Bitework training with absolutely no corrections - Page 2

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by Gustav on 21 March 2013 - 17:03

Training methods should reflect the needs of the individual dog....though some people can train most any dog with a specific method, training is more often successful when the method marries the dog.

by kyto on 21 March 2013 - 19:03

trainning only positive for sport i can exept, for police work i don't because in real life situations the dog will get beaten in barfights/footballmatches/riots etc,etc
when the dog is only trainned positive he won't be able to handle that kind of stress/pressure he's exposed to at that time, maybe he will get true the first one but the second time he's in that situation???
if you train positive, even with e-collar to some level you never know if the dog is sensible towards his handler because you never put presure on him in trainningexercises,real life is even worse for the dog unexpected things can be around every corner !!! if he's sensible towards his handler you can be sure he will run and keep running if he gets hit by some strangers in a barfight/soccermatch etc
an k9officer needs to be able to depend on his partner not to desert him, i'm not saying they schould train like50years ago but only positive trainning as a k9 officer is putting your one life and the life of the dog on the line
trainning patroldogs means preparing them for streetwork, not every experience on the job will be a positive one, preparing them also means preparing them for those situations the experience of the dog will lead him true (if it's a good one and well trainned) but if he's trainner doesn't prepare him and doesn't give him a minimum of experience you alway's have the change that he will leave his handler and run for safety at the moment his handler needs him the most
train his exercises positive yes but that to me is not the same as getting him prepared for duty


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