteiche
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Endzi Fixfrutta

    SG 5 (SRB 2010) Endzi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.8 years ago
    Female (683651) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V1 (YU) Kenzo vom Radhaus
    Mother: Gaviota Fixfrutta (2008)
    Created by IVAN LUKIC
    Enzo Fixfrutta

    2 X JCAC, 1 X CACIB Enzo Fixfrutta

    Inserted:14.8 years ago
    Male (626129) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Timo Fixfrutta
    Mother: Blondi Feetback
    Created by Drazan
    Esko Fixfrutta

    Esko Fixfrutta

    Inserted:14.9 years ago
    Male (616221) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Timo Fixfrutta
    Mother: Blondi Feetback
    Created by nesmusic


    Inserted:1.5 years ago
    Female (3213123) German Shepherd Dog


    Inserted:2.8 years ago
    Female (3109345) German Shepherd Dog
    Fija fixfrutta

    Fija fixfrutta

    Inserted:2.7 years ago
    Female (3121135) German Shepherd Dog
    Fredd Fixfrutta

    NO X 2 CAC, 1 X R CACIB Fredd Fixfrutta

    Inserted:2.6 years ago
    Male (3125674) German Shepherd Dog


    Inserted:13.5 years ago
    Male (699560) German Shepherd Dog
    Gabi Fixfrutta

    V Gabi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (453629) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V4 (I) Selvar vom Haus Kalia
    Mother: SG Selma Feetback
    Created by Fantom76
    Gana Fixfrutta

    SG Gana Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.1 years ago
    Female (2392501) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA4 VA1(A) Labo vom Schollweiher
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Gaviota Fixfrutta (2008)

    Gaviota Fixfrutta (2008)

    Inserted:13.8 years ago
    Female (683649) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Esko Fixfrutta
    Mother: 2XSG-1 Vanesa Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Gaviota Fixfrutta (2021)

    Gaviota Fixfrutta (2021)

    Inserted:1.7 years ago
    Female (3201400) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Doder vom Team Panoniansee
    Mother: Senka Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Georgina Fixfrutta

    Georgina Fixfrutta

    Inserted:8.1 years ago
    Female (2512353) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA4 VA1(A) Labo vom Schollweiher
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Gilda Fixfrutta

    3X SG1 Gilda Fixfrutta

    Inserted:14.3 years ago
    Female (652671) German Shepherd Dog
    Gina Fixfrutta

    Gina Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.7 years ago
    Female (684919) German Shepherd Dog
    Gladijator Fixfrutta

    Gladijator Fixfrutta

    Inserted:14.9 years ago
    Male (616223) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Esko Fixfrutta
    Mother: 2XSG-1 Vanesa Fixfrutta
    Created by nesmusic
    Gorbi fixfrutta

    Gorbi fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.1 years ago
    Male (2392508) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA4 VA1(A) Labo vom Schollweiher
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Grej Fixfrutta

    V Grej Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (390305) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Jack Dymanthal
    Mother: V Monika Fixfrutta
    Created by Artimusshepherds
    Gunda Fixfrutta

    Gunda Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.4 years ago
    Female (704410) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V4 (I) Selvar vom Haus Kalia
    Mother: SG Selma Feetback
    Created by IVAN LUKIC


    Inserted:2.8 years ago
    Male (3111218) German Shepherd Dog
    Hana Fixfrutta

    Hana Fixfrutta

    Inserted:3.5 years ago
    Female (3048901) German Shepherd Dog
    Hektor Fixfrutta

    Hektor Fixfrutta

    Inserted:8.9 years ago
    Male (2409484) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Maximuss Fixfrutta
    Mother: 2 X CAC Amsel Fixfrutta (2007)
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Hera Fixfrutta

    Hera Fixfrutta

    Inserted:1.2 years ago
    Female (3240708) German Shepherd Dog
    Hilari Fixfrutta

    Hilari Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.9 years ago
    Female (2049864) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Maximuss Fixfrutta
    Mother: 2 X CAC Amsel Fixfrutta (2007)
    Created by ovcharka
    Ida Fixfrutta

    Ida Fixfrutta

    Inserted:2.6 years ago
    Female (3126948) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Lav Fixfrutta
    Mother: No information about the Dam
    Created by meisterkennel
    Indija Fixfrutta

    Ch. Indija Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.9 years ago
    Female (2674949) German Shepherd Dog
    Irvin Fixfrutta

    Irvin Fixfrutta

    Inserted:7.5 years ago
    Male (2590154) German Shepherd Dog
    Jade Fixfrutta

    Jade Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (427587) German Shepherd Dog
    Jafa Fixfrutta

    Jafa Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (427586) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA 1 (YU) Gazdagpataki Azurro
    Mother: V Amsel Fixfrutta (1995)
    Created by Artimusshepherds
    Jasso Fixfrutta

    Jasso Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.9 years ago
    Male (676615) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 (SR) Porto Semper Wictor
    Mother: SG Simba von Panoniansee
    Created by IVAN LUKIC
    Java Fixfrutta

    SG, CAC Java Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.7 years ago
    Female (2696043) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V1, Ind Grand Ch. Ayax Fixfrutta
    Mother: Djina Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Jojo Fixfrutta

    Jojo Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.9 years ago
    Female (676631) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 (SR) Porto Semper Wictor
    Mother: SG Simba von Panoniansee
    Created by IVAN LUKIC


    Inserted:1.2 years ago
    Male (3240707) German Shepherd Dog
    Kalina Fixfrutta

    Kalina Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.7 years ago
    Female (2698885) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: SG Dux Fixfrutta
    Mother: Indira von Panoniansee
    Created by vompalezteam
    Kasidi Fixfrutta

    V Kasidi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (391833) German Shepherd Dog
    Ken Fixfrutta

    VV1 Ken Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.6 years ago
    Male (694079) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V1 (YU) Kenzo vom Radhaus
    Mother: Gaviota Fixfrutta (2008)
    Created by mharckuz
    Kimberli Fixfrutta

    V Kimberli Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (390308) German Shepherd Dog
    Klara Fixfrutta

    Klara Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.1 years ago
    Female (722659) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V1 (YU) Kenzo vom Radhaus
    Mother: Gaviota Fixfrutta (2008)
    Created by mharckuz


    Inserted:7 years ago
    Female (2659499) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Marlo von Baccara
    Mother: V Balu fixfrutta
    Created by ovcharka


    Inserted:5.9 years ago
    Female (2793061) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Marlo von Baccara
    Mother: V Balu fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta


    Inserted:6.5 years ago
    Male (2721092) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Marlo von Baccara
    Mother: V Balu fixfrutta
    Created by zaeemkhan


    Inserted:6.1 years ago
    Female (2776067) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Marlo von Baccara
    Mother: V Balu fixfrutta
    Created by GSD Line
    Lara Fixfrutta

    SG1 Lara Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.6 years ago
    Female (2826275) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Marlo von Baccara
    Mother: V Balu fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Lari Fixfrutta

    Lari Fixfrutta

    Inserted:11.4 years ago
    Male (1952910) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Evgenie Villa Vini
    Mother: Veni Fixtrutta
    Created by vonrozzen
    Lav Fixfrutta

    V Lav Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.8 years ago
    Male (2688939) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Marlo von Baccara
    Mother: V Balu fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Lendi Fixfrutta

    SG Lendi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (427588) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 (YU) Titanic Mark
    Mother: Jade Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Liberty's Griffin Fixfrutta

    Liberty's Griffin Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.9 years ago
    Male (2229757) German Shepherd Dog
    Lisa (Yimi Fixfrutta-Acka)

    7*HPJ-7*BOB-CAC-2*FKlGy-DGy-J.ResBIS.-BIS 3.-J world Winner Lisa (Yimi Fixfrutta-Acka)

    Inserted:4.6 years ago
    Female (2934222) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Yimi Fixfrutta
    Mother: Acka (2015)
    Created by baksailona
    Lord Fixfrutta

    Lord Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.7 years ago
    Male (2697187) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA Marlo von Baccara
    Mother: V Balu fixfrutta
    Created by memento
    Luna Fixfrutta

    SG1 Luna Fixfrutta

    Inserted:15.3 years ago
    Female (595828) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Boss Feetback
    Mother: Ulme Fixfrutta
    Created by nesmusic


    Inserted:7.9 years ago
    Male (2547165) German Shepherd Dog


    Inserted:7.7 years ago
    Male (2571982) German Shepherd Dog


    Inserted:7 years ago
    Female (2659505) German Shepherd Dog
    Maritt Fixfrutta

    Maritt Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.3 years ago
    Female (2862230) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: No information about the Sire
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Marlo Fixfrutta

    Marlo Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.7 years ago
    Male (2696376) German Shepherd Dog
    Maximuss Fixfrutta

    Maximuss Fixfrutta

    Inserted:12.7 years ago
    Male (741543) German Shepherd Dog
    Maza Luna Fixfrutta

    VV 3 (SRB 2010) Maza Luna Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.8 years ago
    Female (682700) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V1 (YU) Kenzo vom Radhaus
    Mother: Anchy Fixfrutta
    Created by IVAN LUKIC
    Menta Fixfrutta

    V Menta Fixfrutta

    Inserted:8.2 years ago
    Female (2506323) German Shepherd Dog
    Mentos Fixfrutta

    Mentos Fixfrutta

    Inserted:7.6 years ago
    Male (2583531) German Shepherd Dog
    Merlin Fixfrutta

    Merlin Fixfrutta

    Inserted:8.2 years ago
    Male (2506303) German Shepherd Dog
    Mia Fixfrutta

    SG2 Mia Fixfrutta

    Inserted:12.7 years ago
    Female (741546) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA9 2X VA1(CN) Furbo degli Achei (2006)
    Mother: SG Simba von Panoniansee
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Mija Fixfrutta

    V Mija Fixfrutta

    Inserted:11.7 years ago
    Female (1871465) German Shepherd Dog
    Mina Fixfrutta

    V Mina Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (390303) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Zaks Kalavestra
    Mother: Brita JR 72863
    Created by Oli
    Monika Fixfrutta

    V Monika Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (390304) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Zaks Kalavestra
    Mother: Brita JR 72863
    Created by Fantom76
    Mura Fixfrutta

    Mura Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13.7 years ago
    Female (685417) German Shepherd Dog
    Naomi Fixfrutta

    V Naomi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (390314) German Shepherd Dog
    Natali Fixfrutta

    Natali Fixfrutta

    Inserted:17 years ago
    Female (514881) German Shepherd Dog
    Nina fixfrutta

    Nina fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.2 years ago
    Female (2766081) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: SG Dexter Cromontana
    Mother: Ch. Indija Fixfrutta
    Created by BrowardShepherds


    Inserted:3.1 years ago
    Female (3090050) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Zasko vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Odin Fixfrutta

    Odin Fixfrutta

    Inserted:15.4 years ago
    Male (591938) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Rio Fixfrutta
    Mother: V Kuna von Qwinni
    Created by sukan
    Oksford Fixfrutta

    SG1 Oksford Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.6 years ago
    Male (2828633) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Zasko vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Olga Fixfrutta

    Olga Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.3 years ago
    Female (2866477) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Zasko vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by jesusgeminis
    Orson Fixfrutta

    V Orson Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.6 years ago
    Male (2828639) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Zasko vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: SG Gana Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Pako Fixfrutta

    Pako Fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.6 years ago
    Male (2711304) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 BSZS Willy vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by aliazaidi
    Pakros Fixfrutta

    Pakros Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.7 years ago
    Male (2818409) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 BSZS Willy vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Palie Fixfrutta

    Palie Fixfrutta

    Inserted:16.2 years ago
    Female (549190) German Shepherd Dog
    Pandora Fixfrutta

    SG Pandora Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.6 years ago
    Female (2828640) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 BSZS Willy vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by GSDHeritage
    Pavle Fixfrutta

    Pavle Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.4 years ago
    Male (2847670) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 BSZS Willy vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by memento
    Pelanija Fixfrutta

    Pelanija Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.3 years ago
    Female (2872419) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 BSZS Willy vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by memento
    Pepe Fixfrutta

    Pepe Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.6 years ago
    Male (2828644) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 BSZS Willy vom Kuckucksland
    Mother: V Toska Fixfrutta
    Created by GSDHeritage
    Reli Fixfrutta

    V Reli Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (395878) German Shepherd Dog
    Rio Fixfrutta

    V Rio Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (390310) German Shepherd Dog
    Ris Fixfrutta

    SG4 (PH) Ris Fixfrutta

    Inserted:4.6 years ago
    Male (2937052) German Shepherd Dog
    Rok Fixfrutta

    SG Rok Fixfrutta

    Inserted:5.6 years ago
    Male (2828645) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA1 (KW), V22 BSZS 2016 Hugo vom Radhaus
    Mother: V Balu fixfrutta
    Created by GSD Ancestry
    Romina Fixfrutta

    SG Romina Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (416862) German Shepherd Dog
    Rosy Fixfrutta

    V Rosy Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (390313) German Shepherd Dog
    Roz fixfrutta

    Roz fixfrutta

    Inserted:6.2 years ago
    Female (2761570) German Shepherd Dog
    Scot Fixfrutta

    V Scot Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (390315) German Shepherd Dog
    Selvar Fixfrutta

    Selvar Fixfrutta

    Inserted:11.6 years ago
    Male (1895487) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Jasso Fixfrutta
    Mother: 2 X CAC Amsel Fixfrutta (2007)
    Created by Simke1
    Senka Fixfrutta

    Senka Fixfrutta

    Inserted:3.6 years ago
    Female (3035407) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Lav Fixfrutta
    Mother: SG, CAC Java Fixfrutta
    Created by Fantom76
    Smith Fixfrutta

    V Smith Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (390316) German Shepherd Dog
    Solo Fixfrutta

    5 Solo Fixfrutta

    Inserted:8.3 years ago
    Male (2497327) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Jasso Fixfrutta
    Mother: 2 X CAC Amsel Fixfrutta (2007)
    Created by Zorma
    Soni Fixfrutta

    Soni Fixfrutta

    Inserted:4.6 years ago
    Male (2934660) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Lav Fixfrutta
    Mother: SG, CAC Java Fixfrutta
    Created by DARAH BREN
    Tacco Fixfrutta

    VV Tacco Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (388471) German Shepherd Dog
    Tea fixfrutta

    Tea fixfrutta

    Inserted:11.6 years ago
    Female (1898184) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: 2X VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard
    Mother: SG Simba von Panoniansee
    Created by GSD Ancestry
    Teo Fixfrutta

    2xCAC,3xBOB,2xSG1 Teo Fixfrutta

    Inserted:4.8 years ago
    Male (2920791) German Shepherd Dog
    Till Fixfrutta

    V Till Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (388090) German Shepherd Dog
    Timo Fixfrutta

    V Timo Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (388089) German Shepherd Dog
    Tina Fixfrutta

    V Tina Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (388833) German Shepherd Dog
    Tisa Fixfrutta

    Tisa Fixfrutta

    Inserted:2.6 years ago
    Female (3125678) German Shepherd Dog
    Tosca Fixfrutta

    V(BSZS) Tosca Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (125745) German Shepherd Dog
    Toska Fixfrutta

    V Toska Fixfrutta

    Inserted:12.7 years ago
    Female (741806) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: 2X VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard
    Mother: SG Simba von Panoniansee
    Created by Fantom76
    Triksi Fixfrutta

    Triksi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:12.7 years ago
    Female (741808) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: 2X VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard
    Mother: SG Simba von Panoniansee
    Created by Fantom76
    Trixi Fixfrutta

    V Trixi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (388472) German Shepherd Dog
    Tyson Fixfrutta

    VA1(HR,SER,MK) V18 BSZS 2014 Tyson Fixfrutta

    Inserted:12.7 years ago
    Male (741807) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: 2X VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard
    Mother: SG Simba von Panoniansee
    Created by Fantom76
    Ulme Fixfrutta

    Ulme Fixfrutta

    Inserted:16.2 years ago
    Female (549191) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Rio Fixfrutta
    Mother: Palie Fixfrutta
    Created by nesmusic


    Inserted:8.5 years ago
    Female (2468336) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA4 VA1(A) Labo vom Schollweiher
    Mother: Yazz Fixfrutta
    Created by Von bushmasters
    Vanesa Fixfrutta

    2XSG-1 Vanesa Fixfrutta

    Inserted:14.9 years ago
    Female (616222) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Romeo von Simpor
    Mother: V Gusti von der Wagnerzunft
    Created by nesmusic
    Vanta von Fixfrutta

    Vanta von Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (443620) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Romeo von Simpor
    Mother: V Gusti von der Wagnerzunft
    Created by Oli
    Vektra Fixfrutta

    V Vektra Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.7 years ago
    Female (2272182) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA4 VA1(A) Labo vom Schollweiher
    Mother: Yazz Fixfrutta
    Created by stabbatkennel
    Verka Fixfrutta

    Verka Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.4 years ago
    Female (2145694) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA4 VA1(A) Labo vom Schollweiher
    Mother: Yazz Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Vero fixfrutta

    Vero fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.1 years ago
    Male (2392515) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA4 VA1(A) Labo vom Schollweiher
    Mother: Yazz Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Vilma Fixfrutta

    Vilma Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.4 years ago
    Female (2335083) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: VA4 VA1(A) Labo vom Schollweiher
    Mother: Yazz Fixfrutta
    Created by dolomiten200
    Viski von Fixfrutta

    V1 Viski von Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (445864) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Romeo von Simpor
    Mother: V Gusti von der Wagnerzunft
    Created by Oli
    Whisky Fixfrutta

    Whisky Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (444555) German Shepherd Dog
    Yacco Fixfrutta

    Yacco Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (434651) German Shepherd Dog
    Yagues Fixfrutta

    Yagues Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (434765) German Shepherd Dog
    Yazz Fixfrutta

    Yazz Fixfrutta

    Inserted:11.7 years ago
    Female (1873506) German Shepherd Dog
    Yeri Fixfrutta

    V Yeri Fixfrutta

    Inserted:11.7 years ago
    Female (1873495) German Shepherd Dog
    Yerom Fixfrutta

    Yerom Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.9 years ago
    Male (2048746) German Shepherd Dog
    Yesi Fixfrutta

    Yesi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.9 years ago
    Female (2052480) German Shepherd Dog
    Yessie Fixfrutta

    Yessie Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (433585) German Shepherd Dog
    Yimi Fixfrutta

    Yimi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:11.7 years ago
    Male (1873988) German Shepherd Dog
    Yoker Fixfrutta

    Yoker Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Male (433584) German Shepherd Dog
    Yoli Fixfrutta

    CH. Yoli Fixfrutta

    Inserted:10.1 years ago
    Female (2193562) German Shepherd Dog
    Yolline Fixfrutta

    Yolline Fixfrutta

    Inserted:24.6 years ago
    Female (433586) German Shepherd Dog
    Yolly Fixfrutta

    Yolly Fixfrutta

    Inserted:15.8 years ago
    Female (568748) German Shepherd Dog
    Yoyo Fixfrutta

    Yoyo Fixfrutta

    Inserted:13 years ago
    Female (726859) German Shepherd Dog
    Yozi Fixfrutta

    V Yozi Fixfrutta

    Inserted:11 years ago
    Female (2028499) German Shepherd Dog
    Zevs Fixfrutta

    SG 1 Zevs Fixfrutta

    Inserted:4 years ago
    Male (3003340) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V1, Ind Grand Ch. Ayax Fixfrutta
    Mother: Djurdja Fixfrutta
    Created by Milos Fixfrutta
    Zissie Fixfrutta

    Zissie Fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.6 years ago
    Female (2287780) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: V Timo Fixfrutta
    Mother: V Gusti von der Wagnerzunft
    Created by kica
    car fixfrutta

    car fixfrutta

    Inserted:12.3 years ago
    Male (1343676) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: Jasso Fixfrutta
    Mother: 3X SG1 Gilda Fixfrutta
    Created by acko
    jazz fixfrutta

    jazz fixfrutta

    Inserted:9.7 years ago
    Female (2272181) German Shepherd Dog
    Father: No information about the Sire
    Mother: No information about the Dam
    Created by zarek76


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